La Cour de Comma - Shinjuku City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La Cour de Comma

住所 :

神楽坂センタービル 1F 3-番地 Fukuromachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0828, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 162-0828
Webサイト :

神楽坂センタービル 1F 3-番地 Fukuromachi, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 162-0828, Japan
Odaka Makoto (小高 信) on Google

You should go when you can relax and enjoy your time. Not suitable for busy business lunches.
苺サンデー on Google

とても上品なお店で料理もはずれがなく、コスパ良いと思います。 普段のランチより、少し贅沢をしたいときなんかにちょうどいいです。
I think that the restaurant is very elegant and the food is good. It is just fine when you want to have a little extra luxury than a regular lunch.
Saiphyer SP on Google

普通にランチをするには非常に高いように思えます。わたしは取引先のお客さんとお昼の打ち合わせで使いますが、美味しくお客さんにも好評です。 何かの記念日とかに利用するのはアリだと思いますよ。
It seems very expensive to have lunch normally. I use it for lunch meetings with customers of business partners, and it is delicious and popular with customers. I think it's an ant to use for some kind of anniversary.
Kaori O on Google

Weekday lunch is 1800 yen plate lunch and 3500 yen and 5000 yen courses. We had a course of 3500 yen, but there were plenty of coffee, chocolate, assortment, soup, appetizer, main, dessert. Everything was delicious with a delicate seasoning using seasonal ingredients. You can have a relaxing lunch time!
Amefura Shi on Google

いつ行ってもパン惚れ込む。温かくて香ばしい。販売していないのが残念。この日のメインは猪肉をデミグラスソースでホロホロに煮込んだ一品。サラダがめったやたらと美味い。ドレッシングだろうか。前回の子羊の骨付きローストが最高だった。 ややこだわりが激しいが、外れ無し。夜は高いので、ランチがおすすめ。
I fall in love with bread whenever I go. Warm and fragrant. It's a pity that it's not sold. The main dish of the day was a dish of boar meat simmered with demiglace sauce. Salad is very tasty. Is it dressing? The last roasted lamb with lambs was the best. There is a certain amount of attention, but it does not come off. Lunch is recommended as it is expensive at night.
mahalo K.N on Google

The collaboration between Chef Fujitani and Vinolam wines is amazing. There is a curved line of Kagurazaka, located at the south exit of Osaki Station, on the left, down Gate City and a bit ahead of Meguro River. Why don't you enjoy the taste of Chef Fujitani, who is good at confining the taste of the ingredients?
eko 222 on Google

ランチは2種類 お手軽なのはワンプレートランチでこちらにはパン(おかわり自由)とスープが付きます。 ショートコースはパン、スープ、前菜(この日はウサギのパテでした)メインになります。 食後のカフェが別料金なのが気になりますが…お味は悪くありません。 お料理もとても丁寧に作られた感じです。 店内の内装が落ち着いた感じに変わっていました。
Two types of lunch The simplest thing is a one-plate lunch with bread (free replacement) and soup. The short course will be bread, soup and appetizers (this was rabbit pate this day). I'm worried that the cafe after meals is charged separately ... but the taste is not bad. The dishes are also very carefully made. The interior of the store had changed to a calm feeling.
Norimasa KOBAYASHI on Google

Nice reasonable French restaurant. The cooking and the management seem highly efficient, which results in a highly competitive price setting for the cuisine of this level.

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