Kusushi Shrine - Aomori

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kusushi Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-2-2 Kusushi, Aomori, 038-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 038-0013

2 Chome-2-2 Kusushi, Aomori, 038-0013, Japan
Freedom竜 Freedom on Google

It is located on Namidate Dori in Aomori City. The evening palace on July 7 is very famous, and about half of Namidate Dori is filled with stores.
ぴっころ on Google

A shrine loved by locals. On New Year's Day, an old man like Uchiko gives a lottery or a warm heart. The scale of the Tanabata Night Palace is increasing year by year. If you are traveling with a small child, we recommend that you go to a bright time. In the past, it was said that "Kusushi's Night Palace will rain".
kayoko sakamo on Google

時期としては、コロナのため閑散としています。 地元の守り神様なので、マメにおまいりしたいです。
As for the time, it is quiet because of the corona. I'm a local guardian god, so I want to visit beans.
ラピュタ族りりんご on Google

Old shrine. It's a little disappointing because there isn't much green. But I felt loved by everyone.
ノリユキ on Google

A shrine located on Namikan-dori. The shrine is famous every year on July 7th. There are a lot of stalls with lots of people.
kumiko on Google

A shrine with an old style. Is it because the paper was used on Monday and the young lady was dated and stamped? He pushed me carefully. The price was said to be "feeling" and I was a little troubled.
Ak Taki on Google

It is a community-based shrine along the road used when going out from the Aomori interchange to the city. The sacred tree and the stone monument are protected by a simple building.
藤田力 on Google

20200314三沢が晴天だったので第1回つがる市&第2回青森市弾丸ツアーに行って来ました! 青森市で「三内丸山遺跡」の見学を終え、前回は携帯カメラの不調で断念した「久須志神社」へ参拝に行きました。 青森県内には「久須志」と名のつく社がたくさん有り、青森市戸門にも先ほど立ち寄った同名の神社がありました。 全国的には富士山頂に建つ久須志神社が有名ですが、各地の久須志神社の御祭神は「大己貴命」と「少彦名命」であり、それぞれ国づくりの神、医薬の神として祭られていますが、ここ久須志の神社もまた同様でした。 久須志神社:青森市久須志(こちらの社が地名の由来だそうです!) 御祭神:大名持命(国作の神)、少彦名命(医薬の神) 久須志神社の草創は延宝5年(1677)で、以前は薬師堂といわれて、古川村民の産神として崇敬されてたそうです。 延宝5年の創建以来、古川村の産土神として管理されて来たそうです。 神仏分離までは薬師を祀っていたとの事です! 明治初年に神仏混淆廃止によって薬師堂は仏であるというので、久須志神社と改められたとの事です! 残念ながら、社務所は無人で今回は御朱印を頂けませんでした。 20200322三沢は曇りでしたが第3回青森市弾丸ツアーに行って来ました! 携帯カメラの不調で写真が全滅だった神社やお寺を周り、前回御朱印を頂けなかった「久須志神社」へ参拝に行きました! 今日は、参拝を済ませて社務所に近づくと、巫女さんの方から窓を開けて「御朱印ですか?」と声をかけて頂き、書置きの御朱印を頂きました!
20200314 Misawa was sunny so I went to the 1st Tsugaru City & 2nd Aomori City Bullet Tour! After finishing the tour of "Sannai Maruyama Ruins" in Aomori City, I went to "Kusushi Shrine," which I gave up last time due to a malfunction of the mobile camera. There are many shrines named "Kusushi" in Aomori Prefecture, and there was a shrine with the same name that we visited at Tomon, Aomori City. Kusushi Shrine, which stands on the summit of Mt. Fuji, is famous nationwide, but the festival deities of Kusushi Shrine in each region are "Oki Takamei" and "Shohiko Meisho", and they are respectively worshiped as nation-building gods and medicine gods. However, the same was true here at Kusushi Shrine. Kusushi Shrine: Kusushi, Aomori-shi (This company seems to be the origin of the place name!) Shrine gods: Daimyo Jinmei (national god), Shikohiko Nemitsu (medicine god) Kusushi Shrine was founded in 1677, and it was said that it was called Yakushi-do and was revered as the god of Furukawa villagers. It is said that it has been managed as a production god of Furukawa village since it was built in Enba 5 years. It was said that the pharmacist was enshrined until the separation of the gods and Buddhas! It is said that the Yakushido was changed to Kusushi Shrine because the Yakushido was a Buddha due to the abolition of god-Buddha mixing in the early Meiji era! Unfortunately, the office was unmanned and I couldn't get the red stamp this time. 20200322 Misawa was cloudy, but we went to the 3rd Aomori City Bullet Tour! Around the shrines and temples where photos were wiped out due to a malfunction of the mobile camera, we went to "Kusushi Shrine" where we couldn't get the red stamp last time! Today, when I visited the shrine office after visiting the shrine, the shrine maiden opened the window and asked, "Are you a red stamp?"

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