Kyowa Medical Clinic - Koto City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyowa Medical Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-15-40 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 136-0073
Webサイト :

2 Chome-15-40 Kitasuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0073, Japan
平河内敏勝 on Google

11月14日、血圧の薬を貰いに病院へ行きました。 何時もの通りかなりの混雑でした。 12:00の予約をしてあり、実際に診察してもらえた時間は12:20でした。 やっぱり予約をしてあった分それなりに早い診察でした。 よく長い時間待たされた、との口コミを見ますが特に竹川先生は丁寧な診察をしてくれる分多少待たされることは仕方の無いこと、と思う次第です。 皆さん、診察で行くときは予約をした方が良さそうです。
On November 14th, I went to the hospital to get medicine for blood pressure. As always, it was quite crowded. I made a reservation at 12:00, and the time when I was actually examined was 12:20. After all, it was a fairly early examination because I had made an appointment. I often see word of mouth that I have been waiting for a long time, but I think that it is unavoidable to wait for a while because Dr. Takekawa gives a careful examination. Everyone, it seems better to make an appointment when going for a medical examination.
yuko on Google

小児科を受診しました。確かにきれいな病院ですが、オムツを替えるスペースがありません。男女兼用の御手洗いにはチャイルドチェアのみあります。 連休明けの午前に行ったからか大変混雑していました。待合室にはソファーが並び、足腰の悪い年配の方も多いので、ベビーカーは迷惑になりそうです。本当に患者が多く、コートや抱っこひもを置くスペースはありません。最小限の荷物で受診されることをおすすめします。 肝心の診察ですが、先生の説明が分かりやすく丁寧で、これから何をすれば良いか明確に教えていただき安心しました。ただ、看護婦さんは来てくれず、聴診の際に赤ちゃんの服を脱ぎ着させるのが大変でした。 追記:水曜日の女性の先生は素人からみても勉強を怠っていると感じました。今後は電話で医師を確認してから受診しようと思います。
I went to the pediatrics department. It's a beautiful hospital, but there is no space to change diapers. There is only a child chair in the unisex restroom. It was very crowded probably because I went there in the morning after the Golden Week holidays. Sofas are lined up in the waiting room, and many elderly people have trouble with their legs, so strollers are likely to be annoying. There are so many patients that there is no space to put a coat or a thong. We recommend that you have a medical examination with a minimum of luggage. Although it is an important examination, I was relieved that the teacher's explanation was easy to understand and polite, and that I was able to clearly tell me what to do from now on. However, the nurse did not come and it was difficult to put on and take off the baby's clothes at the time of auscultation. Postscript: The female teacher on Wednesday felt that she was neglecting to study even from an amateur's point of view. In the future, I will check the doctor over the phone before going to see a doctor.
mm km on Google

会社の健康診断で毎年お世話になっていますが、要精密検査となることが多く、営利目的で引っ掛けているのでは?と疑ってしまいそうです。 今年は悪玉コレステロール値が基準値より低く、恒例の再検査となりました。時間もお金も掛かって悲しいです。 他の病院で相談したところ、普通はこの程度で引っ掛けないし、悪玉コレステロール値が低すぎても問題ないと…。先生によるのでしょうか。ちなみに担当医師は西村先生です。 今年から再検査となった記録として書いていこうと思います。 そういえば、異状なしだった試しがありません…30代前半です。 来年は、こちらに文句を書きに来ることにならないといいなぁ。
I have been taking care of me every year for my company's health checkup, but it often requires a detailed examination, so I wonder if it's for business purposes. I'm likely to doubt. This year's bad cholesterol level was lower than the standard level, so it was a regular retest. It's sad because it takes time and money. When I consulted at another hospital, it usually doesn't get caught at this level, and there is no problem if the bad cholesterol level is too low. Is it due to the teacher? By the way, the doctor in charge is Dr. Nishimura. I will write it as a record that was re-examined from this year. Speaking of which, I've never had a trial that wasn't out of order ... in my early 30s. I hope I won't come here to complain next year.
大城明日香 on Google

