La Lumiere Kanonhonmachi - Hiroshima

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La Lumiere Kanonhonmachi

住所 :

1 Chome-16-16 Kanonhonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Postal code : 733-0033

1 Chome-16-16 Kanonhonmachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0033, Japan
mama ken.masa. on Google

When I asked for toast morning, I was happy that the miso soup came with me. It was delicious and I was able to eat it slowly. The shop looks old, but the restroom is beautiful, it smells good, and I felt the thoughtfulness. There are also many menus.
BOSS BABY on Google

昔ながらのチョット広い喫茶店でモーニング美味しいです(^^) 友達とゆっくり話も出来るお店です。 こんな雰囲気のお店好きです。
The old-fashioned chot wide coffee shop is delicious in the morning (^^) It is a shop where you can talk slowly with your friends. I like shops with this kind of atmosphere.
古庄屋 on Google

ラ・ルミエール 観音本町店さん ランチで伺いました。色んならんちメニューがあります。ハンバーグカレーを戴きました。美味しかったです。
La Lumiere Kannon Honmachi store I visited for lunch. There are various lunch menus. I got a hamburger curry. It was delicious.
清水勲 on Google

モーニングに味噌汁とサラダがついて来ますが、出されたのはデザート用の小さいフォークのみ。 これでは食べれんだろうと箸を頼みましたが、最初から箸を出すべきだと思う。 ホットサンドセットを食べたが、焼き過ぎでカチコチ、客が少ない時間帯にも関わらず出て来るのも遅い。 今回はモーニングのみなので、 味に特筆することはないが、メニューも豊富なのでまたの機会に期待するって感じです。 店の雰囲気は昔ながらの喫茶店って感じでいいと思います。
Miso soup and salad come with the morning, but only a small fork for dessert was served. I asked for chopsticks because I thought I could eat it, but I think I should take out the chopsticks from the beginning. I ate a hot sandwich set, but it was overcooked and ticked, and it was late to come out even though there were few customers. This time it's only morning, so There is nothing special about the taste, but the menu is abundant, so I feel like I'm looking forward to another opportunity. I think the atmosphere of the store is like a traditional coffee shop.
96 Lily on Google

昔ながらの喫茶店といった店構えで、飲食メニューもですがランチメニューが日替わり以外にも複数種類あるのが嬉しいところ。土曜にも専用のランチメニューがあるので良いですね。 初回はちょうど昼飯時の時間帯で、チキンカツランチ(税込800円)を注文しましたが、カツも揚げたてで美味しかった。 近場でなくとも通う価値はありです。駐車場もあるので車でも大丈夫。
It's like an old-fashioned coffee shop, and although it has a food and drink menu, I'm happy that there are multiple types of lunch menus besides the daily menu. It's good because there is a dedicated lunch menu on Saturdays as well. The first time I ordered a chicken cutlet lunch (800 yen including tax) just at lunch time, but the cutlet was also freshly fried and delicious. It's worth going even if you're not nearby. There is also a parking lot so you can use a car.
Ryu Yamamoto on Google

Showa coffee shop, BGM was Hawaiian. The well-arranged weekly magazines at the entrance are read by quite a few people, I picked them up but gently returned them. There are many menus other than lunch. Giant fish fly! I didn't know what kind of fish it was, but it was huge and juicy enough to stick out of the plate. Rice is said to be a large serving of 100 yen. The customers were all old men. I visited again. The rice was not shiny but crunchy. When is the rice cooked? Is it a rice quality issue? It is one star less.
miz miz on Google

モーニングBセットを食べました。 トーストにサラダ、目玉焼きベーコン、フルーツ、みそ汁、コーヒーで、600円でした。安くて、美味しかったです。 他にもロールパンのセット、和風のセット、カレーモーニングとかもありました。
I ate Morning B set. It was 600 yen for toast, salad, fried egg bacon, fruit, miso soup, and coffee. It was cheap and delicious. There were also bread roll sets, Japanese style sets, and curry morning.
加賀水暁 on Google

とても懐かしい気持ちに浸れました。 子供の頃、両親に連れて行って貰っていた喫茶店やレストランの雰囲気そのまま。 私が食べたのは焼肉定食とビール。 美味しかったです。
I felt very nostalgic. The atmosphere of the coffee shop and restaurant that my parents took me to when I was a kid. I ate a yakiniku set meal and beer. It was delicious.

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