Kusuri No Aoki Tenneijiten - Aizuwakamatsu

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kusuri No Aoki Tenneijiten

住所 :

2-20 Tenneijimachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0805, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 965-0805
Webサイト : https://kusuri-aoki-shop-info.com/result%3Fsearchword%3D%25E5%25A4%25A9%25E5%25AF%25A7%26page%3D1%26size%3D15
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 9AM–10PM
Thursday 9AM–10PM
Friday 9AM–10PM

2-20 Tenneijimachi, Aizuwakamatsu, Fukushima 965-0805, Japan
kyoko.s on Google

Even though it's a drug store, I usually keep fresh food. Moreover, the meat is plentiful and the cost is high! Side dishes and lunch boxes are also available. It's the same as a supermarket, but it doesn't have only seafood. Sorry.
y i on Google

オープン当初の賑わいは去った感じ ドラッグストアというよりスーパー色が強め
It feels like the bustle at the beginning of the opening is gone Super color is stronger than drug store
のぶ on Google

完成しました(^o^)丿 安いwww とにかく安いwww
Completed (^ o ^) * Cheap www Anyway cheap www
* hiromi on Google

お肉各種お安いです!しかも量が多い!! いつもまとめ買いして、冷凍管理して便利に料理しています。
Various kinds of meat are cheap! Moreover, the amount is large! !! I always buy them in bulk, manage them frozen, and cook them conveniently.
G W on Google

お肉が安くて美味しいのでよく利用します。 残念な事にいつも気になるのは、スタッフの皆さんの接客レベルの低さです。 特にレジにいる男性は、笑顔もないですし接客?という概念はない様に感じます。 商品を袋詰めする台も、指を濡らすために小さなアルコールの入れ物を置いているお店が多いですが、ここは最近まで何も置いいませんでしたし、やっと置くようになったと思ったら、小さな汚れたスポンジに水が含まれた物でした。 細かいですが、お客様に快適に買い物をしてもらいたいという概念はないのかなと、感じます。
I often use it because the meat is cheap and delicious. Unfortunately, I'm always worried about the low level of customer service of the staff. Especially the man at the cash register doesn't have a smile and is he serving customers? I feel that there is no such concept. Many stores also put a small alcohol container on the table for packing products to get your fingers wet, but until recently I didn't put anything here, and when I thought I was finally able to put it, It was a small dirty sponge containing water. It's fine, but I feel that there is no concept of wanting customers to shop comfortably.
犬ONE on Google

野菜、肉類は安くお買い得なものがおおいです。 オススメは、498で売ってる大袋の粗挽きソーセージ。あれは使える。 お菓子も安く、ヨーグルト、パン何かもよく買います。 そしてお弁当。安い! 唐揚げ弁当とか298からあり、お昼頃には温かい出来たてが有るので本当にありがたい。 弁当298円、飲み物ペット500ml88円、 デザート3連ヨーグルト78円で500円でいける。 そしてもちろん、普通のドラッグストアとしてもだけど処方箋の薬局も併設してるので使い勝手いいですよね〜。
Most of the vegetables and meat are cheap and affordable. We recommend the large bag of coarsely ground sausages sold at 498. That can be used. Sweets are cheap, and I often buy yogurt and bread. And lunch box. cheap! There are fried chicken lunch boxes and 298, and I am really grateful that there is a warm freshly made lunch around noon. Lunch box 298 yen, drink pet 500ml 88 yen, You can go for 500 yen for 78 yen for dessert triple yogurt. And of course, it's an ordinary drug store, but it also has a prescription pharmacy, so it's easy to use.
キンエイ on Google

ジョギング中に新しい店を発見。クスリのアオキはここ最近、若松駅そばとここ東山温泉への侵入道路沿いに進出してきた。トイレを借りるのが主なのだが、新しい店の様子は知りたいので覗きこんだ。 出入口を超えると左手側に吊り下げ看板の鶏肉コーナーが目についた。 冷蔵庫を除きこむと、胸肉と手羽元が安い。裏手に廻ると、目を見張ったのが1ポンドの牛肉→188円/百gだ、、、売値がほぼ千円だから、安く感じた。ステーキ屋で食べると3000円のイメージ。他スーパーでも、グラム300円だろう? よく眺めると、豚肉のスライスコーナーとブロック肉売場とあったが魚類かないのには驚きともに、戦略が面白い ◆1ポンド→牛肩ロース 調理をしたが、玉葱のすりおろしに20分程漬けた→肉が柔らかくなるとことだったので、一応筋切りのため包丁はいれた。そして、なるべく弱火でじっくりとさらに鉄のスキレット内で暫く放置した。その結果が調理結果の断面写真だ! 筋はそんなに多くはない。それに赤身なので、噛み応えがあり、肉々しいのである。柔らかいかと言うと固い。でも、固いイメージからすると、柔らかかったのである。 ※適切に調理すると肉々しい肉を格安で販売してるっ~ことです。!
Discover a new store while jogging. Aoki, a meds, has recently advanced along the invasion road near Wakamatsu Station and here at Higashiyama Onsen. I mainly rent a toilet, but I wanted to know what the new store looks like, so I took a peek. When I passed the doorway, I noticed a chicken corner with a hanging sign on the left hand side. Breast and wings are cheap when the refrigerator is removed. When I turned to the back, I was surprised at the beef of 1 pound → 188 yen / 100 g ... The selling price was almost 1,000 yen, so I felt it was cheap. If you eat it at a steak shop, it costs 3000 yen. At other supermarkets, it's 300 yen per gram, right? If you look closely, there is a pork slice corner and a block meat section, but it is surprising that there are no fish, and the strategy is interesting. ◆ 1 pound → beef shoulder loin I cooked it, but soaked it in grated onion for about 20 minutes → It was said that the meat would become tender, so I put in a knife to cut the muscles. Then, I left it for a while in the iron skillet over low heat as much as possible. The result is a cross-sectional photo of the cooking result! There are not so many lines. And because it's lean, it's chewy and meaty. It's soft and hard. However, from a solid image, it was soft. * If cooked properly, meaty meat is sold at a bargain price. !!
フクシマFB39親方 on Google

薬剤師の先生が素晴らしい先生です。お若い先生ですが、本当に患者に寄りそって親身になって話しを聞いて頂け、ご指導もして頂けます。対応も素晴らしいです。信頼出来る先生です。 以前は違う薬局でしたが、今はこちらにお願いしています。前もってアプリから処方箋の写真を撮り、送れば待ち時間なしで薬を受け取れて便利です。薬代も病院の近くの薬局と比べたら安かったです。
The pharmacist teacher is a wonderful teacher. Although he is a young teacher, he can really be close to the patient, listen to the story, and give guidance. Correspondence is also wonderful. A reliable teacher. It used to be a different pharmacy, but now I'm asking here. It is convenient to take a picture of the prescription from the app in advance and send it to receive the medicine without waiting. The cost of medicine was also cheaper than that of a pharmacy near the hospital.

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