Kurashikishikurashiki Sports Park - Kurashiki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurashikishikurashiki Sports Park

住所 :

4 Shijuse, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0835, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 710-0835
Webサイト : https://www.city.kurashiki.okayama.jp/4707.htm

4 Shijuse, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0835, Japan
大賀光久 on Google

とても整備されて綺麗な所です。 こんな場所で試合出来れば最高❗️
It is a very well maintained and beautiful place. It would be great if we could play in a place like this ❗️
fiderio on Google

Children participate in Mr. Yamaguchi's soccer clinic. It was an athletic stadium, but the grass was in good condition, and the kids enjoyed kicking the ball.
くろのお母さん on Google

犬の散歩でよく行きます。 きれいに整備されているので、気持ちよく歩くことができます。たくさんの木々があり、名前と特徴が記された札を読むのも楽しいものです。
I often go for a walk with my dog. It is in good condition so you can walk comfortably. There are many trees and it is fun to read the tag with the name and characteristics.
H S on Google

The play equipment is small, but it was a play equipment that you can play by moving your body a lot!
井上茂也 on Google

施設は有難いが、施設職員の対応は非常に悪い。 男性一人で利用申請を行い何点か質問させて頂いたが小馬鹿にした態度がとても目立った。 事務さんではなくお知り合いの方に十分話を伺ってから申請や予約をするのが良いと思います。
Thank you for the facility, but the response of the facility staff is very poor. I applied for use by myself and asked some questions, but the foolish attitude was very noticeable. I think it's best to talk to someone you know, not the clerical staff, before making an application or making a reservation.
桑田直子 on Google

よく『少年野球チーム』や 『社会人野球チーム』が 試合をしています フェンス外にベンチもあります
Often "boys' baseball team" "Working baseball team" I'm playing a match There is also a bench outside the fence
おかもっち on Google

決して大きな施設ではないが、中体連や高体連(高野連)の大会に使われています。 大会のある朝は、道路が渋滞するので注意が必要です。
It's not a big facility, but it's used for the Chutairen and Kotairen (Takanoren) tournaments. Please note that the road will be congested on the morning of the tournament.
倉敷太郎 on Google

公園自体は良い。気に入ってます。 ただ、幼児用遊具がある公園には17時頃やたら話しかけてくる老婆が出没するので子供連れはちょっと怖いです。全然離れてくれないのでさっさと逃げるのが正解です。
The park itself is good. I like it. However, I'm a little scared with children because an old woman who talks to me at about 17:00 appears in the park where there are playsets for infants. The correct answer is to run away quickly because it won't leave you at all.

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