
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 河村歯科クリニック

住所 :

Kyobashicho, Minami Ward, 〒732-0828 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.kawamurasika.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Kyobashicho, Minami Ward, 〒732-0828 Hiroshima,Japan
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親知らずの抜歯でお世話になりました。 痛みがあり他院に相談していましたが、難しい場所にあるので対応できないと言われ困っていたところでした。 こちらでは初診で抜歯までしてもらえました。 そこまで時間もかからず予後も良好なので、親知らずの相談はお勧めします。
Thank you for your wisdom tooth extraction. I had a pain and consulted with another hospital, but I was in trouble because I was told that I could not handle it because it was in a difficult place. At the first visit, I even had my teeth extracted. Wisdom tooth consultation is recommended as it does not take much time and the prognosis is good.
m “紅葉” fujiwara on Google

26日に親知らずの抜糸でお世話になりました。 他院では難しい、全身麻酔で顎の骨も削るかもしれない、万が一神経が傷付くと味覚等にも影響が出ると言われて…親知らず一本抜くのにそこまでのリスクを負う⁈ これはセカンドオピニオンが必要だと判断して自分で親知らず抜糸の名医を探しここの先生に辿り着きました。 初日は診断のみですがレントゲン撮影後、こんなのあっという間に抜けますよ〜って。 抜糸当日、麻酔の注射もほんのチクっとしただけで痛みもなく、本当にあっという間に抜かれました。 抜糸後の腫れも大したことなくて周りからも気付かれないほど。出血も1日で落ち着いて今は痛みを感じたら鎮痛剤を飲んで過ごしています。 他院の言われるがままにしていなくて本当に良かったと、河村先生に出会えて本当に良かったと心から思います。 先生以外の方々もとても感じが良くて気持ち良く通えました。 次、もしまた親知らず抜糸が必要になったら迷わず河村先生にお願いします! 自宅が近くだったら普段のメンテナンスでも通いたいくらいです。
I was taken care of by a wisdom tooth removal on the 26th. Difficulties in other hospitals, jaw bones may be scraped by general anesthesia, it is said that if the nerves are damaged, the taste etc. will be affected ... Even if you do not know one wisdom tooth, you take the risk so much. She decided that she needed a second opinion, and she stumbled on herself to find a physician who had the thread removed. The first day is only a diagnosis, but after X-ray photography, it will come out in such a quick way. On the day of thread removal, the injection of anesthesia was just a little tingling and painless, and it was really fast. The swelling after thread removal is not so large that it is not noticeable from around. When I feel pain in my bleeding in one day, I'm spending painkillers. I am really grateful that I was really glad I didn't leave it as I was told by the other hospitals, and I was really happy to meet Dr. Kawamura. People other than the teacher were also very nice and comfortable. Next, if you need to remove the thread without wisdom, don't hesitate to ask Mr. Kawamura! If my home is nearby, I would like to go for regular maintenance.
メタゴル on Google

以前、親知らずが痛みだし診察を受けました。 その時には気にしなくていいと言われ抜きませんでしたが再度痛くなったのでもう一度見てもらいました。 痛いと言っている患者に向けて「じゃあ抜けばいいじゃん」と一言。 無事親知らずは抜けましたが、患者を患者とも思わない対応は最悪。 歯石取りも是非みたいなことを言っていましたが、二度と行きません。 絶対におすすめしません!
Previously, my wisdom tooth was in pain and I was examined. At that time, I was told that I didn't have to worry about it, but it hurt again, so I asked him to see it again. One word to the patient who said that it hurts, "Then I should get out." I got rid of my wisdom teeth safely, but the worst thing I could do was not think of the patient as a patient. I said that I would like to remove tartar, but I will never go there again. I definitely don't recommend it!
ぴーみほ on Google

下の親知らずを左右一本ずつ抜いて貰いました。 初診ですぐ抜いて貰えてよかったです! 河村先生とゆう先生ではなく 30代ぐらいの男の人に抜いてもらいました。 両方とも10分ぐらいで終わりました(^^) 経過も良好でこの先生に抜いて 貰えてよかったです◎ 受付の人もとても優しくて素敵な方でした‼︎ ありがとうございました‼︎‼︎
I had the wisdom teeth below pulled out one by one on the left and right. I'm glad that you pulled it out immediately at the first visit! Not Kawamura-sensei and Yu-sensei I had a man in his thirties pull it out. Both finished in about 10 minutes (^^) The progress is good and I overtake this teacher I'm glad I got it ◎ The receptionist was also very kind and nice! ︎ thank you very much! ︎‼ ︎
Ryota on Google

I am a well-known doctor. I didn't know my wisdom tooth, who was turned down by another clinic and was buried lying down, but he said "It's easy ^^" and the tooth extraction was completed in less than 5 minutes. It's just a divine work. Blackjack in the dental world. Sometimes it's just hanging over the sign. If you live in Hiroshima and are considering wisdom tooth extraction, you can't think of anything else. There is no sontaku.
CINE MAN on Google

親知らずの痛みかどうか分からず診察を受けるとやはり親知らず。左上奥の非常に狭い場所なので後日改めて抜歯だと予想していたら、即抜くことに。 不安いっぱい、疑い満載で抜歯にのぞんだが、あっという間に抜歯でき、その後も痛みなし。 魔法のようだった。 名医だ。
I don't know if it's a wisdom tooth pain and I don't know if I get a medical examination. It's a very narrow place in the upper left corner, so if I expected it to be extracted again at a later date, I decided to extract it immediately. I was full of anxiety and suspicion, and I wanted to have a tooth extracted, but I was able to extract it in no time, and there was no pain after that. It was magical. A great doctor.
m on Google

山田太郎 on Google

親知らず抜歯でお世話になりました。30代くらいの男性の先生でした。 抜歯までは良かったのですが、虫歯があるから治療をすると言われました。 他院で治療したばかりだったので不審に感じ、他院にて診察してもらいましたがやはり虫歯はありませんでした。それから1年たち、定期健診も行っていますが虫歯は発見されません。 あのまま任せていたら、悪く無い歯を削られて銀歯を被せ直すということをされていたと思います。全く信用できない医院です。
Thank you for your wisdom tooth extraction. He was a male teacher in his thirties. It was good until the tooth was extracted, but I was told that I would be treated because I had cavities. I had just been treated at another hospital, so I felt suspicious, so I had a medical examination at another hospital, but there were no cavities. One year after that, I have been conducting regular medical examinations, but no cavities have been found. If I left it as it was, I think that I would have been scraping the teeth that were not bad and re-covering the silver teeth. It is a clinic that I cannot trust at all.

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