Kurosu Hospital - Shibuya City

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurosu Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-18-20 Hatagaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 151-0072
Webサイト : http://kurosu-hosp.com/

2 Chome-18-20 Hatagaya, Shibuya City, Tokyo 151-0072, Japan
strawberry smoothie on Google

Actually, I don't have a single star, so I wonder if it's about minus 500 points. !! My relatives had a medical examination at this hospital, but there was no voice or explanation from the doctor or nurse to the patient, and I was silent throughout the examination. When I asked him what he was doing, he ignored it and said that he was feeling sick and received it, but he felt worse. It seems that the staff at this hospital are full of people who can't speak. I wish I could collapse such a hospital.
0617 myu on Google

10年以上前の話です。 以前は、乳腺科があったので、乳房にしこりを感じて、検査に行きました。しかし、その時には乳腺科がなくなっていて、内科の先生に診てもらいました。一度、触診だけで、様子みましょうと言われ3ヶ月後に受診。その際、以前この病院に来ていた先生で独立した専門医を紹介された。 そこでも、触診だけで、「これは脂肪の塊だね。専門家が触れば分かる」と言われ返された。 数カ月後、やっぱりおかしいと思い再度受診して今度は検査してもらった。乳がんでした。リンパ節にも転移してました。はじめにこの病院を訪れてから1年後の事です。 最初から別の病院に行くべきだったと後悔しています。 幸いにも今も元気です。 皆さん、どんな医者にも誤診はあります。自分が納得のいく医者を選びましょう。 私の叔母は、有名J医大の先生に定期検診で乳がんの再発を見逃されました。
It's more than 10 years ago. I used to have a mammary gland department, so I felt a lump in my breast and went to the examination. However, at that time, the mammary gland department had disappeared, and I consulted an internal medicine teacher. I was told to see what I was doing just by palpation, and I went to see him three months later. At that time, I was introduced to an independent specialist who was a teacher who had come to this hospital before. Even there, he was told by palpation, "This is a lump of fat. You can tell by touching it by an expert." A few months later, I thought it was strange, so I went to see him again and had him examined this time. I had breast cancer. It also metastasized to the lymph nodes. It was a year after I first visited this hospital. I regret that I should have gone to another hospital from the beginning. Fortunately, I'm still fine. Everyone, every doctor has a misdiagnosis. Choose a doctor that you are comfortable with. My aunt missed a recurrence of breast cancer at a regular checkup by a famous J Medical College teacher.
みさ。 on Google

身動きができないほどの腹痛で救急車でそちらに運ばれました。到着した時には症状が少し落ち着いたのですが医師にこんなことで救急車呼ぶものじゃないと叱られ触診等もなく、叱られたあとは帰ってくださいとなんの検査もなく返されました。こんなことで救急車呼んだ自分が馬鹿だったのかと反省していましたが数ヶ月経ち他の病院で卵巣嚢腫で入院手術が必要と診断されました。 今でもあの時きちんと診ていただければ手術しなくても済んだかも……と思っています。
I was taken there by ambulance because of a stomachache that I couldn't move. When I arrived, my symptoms had subsided a little, but the doctor scolded me that I shouldn't call an ambulance, and I wasn't palpated. After being scolded, I was told to go home without any tests. I regretted that I was a fool when I called an ambulance because of this, but after a few months, I was diagnosed with ovarian cyst at another hospital and needed to be hospitalized. Even now, I think that if I could see him properly at that time, I wouldn't have to have surgery.
Kato Takashi on Google

