Kurashikishi Mizushima Community Center - Kurashiki

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurashikishi Mizushima Community Center

住所 :

1-2 Mizushima Kitasaiwaicho, Kurashiki, Okayama 712-8062, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 712-8062
Webサイト : http://www.kurashiki-oky.ed.jp/mizushima-ph/top/

1-2 Mizushima Kitasaiwaicho, Kurashiki, Okayama 712-8062, Japan
もりもり on Google

Good to have a solid hole
西村士郎 on Google

Today, I am at a recital, it is a community hall that was small,
新里尚武 on Google

Corona measures are thorough.
斎藤元有輝 on Google

It feels old, but there are halls of the right size for classroom presentations. Parking is rather small.
sono sada on Google

倉敷市水島地区にある基幹公民館です。 赤ちゃんからご年配の方まで、 市民の方々みんなが生涯学習をする場所です。 春と秋には主に一般向けの講座、また夏には主に小学生向けの講座が企画運営されます。 お気軽に、参加してみてはいかがでしょうか?
It is a core public hall in the Mizushima area of ​​Kurashiki city. From babies to the elderly It is a place where all the citizens can study for a lifetime. Courses for the general public are planned and operated mainly in spring and autumn, and courses mainly for elementary school students are planned and operated in summer. Feel free to join us!
ちゃんたけ on Google

館長はじめスタッフ全員好感の持てる方です。 コロナ対策万全です。
All the staff, including the director, have a good impression. Corona measures are perfect.
MAN ROAD on Google

There are too many similar facilities in Kurashiki. Aged and unnecessary facility. Extreme tax waste such as maintenance costs and salaries of staff here.
マリア・クリスチャン on Google

水島にある公民館です 色々な講座があり子供からお年寄りまで幅広く利用できる公機関です 2019年11月16日は【第49回水島地区老人クラブ連合会演芸大会】のイベントがありました。それにカラオケサークルのお友達が出場するのでサークルのメンバーと一緒に観覧に行きました。ほとんどはカラオケ大会のような感じでしたが踊り、フォークダンス、フラダンス、合唱、扇舞、漫談、三味線に歌等があり75組の方々の発表会のようで見応えありました。 私のサークルの先輩には許可を頂きましたので撮影した写真を掲載します。 発表会には花束?が映えるので先輩には内緒にしておいて大きな珍しい青薔薇【ブルーローズ、今回のブルーローズはアバランチェをロイヤルブルーに染めた青薔薇です?】も含めた贅沢な薔薇だけの【全て生花です‼️造花でもプリザーブドフラワーでもないですよ‼️(笑)】花束とリボンを自分で作り豪華にラッピングし舞台に立った先輩のお友達にサプライズプレゼントしました? お友達にもその周囲の人達にもとても好評で舞台に映えた‼️と凄く喜んでもらえました。一応サプライズした花束も写真掲載しておきます? 出場している方々特に女性達はそれぞれ個性豊かな豪華な華やかなドレスや着物ドレスのような装いや着物等で舞台がとても華やかでした‼️その華やかな女性の方々の写真も撮影しましたので掲載させて頂きますが不都合ある方はお知らせ下さい。写真を削除致しますm(__)m 毎年開催されている演芸大会のようですのでまた来年も先輩にサプライズの花束?をプレゼントしましょうかね‼️(笑) 来年はとても高価で珍しいレインボーの薔薇を花束にしてサプライズするとまた喜ばれるでしょうね‼️(笑) そのレインボーの薔薇の画像も掲載しておきますね‼️ 今回は老人会の催しでしたが、若い人達でも出場出来る演芸大会、カラオケ大会や町内の催し等も是非とも催して頂きたいです‼️
A public hall in Mizushima There are various courses and it is a public institution that can be used widely from children to the elderly On November 16, 2019, there was an event of the [49th Mizushima District Geriatric Club Federation]. Also, my friends from the karaoke circle participated, so I went to see them with the members of the circle. It was almost like a karaoke tournament, but there were dance, folk dance, hula dance, chorus, fan dance, comic chat, songs on the shamisen, and it was like a presentation of 75 people. I have posted permission to my seniors in my circle, so I will post the photos I took. A bouquet of buds shines in the recital, so it's a luxurious rose that includes a big rare blue rose in secret for the seniors [blue rose, this time the blue rose is a blue rose dyed avalanche in royal blue] [All are fresh flowers] ️Neither artificial flowers nor preserved flowers‼ ️ (Laughs)] I made a bouquet and ribbon by myself and wrap it gorgeously and gave a surprise present to my senior friend who stood on the stage 舞台 It was very popular with friends and the people around it. I was very pleased with ️. I'll post a picture of the surprised bouquet ? Participants, especially women, were all very gorgeous with their unique and luxurious gorgeous dresses and kimono dresses and kimonos. I also took pictures of the gorgeous women, so I will post them, but please let me know if you have any inconvenience. M (__) m will delete the photo It seems to be an annual tournament, so let's give a surprise bouquet to the senior again next year. ️ (laughs) Next year you will be pleased again if you surprise with a very expensive and unusual rainbow rose as a bouquet. ️ (laughs) I'll post an image of the rainbow rose‼ ️ This time it was an old man's party, but we would like you to hold a performance tournament that even young people can participate in, a karaoke tournament and other events in the town. ️

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