Kyoseiin - Chita District

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyoseiin

住所 :

Maekawa-95番地の4 Noma, Mihama, Chita District, Aichi 470-3235, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89878
Postal code : 470-3235
Webサイト :

Maekawa-95番地の4 Noma, Mihama, Chita District, Aichi 470-3235, Japan
佐野文彦 on Google

千あかり on Google

まいめろでー on Google

The resident clerk was very nice, and I was able to see the lights not only in the red stamp but also in the hall, while I was busy preparing for the memorial service. I'm sorry somehow. ..
水月絃葉 on Google

本尊は延命地蔵菩薩、脇侍に弘法大師と不動明王を祀る、知多半島唯一の高野山真言宗の末寺。まだ寺自体の歴史は浅く建物全体が新しい。だが、(美術的価値からも)仏像は素晴らしい。ご本尊は端正なお顔で現代に通じ、400年の時を感じさせない。小ぶりだが、とても美しい。本堂奥に祀られている六百体の仏像の大半は大黒天であり、中でも二尊の大黒天が秘仏となっている。憤怒相とのことだが、かわいらしいお姿をされている。この秘仏は12月にご開帳される。中でも大変珍しいのが神将三面大黒天であり、速やかに心願成就の御利益を授かることができるそうだ。護摩祈祷にて、ご住職が大きな経本で 、肩・背中・腰を叩いて加持をなさって下さる。毎月 7日: 大黒天招福護摩祈祷、毎月24日: 地蔵菩薩縁日  駐車場は狭い。寺を挟んで道の向こうにある。知多半島道路を使って、日本福祉大学や野間大坊を目印にすると迷わずにすむ。
Honson is the last temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect, the only temple on the Chita Peninsula that enshrines Kobo Daishi and Fudo Myo in Enmei Jizo Bosatsu and Waki ​​Samurai. The temple itself has a short history and the entire building is new. However, the Buddhist statue is wonderful (due to its artistic value). Gonson has a neat face and is familiar with the present age, and does not feel the time of 400 years. It's small, but very beautiful. Most of the six hundred statues of Buddha enshrined in the back of the main temple are Daikokuten, and the two statues of Daikokuten are the secret Buddha. He is in a wrath, but he looks pretty. This secret Buddha will open in December. Among them, the one that is extremely rare is the Shinshoku Sanmen Daikokuten, and it seems that you can quickly receive the benefits of fulfilling your wishes. At the Goma prayer, the chief priest is a big sutra, and he strikes the shoulder, back, and waist to support him. 7th of every month: Daikokuten Shoufu Goma Prayer, 24th of every month: Jizo Bodhisattva Marathon Parking lot is small. It is across the road across the temple. If you use the Chita Peninsula Road and look for Nihon Fukushi University or Noma Daibo, you can avoid getting lost.
shintaro nokura on Google

野間大坊近くの高野山真言宗寺院です。 毎月7日は三面大黒天 護摩祈祷・法話 毎月24日は御本尊の地蔵菩薩 加持祈祷・法話 本堂には非常に多くの大黒様がいらっしゃいます。
Koyasan Shingon Buddhist temple near Noma Daibo. On the 7th day of every month, the three-sided Daikokuten Goma prayer and tales On the 24th day of every month, Jizo Bodhisattva of the main shrine There are so many Mr. Daikoku in the main hall.
森雅彦(マサちゃん) on Google

近くを通かがり立ち寄りました 高野山真言宗の立派なお寺で たくさんの大黒様が お祀りしてありました 毎月7日には おたきあげも有るとのことで機会が 有れば是非立ち寄りたいと思いました
There was a lot of Daikoku talking at the magnificent temple of Koyasan Shingon Buddhism, and there was a lot of gifts on the 7th of every month.
七未一未 on Google

あまり広くはない様ですがきちんとお手入れされた綺麗なお寺です。 よかったら本堂を開けましょうか、と声を掛けて頂きました。 時間がなかったので遠慮しましたが心遣いがとても嬉しかったです。
It doesn't seem to be very large, but it is a beautiful temple that has been properly maintained. I was asked if I would like to open the main hall. I didn't have time, so I declined, but I was very happy with the consideration.
ともチャンネル on Google

The parking lot is in front of the temple, along the road. You can write a red stamp on the main hall of the temple. You can buy red stamps and amulets in another building.

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