3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Dai 18 Chiwari-25-3 Sakikuwagasaki, Miyako, Iwate 027-0096, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 027-0096
Webサイト :
Description : Laid-back rooms in a tranquil, coastal getaway with a casual restaurant & communal bathhouse.

Dai 18 Chiwari-25-3 Sakikuwagasaki, Miyako, Iwate 027-0096, Japan
田中悦子 on Google

初めて訪れました。建物は新しくは有りませんが身体がじんわり暖まる大浴場、お料理は海鮮が豊富で美味しかったです。 一階のレストラン?からは、海が見えます。 職員の方は皆さん感じ良かったです。
I visited for the first time. The building is not new, but the large communal bath that warms the body slowly, and the food was rich in seafood and delicious. The restaurant ? on the first floor overlooks the sea. The staff were all very nice.
極楽 on Google

ラジウム鉱泉のお風呂は 芯まで暖まる感じがあります。 部屋は広めで、トイレ広々でした 暖房機の温度下げても利かない為 暑くなったら、電源オフしての 対応が必要でした…。
The bath of the radium mineral spring There is a feeling of warming up to the core. The room was large and the toilet was spacious Because it doesn't work even if the temperature of the heater is lowered When it gets hot, turn off the power I needed to take action ...
kobayashi junko on Google

太平洋が見える素敵なお宿です。壁紙、床などリニューアルして有り、スタッフさんの対応も良かったデス。 長期滞在したい宿でした。 料理も鮮度良く種類も豊富で美味しく頂きました。ありがとうございました。
A nice inn with a view of the Pacific Ocean. The wallpaper, floor, etc. have been renewed, and the staff's response was also good. It was an inn that I wanted to stay for a long time. The food was fresh and the variety was great. Thank you very much.
rio on Google

朝食バイキングに瓶ドンがあり、めっちゃテンションあがりました! そうそう、夕食バイキングには氷頭が、私的にはそれだけでかなりポイント高いです。 団体客がチェックアウトの際、スタッフの方がバスに向かって大漁旗を振ってお見送りしてたのが、窓から見えました。良い光景だなーと思いました。
There was a bottle don in the breakfast buffet, and I was really excited! Oh yeah, the ice head for the dinner buffet is quite high for me. When the group guests checked out, I could see from the window that the staff was waving a big catch flag toward the bus and seeing off. I thought it was a good sight.
砂子龍斗 on Google

Monika Bednarczyk on Google

Good hotel, nice service, the meals are in a buffet form, good food.
Charlie Ready on Google

Nice rustic surroundings. Friendly staff. Nice well marked hiking trails around the hotel.
Szymon Maciej Fujak on Google

Smelly rooms. Rather overpriced. All the surroundings definitelly are "have beens" not "are". A bit dissapointed. But rather nice food.

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