Kushikatsu Oguri - Koka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

甲賀市水口で串カツを堪能できる居酒屋「串カツ小栗」 - Kushikatsu-oguri.com


Contact Kushikatsu Oguri

住所 :

240ー1 Minakuchicho Kitawaki, Koka, Shiga 528-0057, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87888
Postal code : 528-0057
Webサイト : http://kushikatsu-oguri.com/

240ー1 Minakuchicho Kitawaki, Koka, Shiga 528-0057, Japan
総合メンテナンス株式会社HIRAO on Google

初めて行きます。結構なボリュームで店長さんも愛想良い方です。 次は、社員でも連れて行かせて頂きます。
I will go for the first time. The manager is also amiable with a fair volume. Next, employees will also take you.
jam jam on Google

味普通でコスパ悪い 女2人腹八分目で一万弱 酒は二杯しか飲んでない 周りに串カツ屋がなく田舎だからやっていけてる感じ。守山、大津、草津あたりではキツいかな。 あの店のキャパで店員多すぎ。だからコスパ悪いのかな。 テーブル席は安っぽい背もたれのない椅子なので居心地悪い
Normal taste and bad cost performance A little less than 10,000 in the 8th minute of two women I only drink two glasses There are no kushikatsu restaurants around, so it feels like I can do it because it's in the countryside. Isn't it hard around Moriyama, Otsu, and Kusatsu? There are too many clerk in that store's capacity. So I wonder if the cost performance is bad. The table seats are cheesy and have no backrest, so it's uncomfortable.
ゆき on Google

The offal in the motsunabe was very delicious. Kushikatsu is not bad either. The price is a little expensive. It's a small shop, so the number of seats is small and the table seats are uncomfortable, but there are no kushikatsu shops or motsu nabe shops around here, so please do your best without crushing. If you change your chair
AHSMT on Google

Oguri-san, who was in front of the route-in, was worried because he had more opportunities to go to Mizuguchi on business trips. I used it for the first time this time. I also read the reviews in advance, and I saw many opinions including good and bad, but as a result I enjoyed it very much. Is cospa bad? Did not feel in particular. I was rather surprised that it was cheap. Is it bad? No, that's not the case. I want to come again.
シェロム亀きち on Google

ホルモン焼きそば、とっても美味しかった!ホルモンゴロゴロ沢山入って600円 串カツも美味しく、店員さんも気持ちの良い対応でgood!でした また行きたい!
Hormone yakisoba was very delicious! 600 yen with lots of hormones The kushikatsu is delicious, and the clerk is also good with a pleasant response! was I want to go again!
plus kumievo on Google

ランチに立ち寄らせていただきました。 こういうお店の場合、メインは夜で昼は限定メニューだけだと思いきや、昼間からでも一品や単品串揚げ、もつ鍋も食べられるとのことでした(定食食べ終わったあとの会計時に聞いたのですが)。 今回頼んだのは串カツ定食。990円(税込)で、串カツ5本(日によって違うと思いますが、えび、うずら、しいたけ、厚切りハム、お肉でした)、豚汁、サラダ、小鉢、漬物がついてました。値段も相応かむしろ安いくらいじゃないかなって思います。 衣はかなり薄くにしかついていなくて、食材の味を大事にしてるって感じでした。衣が少ない分、油っこさもほとんど感じなかったですね。 今度は是非もっと違う串カツやもつ鍋を食べてみたいものです。
I stopped by for lunch. In the case of such a shop, I thought that the main menu was at night and only the limited menu during the day, but I heard that you can eat one item, single skewers, and motsunabe even from daytime (I heard at the time of accounting after eating the set meal). I did). This time I ordered a kushikatsu set meal. It was 990 yen (tax included) and included 5 skewers (I think it depends on the day, but it was shrimp, quail, shiitake mushrooms, thick-sliced ​​ham, and meat), pork soup, salad, small bowls, and pickles. I think the price is reasonable or rather cheap. The batter was only very thin, and I felt that the taste of the ingredients was important. I didn't feel any oiliness because I didn't have much batter. Next time, I definitely want to try a different kushikatsu and motsunabe.
食べ太伊賀 on Google

食べ太 伊賀 @tabetaiga 2021年5月4日 ほんでお昼ごはん #串カツ #小栗 滋賀県甲賀市水口町北脇240-1 #串カツ定食 990円 串カツ、海老、うずら、茄子、ハム 薄衣でサックサク! ほんで中身がしっとり♪ 久しぶりに完璧な串カツを頂きました! 串カツってコレやで! お店キレイし接客もええ感じで、 喫煙可っちゅうんがええやんか♪ せやけど串カツ定食は人生初ちゃうかな(*´∀`*) ちゃうわ。あるわ。 ここの串カツを『美味しくない。』とか書いてるヤツおるけど、 頭おかしいんか!?!?!? 味もなんも分からんようなヤツが評価すな! ポンデリングみたいなモチョもちょ串カツでも食って喜んどけアホが!
Eat Ta Iga @tabetaiga May 4, 2021 Honde lunch #Kushikatsu #Oguri 240-1 Kitawaki, Minakuchi-cho, Koka-shi, Shiga #Kushikatsu set meal 990 yen Kushikatsu, shrimp, quail, eggplant, ham Light clothing and crispy! The contents are moist ♪ I got the perfect kushikatsu for the first time in a long time! Kushikatsu is this! The shop is beautiful and the customer service is also good, Smoking is allowed ♪ I wonder if the Kushikatsu set meal will be the first in my life (* ´∀ ` *) I'll do it. There is. The kushikatsu here is "not delicious. There is a guy who writes, Are you crazy! ?? !! ?? !! ?? Don't evaluate it if you don't understand the taste! I'm glad to eat mocho like pondering and kushikatsu!

ランチに行ってきました。串カツは単品でも頼めるし、串カツ定食もあります。ホルモン炒め定食も美味しかったです。 次はディナータイムに行って串カツ満喫したいと思います。
I went to lunch. You can order kushikatsu separately, and there is also a kushikatsu set meal. The fried hormone set meal was also delicious. Next time, I would like to go to dinner time and enjoy Kushikatsu.

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