私はずっとこちらの病院にお世話になっています。歯医者以外は全てお世話になっています。喘息が持病の為、大きな発作だと近所の為か東京ERへ搬送、小さな発作なら自分との戦い、中くらいの発作なら人様の支払っている税金を使うのも申し訳なく思いなんとか協和メディカルクリニック迄、自力で歩いてきます。そうするといつも看護師さん、事務員さんがすぐに気づいてくださって駆けつけて吸入器も担いで私も担いで助けてくれます。 でも発作がおきるのは大抵、自分で日々の吸入器を吸入しなければいけない薬を数日忘れてしまっている時。また人様に迷惑をかけてしまったと、病院の吸入をしながらいつも落ち込む、、 私は自分の思っていることを言葉にすることがとても苦手ですが、細野院長はいつも人の心が読めるようです。 落ち込んでいたその時、『あのね、たとえば風邪をひいてる人に風邪薬を渡せば皆飲むけど、風邪をひいてない人にこれを飲めば風邪をひかないから毎日飲んでね』って渡したらいつか忘れるの。それと同じでしょ。そんなことで自分を責めない!アレルギー検査やってるけど、最大のアレルゲンはストレスなんだからね。気にしちゃダメよ。 その他にも、いつも察して何も言ってないうちに、言葉をくれます。なんならエスパーなんだろうか、、、。 細野先生はきっと覚えてないと思います。きっとふつーにおっしゃった言葉でしょうから。 でもそういう先生が院長だから看護師さんも事務員さんも人間ドックの皆さんも、人の気持ちに寄り添って話しをしてくれるんだなと思います。つい先日も、体質によりバリュームが飲めない為、胃カメラの選択肢しかなかったのてすが、小中学生以来の胃カメラでしたので怖がっていたところ看護師さんがずっーと、背中さすって手を握ってくれて先生も話しかけてくれていました。 悪い書き込みも見受けられますね、それは人それぞれですが、私にとっては行くだけで元気がもらえる病院です。
I have been indebted to this hospital for a long time. Everything except the dentist is taken care of. Asthma is a chronic illness, so if it is a big seizure it is transported to the Tokyo ER because of a neighborhood, if it is a small seizure fight with yourself, if it is a middle seizure I'm sorry to use the tax paid by people Somehow even Kyowa Medical Clinic , I will walk by myself. Then, the nurse and the clerk immediately noticed and rushed to him, and he also carried the inhaler and helped me. But a seizure usually occurs when I've forgotten a few days of the medication I had to inhale with my daily inhaler. In addition, when I inconvenience people, I am constantly depressed while inhaling at the hospital, I'm not very good at expressing what I'm thinking, but Director Hosono seems to be able to read people's hearts. When I was depressed, I said, "Well, for example, if you give a cold medicine to someone who has a cold, they will drink it, but if you don't have a cold, do not drink it every day." Forget it. Same as that, right? Don't blame yourself for that! I'm doing an allergy test, but the biggest allergen is stress. Don't worry about it. Besides, he always gives me a word before he thinks and says anything. What is Esper... I think Mr. Hosono will probably not remember. I'm sure it's a word that you usually say. However, since such a teacher is the director, I think that nurses, clerks, and people at Ningen Dock will talk closely with people's feelings. Just the other day, I could not drink the valuem due to my constitution, so I had no choice but to use a gastroscope, but since it was a gastrocamera since elementary and junior high school students, I was scared when the nurse rubs his back and hands He held me and the teacher talked to me. You can see bad writing, but it's different for each person, but for me, it is a hospital that gives me energy just by going.
越野満砂子 on Google

I was taken care of for the first time at the human dock. We received a polite and kind response from guidance to inspection. I had the gastrocamera cover the entire face, put on a mask with an open mouth, and faced it while the prevention of corona infection was properly done. He also took a closer look at the medical examination and asked me to discuss any concerns. Nowadays, there are many belt conveyor type examinations, and I was very satisfied with the warm human dock.
藤本茂優秀 on Google

コロナワクチンが簡単に予約出来ました。 協和メディカルで予約をして頂き、コロナワクチン2回目終えて2週間。 スムーズにワクチン終了が出来ました。 インフルエンザワクチンの注射をしてきました。近くの内科で予約が取れず、こちらで、電話ですが予約を取って下さいました。 この時期ありがたいです。 先生はじめ看護師さん受付の方も親切で、患者の話に耳を傾けて下さいます。 コロナ禍で患者の多いのも納得。 竹川先生は泌尿器、内科ですが何でも患者の話を良く聞いてくれる分、待ち時間も多少長くなるのは仕方がないことと理解してます。
I was able to easily reserve the corona vaccine. It's been two weeks since I made a reservation at Kyowa Medical and finished the second corona vaccine. I was able to finish the vaccine smoothly. I have been injected with the flu vaccine. I couldn't make a reservation at a nearby internal medicine department, so I made a reservation by phone here. Thank you for this time. The teachers and nurses are kind and will listen to the patients. I am convinced that there are many patients due to the corona illness. Dr. Takekawa is in the department of urology and internal medicine, but I understand that it is unavoidable that the waiting time will be a little longer because he listens to the patient's story.
Y Y on Google

人間ドックで利用しました。 医師の方、看護師の方、気さくな人が多いです。受付は一見冷たい印象ですが、サバサバとしていて話やすかったです。 病院が苦手なので、緊張している中、雰囲気がよくゆったりとした気持ちで受診できました。 胃カメラをいくつかの病院で何度か受けましたが、この病院が自分には合います。胃カメラやっている間に背中を看護師さんがさすってくれ、これが結構、安心します。医師の方も一番つらいとこは今だけ、とか診察の状況を言ってくれるので、そこも良いと思いました。 コロナ対策で胃カメラする際にビニール袋をすっぽりかぶり、紙マスクしたままツバをはくのは大変でしたが、きちんと対策されているのがわかり、安心でした。
I used it at the human dock. There are many doctors, nurses, and friendly people. At first glance, the reception was cold, but it was easy to talk to. I'm not good at hospitals, so while I was nervous, I was able to see the doctor with a good atmosphere and a relaxed feeling. I've had gastrocameras at several hospitals several times and this one suits me. The nurse rubs my back while I'm doing the gastrocamera, which is quite reassuring. The doctor also tells me the situation of the medical examination, such as the hardest cousin only now, so I thought that was also good. It was difficult to cover the plastic bag completely and wear the brim with the paper mask when taking a gastrocamera as a measure against corona, but I was relieved to find that the measures were taken properly.
tian yiwan on Google

医師と看護師さんの対応は良いですが、受付の対応が悪いです。かなり冷たい態度で、基本的な「お大事に」等の挨拶言葉も言いません。 またせっかく予約制なのにかなり待たされます。予約の意味がありません。
The correspondence between doctors and nurses is good, but the correspondence at the reception is bad. He has a rather cold attitude and does not say basic greetings such as "Take care". Even though it is a reservation system, I have to wait a long time. There is no point in making a reservation.

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