JAながの いいづなフルーツセンター

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact JAながの いいづなフルーツセンター

住所 :

Kurai, Iizuna, Kamiminochi District, 〒389-1204 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.ja-nagano.iijan.or.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM
街 : Nagano

Kurai, Iizuna, Kamiminochi District, 〒389-1204 Nagano,Japan
佐竹聖惠 on Google

This is the best place to buy ?? for home use! It was the lowest price due to the type and quantity ?
宮澤豊 on Google

信州北信濃地域で数有る?りんご生産地の一つに数えられる、飯綱町三水地区・倉井に『JAながの いいづな』 青果共選場 ?りんご販売所が有ります。(小高い丘の台地の上に有り、陽当たり・寒暖の差・水はけ、?りんご栽培には最高の打って付けの場所です。) この地域ではここの?りんごは、隠れた?ブランド地区で味良く瑞々しい?りんごと知られています。10月~12月初旬まで、特設の販売店を設置して贈答用の?りんご販売をしてます。 家庭用の?りんごでも、形・色艶が劣っても共選所のセンサーを通し厳しくチェック通過するので何ら味には、全く影響・心配は有りません。 最高品種(特撰・特秀)の?りんごを確実にお買い求める方は、10月~11月初旬迄に販売所に来ると確実に購入出来と、係の方が話していました。 また販売所が撤去しても、裏の共選所に行けば?りんごは何時でも購入可能です。
There is a "JA Nagano Izuna" fruit and vegetable co-selection site ? Apple Sales Office in Kurai, Iizuna Town Sansui District, which is one of the many ? apple producing areas in the Shinshu Kita Shinano area. (Located on a plateau on a small hill, it is the best place for sunshine, temperature difference, drainage, and ? apple cultivation.) In this area, the ? apples here are known for their tasty and fresh ? apples in the hidden ? brand district. From October to early December, we have set up a special store to sell ? apples for gifts. Even for home-use ? apples, even if the shape and color are inferior, they will be rigorously checked through the sensor of the co-selection office, so there is no effect or worry on the taste. The person in charge said that those who definitely buy the best varieties (specially selected and specially selected) ? apples can definitely buy them when they come to the sales office between October and early November. Even if the sales office is removed, you can buy apples at any time by going to the co-selection office on the back.
向井早人 on Google

毎年、こちらで「りんご」を購入しています。 11月の中旬になると、りんご販売の特設販売所が設けられ、他県の方が多く訪れています。 口コミやインターネットの情報により、年々お客さんが増えているようです。 今年は台風の被害のせいか、販売の仕方がちょっと変わったようです。 せっかく行ったのに、購入出来なかったので、星を2つに減らしました。
I purchase “apples” here every year. In mid-November, there is a special sales office for apple sales, and many other prefectures visit. It seems that the number of customers is increasing year by year due to word of mouth and information from the Internet. This year, the sales method seems to have changed a little because of the damage of the typhoon. I went there, but I couldn't buy it, so I reduced the number of stars to two.
まえだよしのり on Google

40年前?普光寺にあった頃から,?長野の人に教えてもらいました?信州1のりんご?。!まだ建物は木造で?事務所も小さく?さんちゃんもなかった。今じゃ?りんご?の良さが知れ渡り?こんなに大きくなりました?もうこれ以上?大きくならなないで?さんちゃん何か?観光バスが?寄る様に? 普光寺の頃、事務所の方?小柳泰子?さんどうしてるかな? 18キロ入家庭用りんご超お買い得。
40 years ago? Have you been taught by a person in Nagano since you were in Pukouji? Shinshu 1 apples ?! Is the building still wooden? Is the office small? There was no San-chan either. Now? Do you know the goodness of apples ?? Has it grown so much? Any more? Don't grow up? San-chan what? Is there a sightseeing bus? Like to stop by? When you were at Koukoji, were you in the office? Yasuko Koyanagi? How are you doing A super bargain for household apples with 18 kg.
Takashi “軍艦スキー” Suzuki on Google

2021 今年は不作だとかで品薄でした。土日でも午前中に売り切れとの事。11/20に午後に伺いましたが、手ぶらで帰る事に。HPなどでお報せ願いたい。 2017記・林檎の収穫時期には割安でりんご買えます。サンフジ18k3500円 紅玉1k500円など
2021 It was a shortage due to poor harvest this year. It is sold out in the morning even on Saturdays and Sundays. I visited in the afternoon on November 20th, but decided to go home empty-handed. Please let us know on our website. 2017 ・ You can buy apples at a bargain price during the apple harvest season. Sanfuji 18k 3500 yen, red ball 1k 500 yen, etc.
Yoshihiro MATSUI on Google

When I went to the end of November, it was crowded with direct sales of apples. I usually go to an apple farmer near the Chikuma River to buy it, but I went there because there was nothing to sell due to the damage from the typhoon. The taste of apples is quite different.
vaio4067 on Google

You can get Fuji, the three apple brothers from Nagano prefecture, at a reasonable price. I think the taste is as delicious as other production areas.
澁谷博孝 on Google

Every year, I buy apples while traveling. In recent years, I can't choose the item because of corona measures, but the cost performance is good and the taste is good (^_^) It was a pity that there was no apple juice this year.

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