チキングリル専門店 GROVE

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact チキングリル専門店 GROVE

住所 :

Kurosakicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0023 Osaka,Japan

Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/keisuke_gro
街 : Osaka

Kurosakicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0023 Osaka,Japan
川口秀樹 on Google

2017年11月3日にオープン。元々西側に数十メートルのところにある波里が入っていた物件で、カウンター5席、テーブルが2席×2。シェフがー人できりもりできるサイズ。 今回はお昼で利用。チキングリルをいただいたが、皮が分厚いのに脂っこくなく、コリコリとした歯ごたえなのにおどろいた。
Opened on November 3, 2017. Originally, there was Nari located tens of meters to the west, with 5 seats at the counter and 2 seats at the table. The size that the chef can take care of. This time it will be used for lunch. I had a chicken grill, but I was surprised at how thick and skiny it was without being greasy and crunchy.
tac8 on Google

It was delicious no matter what you eat.
a k on Google

こじんまりとした店内でカウンターとテーブル席もあり圧迫感はなくゆったりとした感じでした。 メニューも鶏料理メインでイタリアンな要素のサブメニューもありかなり満足!! 友達と2人で行きましたが、お腹いっぱい食べて飲んで1人約¥2500でコスパも良いと感じました! 店長さんも気さくな人でとても居心地が良かったです! 気軽に行ける感じも理想的でした! また利用させて頂きたいと思います!
There was a counter and table seats in the small shop, and it felt relaxed without pressure. The menu is mainly chicken dishes, and there are also sub-menus with Italian elements, so I am quite satisfied !! I went with two friends, but after eating and drinking, I felt that cospa was good for about 2500 yen per person! The manager was also a friendly person and was very comfortable! It was ideal to feel free to go! I would like to use it again!
しまさきゆうこ on Google

Because it was a neighborhood, I dropped in without any previous information. The ingredients were very good for both chicken and vegetables. On a hot iron plate, grilled chicken will eat 3 to 4 pieces of meat. He calculated the condition of the fire and the degree of scorching after lowering the iron plate from the fire, and delivered it at an exquisite timing. The skin is hot enough to burn a little, and the cheeks are hot enough to leave softness. The young owner chef who trained at a popular shop in Tenma was very good. The food is perfect according to the concept, with a reasonable taste. Unfortunately, the drinks were a regular selection, so I reduced one star. As the owner studied more and more, I had the feeling that it would change more and more wonderfully!
D S. on Google

とても美味しかったです! コスパも最高! 絶対リピート間違いなし!!
It was very delicious! Cospa is also the best! Absolutely repeat mistake none! !
Kazuya M on Google

特別な人にしか教えたくないって思ってしまうほどのお店です。 自家製のお塩で食べる焼き鳥は絶品です。
It's a shop that makes you want to teach only special people. The yakitori eaten with homemade salt is excellent.
吉田昌弘 on Google

鶏のグリルとワイン、この組み合わせも大好きです~ 夜中でも食べたくなるともう我慢ができなくて、、、 こちらのお店、遅くまで開いていて本当に助かります! 「セセリとマッシュルームのアヒージョ」と「カマンベールチーズのグリル」とっても美味しくいただきました。 お野菜の料理も魅力的なメニューがたくさんありますし、オーナーが気さくに会話してくれて、とっても居心地の良いお店です。
I love grilled chicken and wine, this combination too When I want to eat even at night, I can not stand it anymore ,,, This shop is open until late and is really helpful! "Acejo of mushroom and mushroom Ahijo" and "Grill of camembert cheese" were very delicious. There are a lot of attractive dishes for the dishes of vegetables, and the owner talks nicely, so it is a very cozy restaurant.
Masahiro Yoshida on Google

天五中崎通り商店街(おいでやす通り)のほぼ真ん中にあります「GROVE」さん、イケメンのマスターのイタリアンな感じの鶏料理が絶品です‼️ 「本日のアヒージョ」はセセリとマッシュルーム。バジルの風味がほんのり、バケットとの相性は抜群でした。 「アスパラと目玉焼き」もシンプルなだけに、丁寧に料理されてるな~と感じる逸品でした。 遅い時間にお邪魔、『大丈夫ですよ❗』って温かく迎えていただきましたが、Google Map を拝見したら23:00迄と… 次回はもっと早く行って、もっとたくさんいただきます~
"GROVE" in the middle of the heaven Five Nakazaki Dori shopping street (Oyasugi street), chicken dishes of Italian master of Ikemen are exquisite! A "Today's achillo" is cesery and mushrooms. The flavor of basil was slight, compatibility with bucket was outstanding. "Asparagus and fried eggplant" was also simple, it was a gem that feels like being carefully cooked ~. I was greeted with a warm welcome, "I'm all right" in a late hour, but until 23:00 when I see Google Map ... Next time I will go earlier and I will get more more ~

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