Kurashiki Inter Orthopedic Clinic - Kurashiki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurashiki Inter Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

280-1 Hirata, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 710-0003
Webサイト : https://kurashiki.chiryouin.biz/

280-1 Hirata, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0003, Japan
小田裕子 on Google

Let's go with the introduction of our parents. When I thought about it, the staff members were cheerful and easy to talk to, and my body became easier, so I couldn't continue no matter what I did, but I can continue. Thank you to all the staff. I look forward to working with you.
chan haaa on Google

It will make your body easier (^^) The staff are all cheerful and kind, so this is my first time at the osteopathic clinic, but I am happy to attend ♪
mina sawada on Google

無理のない範囲で通える治療を紹介してもらえるので、すごく通いやすいです。スタッフの皆さんも優しくて、楽しく通ってます。 その日の身体の調子にあわせて指圧の強さや部位を変えて頂けるので、ほぼ毎日通ってメンテナンスしてもらってます。
It is very easy to go because you will be introduced to treatments that you can go to within a reasonable range. The staff are also kind and enjoyable. You can change the strength of acupressure and the part according to the physical condition of the day, so I have them perform maintenance almost every day.
ちひろ(ちーぼー) on Google

I had my pelvis corrected for 3 months, and I went there when I could go 2 days a week. I am grateful that the distortion has been restored to almost normal. I still go to get a massage once a week. I look forward to working with you.
峰山正大 on Google

先月から通わせてもらってます。 自分の身体の状態をわかりやすく教えてもらえるので すごく助かります。 先生もみなさん話しやすくて通いやすいです!
I've been attending since last month. Because you can tell me your physical condition in an easy-to-understand manner It will be very helpful. All the teachers are easy to talk to and easy to attend!
林幸子 on Google

ギックリ腰に初めてなり利用しました。 接骨院の利用は初めてです。 週2回ほどの通院で3週間後には痛みはなくなりましたが、繰り返したくないので1ヶ月電気治療を続けました。 先生たちはみなさん親切丁寧です。 専門知識も豊富で長年の肩こりや首の痛み、股関節痛を相談することができました。 (O脚の相談もしようかな…) 家から10分以内に通えるという立地も意外と重要な点でした。
I used it for the first time on my back. This is my first time to use the osteopathic clinic. I went to the hospital about twice a week and the pain disappeared after 3 weeks, but I didn't want to repeat it, so I continued electric treatment for a month. The teachers are all kind and polite. With a wealth of specialized knowledge, I was able to consult with him about stiff shoulders, neck pain, and hip pain for many years. (I wonder if I can talk about O legs ...) The location, which is within 10 minutes from my house, was also a surprisingly important point.
emine on Google

初めて利用させてもらいました。まず問診を丁寧にしてもらった後、痛みのある場所を触って確認してもらい、そこから原因などを考えながら、どのような方法で治療をしていくか、また値段も伝えてもらってからの治療開始でした。 説明も分かりやすく、安心して治療を受けることができました。肩の痛みも和らぎ、腕が楽に回るようになり、助かりました。
I used it for the first time. First of all, after having a careful interview, I asked them to touch the painful area to check it, and then while thinking about the cause, I was told how to treat it and the price. The treatment started. The explanation was easy to understand, and I was able to receive treatment with peace of mind. My shoulder pain was relieved and my arms were able to turn more easily, which helped me.
Kambayashi Miori on Google

初めての整体で不安もありましたたが、分かりやすく説明してくれました。スタッフの方も優しく、話しやすいです。 毎回施術も満足するくらい、ほぐしてくれます! 産後でからだがガタガタな気がしてましたが、今のところ施術直後はからだがとても楽です。 これからも継続してからだのメンテナンスしていきたいなと思っています。
I was worried about my first manipulative treatment, but he explained it in an easy-to-understand manner. The staff are also kind and easy to talk to. It will loosen you enough to satisfy you every time! I felt it was rattling after giving birth, but for now it's very easy right after the procedure. I would like to continue to maintain my body.

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