学習塾ペガサス 世田谷経堂教室

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Contact 学習塾ペガサス 世田谷経堂教室

住所 :

Kyodo, Setagaya City, 〒156-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://pegasuskyodo.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kyodo, Setagaya City, 〒156-0052 Tokyo,Japan
香川太郎 on Google

M RED on Google

たまたま塾オーナーと話したことがあり、その時の話で凄く良いなと思ったことをシェアしますね。 未来の子供達の夢や考え方、自立心を尊重する方向性で塾を運営する、小学生、中学生が夢のためにマイルストーンきって今何するべきか考えてる事に感動しました。そして、好奇心旺盛な子供達だと夢が変わること多いと思うのですが、夢が変わったらすぐ相談してねという文化って私が子供の頃には無かったなと。 地元とにこういう場所が欲しかった。 夢のある塾だなーと思い、ほっこりしました(・∀・)
I happened to talk to the cram school owner, and I would like to share what I thought was really good at that time. I was impressed by the fact that elementary and junior high school students, who run the cram school in a direction that respects the dreams, ways of thinking, and independence of future children, are thinking about what to do now with milestones for their dreams. And I think that dreams often change for curious children, but when I was a kid I didn't have a culture of consulting as soon as my dreams changed. I wanted a place like this with my hometown. I thought it was a cram school with a dream, so I felt relaxed (・ ∀ ・)
shoko on Google

数多くある学習塾とは一線を画し、子供に寄り添いやる気を伸ばす事を何より大切にするコンセプトが明確な学習塾です。 何より我が子が「塾が楽しい」と私のママ友に伝えるくらいですから、自分で考えながら学ぶことがどれだけ大切かを、私自身が教えられた気がします。 在籍生徒は塾長の香月先生との信頼関係が強く、小学校低学年から高校になっても顔を出すお子様もおり、またその様子を話す我が子も楽しげです。 ひとりっ子家庭には他学年の、特に上級生の勉強の様子を知る事は貴重で、来春から中学生になる前に、中間テスト、期末テストなるもののイメージが自然と感じられている事にも感謝しております。 また、月内に開催するイベントは、多種多様。ゲストをお招きしたり、オンラインだったりゲーム性のある歴史学習だったり、いつも内容が興味深く、学校がお休みの日に楽しそうに出かけて行きます。 かゆいところに手が届くカリキュラムの中で本当に有り難かったのは冬季講習内に開催する書初め練習日。 毎年、冬休み最終日まで片付かない書初めの宿題がその日に楽しく終わらせる事が出来ました。 講義系の学習塾、マンツーマン方式、公文式、様々な学習塾の形態はありますが、ペガサスでの我が子は、宿題が多い日は宿題をする、テスト目前の日はテスト勉強をする、苦手な算数のテスト対策に少し前から特別にプリントを用意してもらう等、柔軟な対応により、自分で何をするか計画するようになりました。 そして何より有難いのは費用が安いこと。 香月先生は例えば難しい計算問題に戸惑った時、解答を見ずに、まずはご自身で解くタイプの先生。 とてもリアルな教え方とでも言いますか、解答を導くまでの過程を子供が納得する教え方をなさる先生です。漢字テストを一緒に挑戦し、点数を競い合えるような、子供の視線に下りる事の大切さをご存知なので、子供は質問する事に恥ずかしさがなくなり、時に友達のような感覚で向き合います。 学習習慣が身に付かずお困りの方や、塾が嫌いで行きたがらないなど、お子様のやる気を引き出す事に苦労していらっしゃるならば、私はどこよりも、ペガサスをおすすめします。 ずっと同じ方針で続けて頂きたいと願っています。
It is a school with a clear concept that is different from many school schools and that the most important thing is to develop motivation to be close to children. Above all, my child tells my mom friend that "cram school is fun", so I feel like I was taught how important it is to learn while thinking for myself. The enrolled students have a strong relationship of trust with Mr. Kazuki, the head of the school, and some children appear even when they are in the lower grades of elementary school to high school, and my child who talks about the situation is also happy. It is valuable for only child families to know how they are studying in other grades, especially senior students, and I am grateful that the image of mid-term and final exams is felt naturally before becoming a junior high school student from next spring. We are here. In addition, there are a wide variety of events to be held within the month. Whether it's inviting guests, online or playing game-like history, the content is always interesting and the school goes out happily on holidays. Among the curriculums that can reach the itchy place, I was really thankful for the Kakizome practice day held during the winter training. Every year, I was able to finish my homework at the beginning of the book, which was not done until the last day of winter vacation, happily on that day. There are various types of cram schools such as lecture-based cram schools, one-on-one methods, official writing styles, and various types of cram schools, but my child at Pegasus is not good at doing homework on days when he has a lot of homework and studying for tests on the day before the test. With flexible support, such as having a special print prepared for a short time to prepare for a simple arithmetic test, I have come to plan what to do by myself. And most of all, the cost is low. For example, when Kazuki-sensei is confused by a difficult computational problem, he is the type of teacher who solves it by himself without looking at the answer. It's a very realistic teaching method, but it's a teacher who teaches children to understand the process leading up to the answer. Knowing the importance of getting down to the child's line of sight so that they can challenge the kanji test together and compete for points, the child will not be embarrassed to ask questions and will sometimes face them like friends. If you're having trouble getting into learning habits, or if you're having a hard time motivating your child, such as hate cram school and don't want to go, I recommend Pegasus above all else. I hope that you will continue to follow the same policy.

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