KUshiya monogatari HEPnavio - Osaka

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KUshiya monogatari HEPnavio

住所 :

7-10 Kakudacho, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 530-0017
Webサイト : https://kushiyamonogatari-hepnabio.owst.jp/

7-10 Kakudacho, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0017, Japan
Seungchul Lee on Google

유일한 단점은 튀김을 오래 먹으면 질린다는 것. 입구에 있는 기계로 자리예약 하고 기다려야 함.
The only disadvantage is that you are tired of eating fried food for a long time. I have to wait and wait for the machine at the entrance.
トqマス on Google

団体で予約、利用しました。 その時、電車の遅延によりメンバーが多数遅れてくることになってしまったのですが、快く開始時間を1時間程延期してくださいました。 また、店内も清潔で良かったです。 ただ、他の串家物語店舗に比べて油の量が少ないかと感じました。 でも、食材がなくなればスピーディーに補充されるので思う存分食べたいものを食べることができるかと思います。
Booked and used by a group. At that time, many members were delayed due to the delay of the train, but I was happy to postpone the start time by about one hour. Also, the store was clean and nice. However, I felt that the amount of oil was less than other Kushiya Monogatari stores. But if you run out of ingredients, it will be replenished quickly so you can eat as much as you want.
r ar on Google

ヨドバシ梅田店にはよく行きますが初めて利用しました。 コロナ対策を行なっているようですが、検温はなし、マスクの着用や手袋の着用の説明もなく通されました。 (他の方はしていたので周りは説明されていたのかも) 17時頃行きましたがケーキ、サラダ等の補給が全くされずなくなったら空の状態で1時間以上放置。 ガラガラの状態なのに家族連れの隣(仕切りは飾り程度でスカスカ)に案内されて他の卓の人たちも密集して座らされていました。 もう行きません。
I often go to the Yodobashi Umeda store, but I used it for the first time. It seems that they are taking measures against corona, but there was no temperature measurement, and there was no explanation about wearing a mask or gloves. (Because other people were doing it, the surroundings may have been explained) I went there around 17:00, but when the cakes and salads weren't replenished at all, I left them empty for over an hour. Even though it was in a rattle state, I was guided to the side of my family (the partition was just a decoration and it was squishy), and people at other tables were also sitting in a crowd. I won't go anymore.
新開地 on Google

昔、具材に髪の毛入った事を言ったら 店員の対応が微妙だった 店長の対応は良かったけどね
When I said that I had hair in the ingredients a long time ago The correspondence of the clerk was delicate The store manager's response was good, though.
恵理 on Google

When I fried the shrimp, it became about the tip of my little finger. Since the sauce container was a plate with a square partition, only the tip can be attached. So, I think bread crumbs and flour horizontally long containers are just right. There was something like strawberry pickled in syrup, but it was horribly sour. I would be grateful if you could delay the last order for drinks a little.
Neko neko on Google

串家物語食べ放題の店です。 自分であけるタイプの店なので揚げたてが好きなだけ楽しめます。 今のいちごフェアをやっているのでいちごのデザートがたくさん食べれます。
All-you-can-eat Kushiya story. You can enjoy as much freshly fried as you can open it yourself. Since I am doing the current strawberry fair, I can eat a lot of strawberry desserts.
Aya Asagiri on Google

平日夕方頃行くとかなり空いており、静かに食事ができて快適でした。 色んな串があって楽しいです。物によっては衣つけず素揚げにしたほうが美味しいものもあります… ソースも色んな種類があり、自分はさっぱり系が好みなのでポン酢や梅ソースが用意されているのは嬉しかったです。 また行きたいです。
When I went there in the evening on weekdays, it was quite vacant and I was able to eat quietly and was comfortable. There are various skewers and it is fun. Depending on the item, it may be better to fried it without wearing it ... There are various types of sauces, and I like refreshing ones, so I was happy that pon vinegar and plum sauce were prepared. I want to go again.
Holy Schit on Google

Staff are rubbish. Unfriendly A-holes and their clothes are dirtier than their "creammy" floor. What a waste of money and time. For half that amount you can eat better food in the same building. My advice is: DON'T EAT HERE.

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