Kurahachi - Aomori

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurahachi

住所 :

1 Chome-14-1 Satomi, Aomori, 038-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 038-0032
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM

1 Chome-14-1 Satomi, Aomori, 038-0032, Japan
yuta sakamoto on Google

ランチに限ります。 安い、激ウマい、新鮮、種類が豊富。季節によってメニューが変わりますが、秋以降はタラづくし定食を、イカづくし定食もアリ、刺身定食はキング、と、大人気です。駐車場に空きがないほど、毎日混んでます。近くのローソンに停めることがないように。
Limited to lunch. Cheap, super delicious, fresh, rich in variety. The menu changes depending on the season, but after autumn, the tara-zukuri set meal, the squid-zukuri set meal are ants, and the sashimi set meal is king. The more crowded the parking lot is, the more crowded it is every day. Don't stop at nearby Lawson.
piyopiyo763 on Google

There are seats and chairs in the middle of the parking lot, which are located in front of and behind the store and are easy to stop because the snow is removed. The seats are facing each other, and it is said that it will take time to take an order. Silver tarakama grilled set meal 940 yen It will come in about 10 minutes, there is a water ice cup on the slightly cold table in the store, at the entrance where accounting credits can not be used Several people were waiting to enter the store
Hiro (ひろひろ) on Google

ランチタイムに訪問しました。14時近い時間でしたが客足は途切れず、人気のお店だなと実感しました。カウンター利用だったので、店の奥の様子はわかりませんでしたが和風な居酒屋の雰囲気です。 ランチは800円前後でどれもボリューム十分!そして美味しい!海鮮系も肉系もどれもオススメです。日替わり定食は人気のようで売り切れる事もあります。夜の居酒屋にも行ってみたいと思うお店でした。
I visited at lunch time. It was almost 14:00, but the number of customers was not interrupted, and I realized that it was a popular shop. Since I was using the counter, I didn't know what was going on in the back of the store, but it had a Japanese-style izakaya atmosphere. Lunch is around 800 yen and all have enough volume! And delicious! Both seafood and meat are recommended. The daily set meal seems to be popular and may be sold out. It was a shop that I would like to go to an izakaya at night.
Chun Jun on Google

Both the katsudon and the seafood bowl are delicious, and the cospa is good! The clerk is also amiable! It was a popular local lunch, an izakaya! ?
チコ on Google

平日のお昼に外まで並んでるので気になって行ってみた。 大衆感があり味と量は値段分よりはある。 ただ子供、子連れには明るく声がけしてくるが、大人のみには塩対応。一見さんお断り雰囲気あり。
I lined up outside at noon on weekdays, so I was curious about it. There is a sense of popularity, and the taste and quantity are more than the price. However, children and families with children will be cheerful, but only adults will be able to use salt. At first glance, there is an atmosphere of refusal.
立ち寄りあおもり on Google

