Kyōritsu General Hospital - Nagoya

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kyōritsu General Hospital

住所 :

4-番33号 Gobancho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-8611, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 456-8611
Webサイト :

4-番33号 Gobancho, Atsuta Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 456-8611, Japan
塚本光美 on Google

絶対にお勧めしない病院です。 2018年11月、体調の変化を自身で感じた母はこの病院で内視鏡検査を受けましたが腸潰瘍と診断されてせっせと薬を飲んでいました。それでも改善しないので高畑診療所に何度も相談しましたが全然相手にされなかったそうです。 2019年の9月にとうとう体調が悪化し再度同病院で検査を受けたところこの時直腸ガンと診断され既に肺に転移もしていてステージⅣと言われました。 とりあえず手術を、ということで1ヶ月近くも絶食した上で手術を受けましたがこの時点でガンがリンパにも広く浸潤していてどうにもならなかった、と術後医師に言われました。 そのときの医師は最初の検査をした本人だったと思われます。 こうなるまでには2年はあったと思う、だから検査は大事なんです、といけしゃあしゃあと説明されました。 1年近くも前に検査をしていたのにどういうこと?という感じで唖然としましたがその反応を感じ取ったかどうなのか話の途中でその医師は最初の検査を思い出したようで 『そういえば去年検査してたんだよね、まあこういう状態だから急に進行したかも知れんですわ』と話をコロッと変えてごまかされました。 私のかかりつけの医師にも聞きましたがもし1年足らずでそんなに進行したとしたらかなり稀なケースだと言われました。 結局高齢だったため抗がん剤治療は勧められず手術から8ヶ月で母は亡くなりました。 明らかに体調にその兆候を感じて検査を受けたにもかかわらず痔じゃないかとか言われてガンをきちんと見つけてもらえずこういうことになってしまった病院には多大な不信感を抱いています。 最初の検査できちんとガンを発見されていれば結果はもっと違ったものになったはずだと思うと無念でなりません。 医師の方には患者の人生を左右する可能性をきちんと認識して誤診のないような体制で重大な責任を感じながら診断を慎重にしていただきたいです。 自分が見落とした結果このようになったのをごまかそうとするような医師の勤務している病院は絶対に奨めません。 この病院での検査結果や治療を鵜呑みにしないよう強く提言します。 母の入院後他病院でセカンドオピニオンを求める手続きの際、最初の検査の診断書や内視鏡のデータを請求しましたがその内容に写真が5枚と記されていました。 あまりにも少ないのではないでしょうか。 これは明らかに都合の悪い写真を抜き取られていると感じ益々不審な病院だと確信しました。
This hospital is definitely not recommended. In November 2018, my mother, who felt a change in her physical condition, underwent endoscopy at this hospital, but was diagnosed with intestinal ulcer and was taking medicine. Even so, it didn't improve, so I consulted with Takahata Clinic many times, but he said he wasn't dealt with at all. In September 2019, my physical condition finally deteriorated and I was examined again at the same hospital. At that time, I was diagnosed with rectal cancer and had already metastasized to the lungs and was said to be stage IV. For the time being, I had an operation after fasting for almost a month, but at this point the cancer had spread widely to the lymph and I was told by the postoperative doctor that nothing could be done. It seems that the doctor at that time was the person who did the first examination. I think it took two years before this happened, so the inspection is important, he explained. What do you mean when you were inspected almost a year ago? I was stunned, but the doctor seemed to remember the first test in the middle of talking about whether he felt the reaction. "By the way, I was inspecting last year, so it may have progressed suddenly because of this condition," he changed the story and cheated. I asked my doctor and he said it would be a very rare case if it progressed so much in less than a year. After all, because I was old, anticancer drug treatment was not recommended and my mother died eight months after the operation. I have a great deal of distrust in the hospital where I was told that I had hemorrhoids even though I had an examination because I felt the signs of my physical condition and I couldn't find the cancer properly. .. It's regrettable to think that the results would have been different if the cancer had been properly detected on the first test. I would like doctors to be aware of the potential effects on the patient's life and to be careful in diagnosing while feeling a serious responsibility in a system that does not cause misdiagnosis. I would definitely not recommend a hospital where a doctor works that tries to disguise this as a result of what I overlooked. We strongly recommend that you do not take the test results and treatment at this hospital. When I was in the process of requesting a second opinion at another hospital after my mother was hospitalized, I requested a medical certificate for the first examination and endoscopic data, but the contents stated that there were five photographs. Isn't it too few? I felt that this was clearly an inconvenient photo taken and I was convinced that it was an increasingly suspicious hospital.
ワンダワンダ on Google

I used the emergency outpatient department, but the receptionist was very poorly responsive and seemed to be troublesome. I was anxious about the medical examination, so I wondered how such a response would be, and the doctor made a great deal of improvement.
makun furuichi (makun furuichi) on Google

Otorhinolaryngology! Both the teacher and the nurse are kind ☺ I have been suffering from a runny nose for many years, but it has healed. I wish I had done this sooner ?
あっきゅん on Google