幡ヶ谷、本町地区に住んでいる人がとりあえず行く病院。 (初台地区は内藤病院が該当する。) この地区、住民が高年齢化しているので、待合室は混んでいる。 まず、地域の病院に診てもらって、納得がいかないようなら紹介状をかいてもらって、大きな病院に行くための病院です。 メインの建物も建てられたのが昭和40年代末といった感じで古い。 廊下などはそれなりに綺麗に維持されている。 病院業務は、健康診断から入院まで対応する。 入院施設がある関係で、時間外でも診てもらえる事が多い。 救急車で運ばれてくる方も多い。 院長以外のスタッフは雇われで、出入りも多いので、担当者によっては当たり外れが多い傾向がある。 Google検索でのサジェストで候補に上がってくるような講演などもやっている有名な医師の方もいます。 個人的な経験では、その方の評判が良いことは納得できます。 ただ、混んでいるので、診察時間は短めの傾向がある。 幡ヶ谷駅から徒歩5分程度の場所にあり、駐車場(コインパーキング)もあるので、車で見舞いに行くことも可能。 maps上で低評価が多いし、地域の人から半分冗談で「藪」とか言われるかもしれないが、それは逆に地域に溶け込んでいる証拠なのかもしれない。
A hospital where people living in Hatagaya and Honmachi districts go for the time being. (Naito Hospital corresponds to the Hatsudai area.) The waiting room is crowded because the residents in this area are getting older. First of all, it is a hospital where you can go to a large hospital by seeing a local hospital and getting a letter of introduction if you are not satisfied. The main building was also built in the late 1965s, which is old. The corridors are kept clean as they are. Hospital operations cover everything from health examinations to hospitalization. Due to the hospitalization facilities, they are often seen even after hours. Many people are brought by ambulance. Staff other than the director are hired and come and go frequently, so depending on the person in charge, there is a tendency for many hits and misses. There are also famous doctors who give lectures that are candidates for suggestions on Google search. In my personal experience, I am convinced that he has a good reputation. However, because it is crowded, the consultation time tends to be short. It is about a 5-minute walk from Hatagaya Station, and there is a parking lot (coin parking), so you can go to visit by car. There are many low ratings on the map, and people in the area may say "bush" half-jokingly, but on the contrary, it may be proof that they are blending into the area.
yu ts on Google

救急でかかりました。 子供が夜間怪我をして受診しました。 #7119で探しても、なかなか整形の先生がいなくて困っているところ、対応いただけて助かりました。 評判にビクビクしながら伺いましたが、対応してくださったレントゲン技師の先生も、整形外科の先生も、丁寧で優しく子供に対応してくれて、安心して受診できました。 先生に見てもらったら安心したのか、「痛くない」と言えるようになりました。 優しく対応してくださったおかげだなと思います。 病院自体も、病院のスタッフも当たり外れ(と言う表現は良くないと思いますが…)あるのは、同業者なので予測はつきますし、悪評なのは、対応した先生がハズレだったと言うことなのかな…と…。 私はとても安心して受診できました。 また、受診してる人も少なかったのもありますが、スムーズにレントゲン→受診→お会計、と進めました。 ありがとうございました。
I took an emergency. My child was injured at night and went to see a doctor. Even if I searched for # 7119, I was in trouble because I didn't have a plastic surgery teacher, so I was able to help. I was surprised at the reputation, but the X-ray technician and the orthopedic surgeon who responded to me were polite and kind, and I was able to receive a medical examination with peace of mind. Perhaps I was relieved when I had the teacher look at me, and now I can say that it doesn't hurt. I think it's thanks to you for your kindness. The hospital itself and the hospital staff are wrong (I don't think it's good to say that ...) because they are in the same industry, so I can predict it, and the bad news is that the corresponding teacher was lost. …When…. I was able to see the doctor with great peace of mind. In addition, although there were few people who had a medical examination, we proceeded smoothly with X-ray → medical examination → accounting. Thank you very much.
louise wing on Google

Kuroso Hospital. Small, progressional hospital with knowledgeable staff specialists in sports and bone injury and breakages. Took excellent care of me.
Christian Bareuther on Google

Great doctor and very friendly and helpful nurses. The hospital is typical Japanese (little outdated and oldschool) but the main doctor is very young, skilled and uses up-to-date methods. Had complicated hand surgery there which went great and healed in less than half the time expected. Fully functional hand after just 2 month instead of 4-6. Totally recommended.
Aleš Bachtík on Google

I went there for a health check in these horrible corona times, so there were some rather special steps, which I can only respect. Anyway the examination went without a problem, I had to wait a while but the nurses always checked on me. The doctor also discussed with me what to do next at work considering my health problems and as a conclusion he helped me to find another clinic which does test the couldn't and also helped me book it. Great service, thank you. *All in Japanese, so I am not sure about their English

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