食を大切にする、自然を愛する、心が優しい方が、お料理を作るとこの様なお店になるのだというお見本のようなお店です。 定番はありますが、季節の産直、海産物。そして、ワクワク居酒屋おつまみから、青森の郷土料理まで、民宿みたいな新鮮さと美味しさとオーナーのおもてなし。 思わず泊まってしまいそうです。笑 ほんとに窓の外は海ではないか?民宿ではないか?と思わせます。 もう本当に旅行できないときはここに来てみてください^_^ 家族みんなごきげん。嫌なことも忘れちゃいます。 まずはお通しが普通ではない! もはや一品料理です。 わくわくどきどきサプライズ。今日はなんだろなぁ〜。 夜も子連れでも居心地よく大歓迎してくれます。 お昼のランチもまたお得とボリューミーでワクワク。 しめは、なんと、ボリューミーで豪華なパフェ! 飾り切りが綺麗で、フルーツもたくさん。 子供には最後オーダーしてます。 お一人様も安心のカウンター。 相席を楽しめる居間の座敷のような小上がり。 みんなで楽しみたい方はこちらがおすすめ。 奥に進むと個室、半個室の、小上がりと、テーブルがあります。 殆どの席はお肉を焼ける仕様になっていて、海鮮が美味しいお店なのにお肉も焼いて食べれるって凄い魅力的なお店。 かと思えば喫茶店のような本格的なフルーテのパフェもあったり、凄すぎます。 駐車場も十分あり。飲酒をしたときは、代行頼んでくれます。 【ランチ編】 夜もですが、混んでます。 仕事中のお昼休みのランチは厳しいかもしれません。 お休みや予定のないときに、ゆったりした気持ちで気長に何もかも待ちましょう(^_^;) ご飯はボリューミーです。 男性や若者は食べるかと思いますが、おこちゃまや大人の女性は(^_^;)苦しいかもしれません。 私は食べれる方ですが、ご飯少なめで頼んでます。 少ないとは思えなく、普通な量です(^_^;) でも食べれます。 あと、以前は喫煙もできたためタバコの煙がすごくてこのボリューミーと煙とで気持ち悪くなりがちでしたが(^_^;) 今は分煙され、煙は隔離されて吸わない人も吸う人も安心です^_^
It's a sample restaurant where people who value food, love nature, and have a kind heart will become such a restaurant when they cook. There is a standard, but seasonal direct production and marine products. And from the exciting izakaya snacks to the local cuisine of Aomori, the freshness and deliciousness of a guest house and the hospitality of the owner. I'm going to stay involuntarily. smile Isn't the sea really outside the window? Isn't it a guest house? It makes me think. If you really can't travel anymore, please come here ^ _ ^ Good luck to the whole family. I also forget what I don't like. First of all, it's not normal! It's already a dish. Exciting and exciting surprise. I wonder what it is today. You will be welcomed comfortably at night and with children. Lunch at lunch is also great and exciting with volume. The shime is a volumey and luxurious parfait! The decoration is beautiful and there are many fruits. I have the last order for my child. A counter that is safe for one person. A small rise like a living room where you can enjoy shared seats. This is recommended for those who want to have fun together. If you go to the back, you will find a private room, a semi-private room, a small rise, and a table. Most of the seats are designed to bake meat, and even though the seafood is delicious, it is a very attractive restaurant where you can also bake meat. If you think about it, there is also a full-fledged fruit parfait like a coffee shop, which is too amazing. There is plenty of parking. When you drink alcohol, you will be asked to act on your behalf. [Lunch] It's night, but it's crowded. Lunch during lunch break at work can be tough. When you have no holidays or plans, let's wait patiently and patiently (^ _ ^;) The rice is volumey. I think men and young people will eat it, but it may be painful for adult women (^ _ ^;). I'm a person who can eat, but I'm asking for less rice. I don't think it's small, it's a normal amount (^ _ ^;) But you can eat it. Also, I used to be able to smoke, so the smoke from cigarettes was so great that I tended to feel uncomfortable with this volume and smoke (^ _ ^;) Now that the smoke is separated, the smoke is isolated and it is safe for both those who do not smoke and those who smoke ^ _ ^
せがっち on Google

人気店と噂通り開店11時5分前に到着もすでに10人ほど並んでいました。 待たされると思っていたのですが中に入ってすぐ座れて海鮮丼と鉄火丼を注文。メニューも他にカツ丼、カレーもあって迷ってのと『鱈尽くし定食』の昆布締め刺身はなかなかランチでお目にかかれないので流石、夜は居酒屋なだけありますね! お腹いっぱいになるくらいのボリュームで1000円を切るお値段は魅力的でした! しいて言うなら、、、酢飯だと良かったかなぁーと(^^;;お寿司屋さんのランチではないので仕方ないとは思いますが?
As rumored to be a popular store, about 10 people had already arrived before 11:05. I thought I'd have to wait, but as soon as I got inside, I sat down and ordered a seafood bowl and a tekkadon bowl. There are also katsudon and curry on the menu, so I'm at a loss because I can't see the kelp-tightened sashimi of "Cod-exhausted set meal" at lunch, so it's just like an izakaya at night! The price of less than 1000 yen with a volume that fills my stomach was attractive! Speaking of which, I wish I had vinegared rice (^^ ;; It's not a sushi restaurant's lunch, so I think it can't be helped ?
matsu don on Google

11時に入店でしたが数人並んで降りました、オススメのランチ定食がコスパが良く美味いです。 店内は狭く大衆居酒屋な感じで歴史が感じられ和定食を食べるにはいい雰囲気です。 今回は海鮮丼をいただきましたがボリュームたっぷりで、ありがちな臭みもなく安心して食べれました(^^) 味はいい意味で普通です、ここの魅力はコスパとお店の方の気さくな雰囲気だと思います。 声をかけられ懐かしい気持ちにもなりました。 守るべきお店ですね!
I entered the restaurant at 11 o'clock, but several people got off side by side, and the recommended lunch set meal is delicious and cospa is good. The inside of the restaurant is small and has a history like a popular izakaya, which is a good atmosphere to eat Japanese set meals. I had a seafood bowl this time, but it was generous and I could eat it with confidence without the usual odor (^^) The taste is normal in a good way, and I think the charm here is the friendly atmosphere of the cospa and the shop. It made me feel nostalgic when I was called out. It's a shop to protect!

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