この病院に知り合いが去年から通院していて、付き添いしてるけど、医者と看護婦さんの態度が悪い! 病棟の看護婦さんにナースステーションで話しかけて、目が合っても無視して他の看護婦同士無駄話してる。外来の看護婦は椅子に座りながらボッーとパソコン見ながら今、忙しいだけど、状況みてわからんの?頭大丈夫?って言われる。こっちは用事があって話しかけてるけど。 あの酷くないですか?普通に付き添いよく言えるわー。医者も患者がいないと陰口言われる。(あの家族は子供も子供なら親も親だな)って陰口聞こえた。 1度、教育した方がいいかも。患者の文句言う病院は。 この病院に自分なら通院できません。さすがに怖い病院ですね?
An acquaintance has been to this hospital since last year and I have been attending, but the attitude of doctors and nurses is bad! I talk to the nurses in the ward at the nurse station, ignore them even if they meet, and talk to other nurses in vain. The outpatient nurse is busy sitting in a chair and looking at the computer, but do you know the situation? Are you okay with your head? Is said. I'm talking to you because I have something to do. Isn't that terrible? I can say it normally with you. Doctors are also told that there are no patients. (That family is a child and a parent if it is a child). It may be better to educate once. The hospital that the patient complains about. I cannot go to this hospital by myself. It's a scary hospital ?
Y y on Google

The orthopedic surgeon on duty was scared ... I was in pain as if I was calling an ambulance (it was an anterior cruciate ligament injury), but when I looked at the time of the injury with my face (because I was a sports partner), I could not understand it. It's an unpleasant way of saying it. The procedure was accurate, but my heart broke ...
sato on Google

文書料が4000円以上もかかります。 他の病院に出す紹介状や役所に出す書類などを書いてもらう費用が異常に高いです。 調べてみたら他の周辺病院はサイトには文書料が記載されてあり、2000円程度でしたが、ここの病院はサイトには記載されていません。 しかも高いのに文書の内容は全く確認せず、こちらが保存していて提出した領収書を単純にそのまま全て記載。役所に出しても結局対象外の治療で一つも使えませんでした。
The document fee is 4000 yen or more. The cost of getting a letter of introduction to another hospital or a document to be sent to a government office is unusually high. When I looked it up, the document fee was listed on the site for other nearby hospitals, and it was about 2000 yen, but the hospital here is not listed on the site. Moreover, although it is expensive, I did not check the contents of the document at all, and simply described all the receipts that I had saved and submitted. Even if I sent it to the government office, I couldn't use any of the treatments that were not covered.
らにょらにょ on Google

引っ越しの為、住所変更にて気管支喘息の検査(毎年病状が悪化などしてないかを受けている)をこちらの病院で受診可能か。を内科の看護師さんに電話で取り次いでいただきました。 が、「今まで受診されてた病院は?」と強い口調で言われ、引っ越しの旨を説明しても、いきなりは受診出来ない。予約がいる。とこちらが「では受診は可能なんですね。と伺うと「今の所気管支喘息の疾患がある患者さんのみの検査で、新規では難しいですね」と言われました。 「新規では検査は出来ず、引っ越しされた方とかの受診は不可なのですか?」と再度確認したら「事例がないのでわかりませんね!」と最悪の酷い対応をされました… こちらが丁寧に伺っても冷たい対応で心が折れました。 電話対応される事務の方は丁寧でしたが、看護師の方は酷くお忙しいのもわかりますが、もう少し丁寧な優しい対応をお願いしたいです。 すみませんが、私も医療関係者なので残念すぎてこの病院はおすすめできないな。と感じました。
Is it possible to have a bronchial asthma test (every year I receive a test to see if my condition has worsened) at this hospital because I am moving? Was taken over by a nurse in internal medicine over the phone. However, he was told in a strong tone, "Which hospital did you visit so far?", And even if you explained that you were moving, you couldn't go to the hospital suddenly. I have a reservation. He said, "Then it is possible to have a medical examination." He said, "Currently, it is only a test for patients with bronchial asthma, and it is difficult for new patients." When I reconfirmed, "Isn't it possible to have a new examination and see someone who has moved?", He said, "I don't know because there are no cases!" Even if I asked him carefully, my heart was broken because of the cold response. The office staff who responded to the phone was polite, but I understand that the nurses are extremely busy, but I would like to ask for a more polite and gentle response. I'm sorry, but I'm also a medical person, so I'm too sorry to recommend this hospital. I felt that.
Shey Itiki on Google

( I could say that they improve some after I wrote this review, one more ⭐ ) 1 ⭐ We need to wait too long... Today I went there at 10 am and I just left now at 1:40 pm without any medical examination, I felt at the stairs and I have bad bruises on my body and pain, it's not the first time I went there and leave with no examination. Only pediatrics and othorrinolaringologist are good in this hospital. When I left the hospital parking lot I saw the doctor outside smoking, I know that is probably very stressful job, but he knows that before choosing this profession. I wouldn't say that could be discrimination, because there was some old people complaining a lot and loudly about the long waiting, but I saw many people getting there way after me and when I was leaving was only some few people waiting and still they said that there was 7 people in my front, I don't know what to think. Just that they lack professionalism maybe.

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