カフェ ヤドリギ

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カフェ ヤドリギ

住所 :

Kuzutsuka, Kita Ward, 〒950-3321 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://instagram.com/cafeyadorigi
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday 10AM–5PM
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday Closed
街 : Niigata

Kuzutsuka, Kita Ward, 〒950-3321 Niigata,Japan
片野恵 on Google

The shop, coffee and hot sandwiches were delicious (* ^^ *)
ポーリンナタ on Google

I think this coffee is really delicious. In Ginza, Tokyo, you can enjoy high-quality coffee that is likely to cost 1000 yen. Satisfied with eating and drinking. Maybe Trattoria is working on it? Guess. It seemed difficult to find more delicious coffee in Niigata city. However, there is. As for cheesecake, it's hard to say because I have a taste (but it's delicious) ? And, after all, the customer service is too comfortable. I didn't ask for anything in particular regarding customer service, but it was strangely good.
おいしいやきいも on Google

ローストビーフ丼、おいしかったです。コーヒーもおいしかったです。店内もおしゃれで良かったです。 いつも混んでいます。
The roast beef bowl was delicious. The coffee was delicious too. It was good that the inside of the store was fashionable. It's always crowded.
阿理 on Google

初めていってみました 場所が少しわかりずらく通り過ぎてしまいました 駐車場が空いていなかったり、葛塚市開催の日は通れなさそうなので注意⚠️が必要かと ランチとデザートを食べ、お腹いっぱいです 店内の雰囲気装飾とても落ち着きます サイホンでくるコーヒーを飲みにまた行ってみたいと思いました 支払い、paypayも対応してて便利です
I went for the first time The place was a little confusing and I passed by The parking lot is not available, and it seems that we will not be able to go on the day when Kuzutsuka City is held, so be careful ⚠️ I'm full with lunch and dessert Atmosphere decoration in the store is very calm I wanted to go back to drink the siphon coffee Payment and paypay are also supported and convenient
なべのん on Google

店名の通り。 地元内外問わず、皆様の宿り木となっているカフェ。 メニューに細かな特徴を載せているから、 コーヒーに詳しくないからこそ楽しめるお店。 合わせるスイーツも秀逸の一言。 プリン… 美味いですよ…
As the store name says. A cafe that serves as a mistletoe for everyone, both inside and outside the local area. Because the menu has detailed features, A shop that you can enjoy because you are not familiar with coffee. The sweets to match are also excellent words. Pudding… It's delicious ...
MITSU on Google

合鴨のコンフィが、とても美味しかった。 コーヒーも美味しくて満足のいくランチでした
The duck confit was very delicious. The coffee was delicious and it was a satisfying lunch
tsuton 222 on Google

新潟市北区葛塚にあるカフェ、ヤドリギさん。 しるきーもの濃厚プリン食べたさに訪問。 やはり甘いものにはコーヒーが合う。 コーヒーの種類は数種類で、物によってはサイフォンかドリップを選べるようです。 店員さんが、テーブルで淹れてくれるサービス付き。 外の陽が差し込むほんわか店内で居心地良かったです?
Yadrigi, a cafe in Kuzutsuka, Kita-ku, Niigata. Visited to eat the rich pudding of Shirukimono. After all coffee goes well with sweets. There are several types of coffee, and it seems that you can choose siphon or drip depending on the item. With a service that the clerk brews at the table. It was cozy in the store where the outside sun was shining ?
玉ちゃん on Google

豊栄駅から徒歩5分くらいなので、月岡温泉に行く時、シャトルバス出発までの待ち時間にいつも利用してます。 古民家を改築した店内はとても雰囲気があり、こだわりを感じるコーヒーをサイフォンで頂けます。 かと言って格式張ってるわけじゃないので、普段コーヒー飲まない・・・って方も、全く問題なく楽しめると思います、メニューにテイストのチャートが載ってますしね。 またメニューに載っているコーヒーならどれでも、フードのセットに付けられるってのも良いです。 ただし提供スタイルと店内の雰囲気も相まって回転率は良くないです、せっかちな方や、時間に余裕のない方にはオススメできません。
It's about a 5-minute walk from Toyosaka Station, so when I go to Tsukioka Onsen, I always use it to wait for the shuttle bus to depart. The interior of the renovated old folk house has a very atmosphere, and you can siphon coffee that you feel particular about. However, it's not formal, so even if you don't usually drink coffee, you can enjoy it without any problems. There is a taste chart on the menu. You can also add any coffee on the menu to your food set. However, the turnover rate is not good due to the style of provision and the atmosphere inside the store, so it is not recommended for those who are impatient or who do not have time to spare.

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