Kume Clinics - Matsuyama

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Contact Kume Clinics

住所 :

久米病院 723 Minamikumemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0924, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88997
Postal code : 790-0924
Webサイト : http://kume-hp.jp/

久米病院 723 Minamikumemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0924, Japan
一彦林田 on Google

When I got a little goe, I was suddenly put in the protection room. What's more, the police box below!
くぅちぃきぃ on Google

I was discharged from hospital in 5 days because I wanted to leave when I was hospitalized!
森貞尚美 on Google

I don't want to see a doctor of internal medicine because there is a nurse who is an assistant of internal medicine and I dislike it.
youiti2nz on Google

戦争できる国の垂れ幕に見えたのでクレーム入れたら改善してくれた。 改装後構造的にオシャレ感あって絵とかもあって天気の良い日屋上も上がってみた。 ああこういう景色なんだなと思ってると看護婦さん洗濯物集めに来た。 昼休みに様子見で行くこともある。身体測定にも利用した。ここ近くの 名古屋アリビオに似た一軒家は奇妙で気になる..気になる..... 身体測定室で水飲んだった
It looked like a banner of a country that could be used for war. After the renovation, the rooftop was nice and nice, and the weather was nice and the weather was nice. I came to the nurse's laundry collection when I thought it was such a scene. Sometimes we go to see the situation during the lunch break. It was also used for body measurements. Near here A house similar to Nagoya Alivio is strange and anxious ... I drank water in the anthropometry room
佐々原いつき on Google

担当医がいない時に飛び込みで行っても診てもらえるのはいい。 でも、『副作用ヤバかったから、二度と出さないで。』って言っても平気で何でかその薬出してくる。 薬は、何が欲しい?って訊かれてた。こっちは素人なんだから何が自分の症状に合う薬とか分かる訳が無いでしょ。その為の医者じゃないの?欲しいって言ったやつくれるとか、スーパーでしょ。医療費もったいない。 診察せずに薬代だけ出して、薬にだけお金使う方が時間も無駄にならないし、診察費も無駄にならないと思った。その薬も効いてるのか分からないし。 もちろん転院した。
It ’s good to have a doctor visit if you do n’t have a doctor. But, “Since it was a side effect, do n’t try again. "Even if I say," I'll give you the medicine for some reason. What do you want for the medicine? I was asked. This is an amateur, so there's no reason why you know what medicine suits your symptoms. Are you not a doctor for that? You said you want it, you can make it, it ’s super. I don't have medical expenses. I thought that it would not be a waste of time and a medical examination cost to be spent without paying only for medicines and spending only on medicine. I don't know if the medicine is working. Of course I was transferred.
Rie on Google

昔からの、精神科、内科の入院施設を伴う病院です。この頃の病院は予約制ですが、ここは曜日の予約はあっても基本受付け順。待合室で待つことも多いので、精神的には疲れる病院だと思います。ドクター陣は、いい先生も居ますが。一人何分とか、制限時間は決まってない診療なので、こうなるのでしょう。 精神病の他に、大人の発達障害も診てもらえます。
It is a hospital with an old psychiatry and internal medicine institution. At this time, the hospitals require reservations, but even if there are reservations for the days of the week, the order of acceptance is basic. I often wait in the waiting room, so I think it is a mentally exhausting hospital. Some doctors are good teachers. It will be like this because it is medical treatment where the time limit for one person is not fixed. In addition to mental illness, you can also see adult developmental disorders.
Megumu Taketatsu on Google

これは、中傷でもなんでもありません。経験者が語る「事実」です。 もし、貴方が精神科を受診しようと思っても、この病院だけは行ってはいけません。私は、日本各地の精神病院に6回程入院しましたが、こんな最低の病院は経験したことがありません。 とくに、兵頭医師は、自分では気がついていませんが「統合失調症」です。私はこの医師に酷い目に遭いました。 まあ、民事裁判に訴えてもいいのですが、第三者の証言を得られることが難しいため、泣き寝入りです。 再度言います。「もし、貴方が精神科を受診しようと思っても、この病院だけは行ってはいけません。」 以上です。
This is neither slander nor anything. “Facts” told by experienced people. If you want to see a psychiatrist, do not go to this hospital alone. I have been admitted to mental hospitals around Japan six times, but I have never experienced such a minimum hospital. In particular, Dr. Hyodo is “schizophrenia” although he is not aware of it. I had a bad time with this doctor. Well, it's okay to appeal to a civil trial, but it's difficult to get a third party's testimony, so I'm asleep. Say again. “If you want to see a psychiatrist, do n’t just go to this hospital.” that's all.
もも on Google

I have been to this hospital and have been hospitalized, but if you are thinking of going to psychosomatic medicine or psychiatry, you should quit. I have a medical examination by Dr. H of this hospital. The teacher goes to G. Keep your promise. I was forced to be hospitalized because I had to be hospitalized if I didn't keep it tight. Mr. H of H Hospital, who I attended before, was very kind to me. I am still really grateful. There were times when H Hospital could not enter the hospital for a while. But little by little, I started working hard to get into the hospital, and then I started to get into the doctor's office. And after a long time. You managed to do your best for G. Just say that and it's a little later so let's do our best! I felt that way, so I think I was able to meet a very good teacher there. Returning to the story of this hospital, if you feel sick, go to G and get sick there, come to this hospital and be hospitalized again. I'm resting because I don't want to be like that. Who will take responsibility if I'm forced to go and get tired? That's the case, but the teacher here is only responsible for the patient. I was also hospitalized. Some nurses were not good at it, but the nurses were very kind and listened to a lot of stories. Nurses I caused a lot of trouble to the nurses. I'm sorry there. But nurses and nurses were just annoying, but thank you. I'm just grateful. The teacher wrote the name of the disease that I had never been diagnosed with, and my parents trusted me, so I was very sad to do that. Regarding the nurses at this hospital, there is a teacher from Hospital A at this hospital, but I was told that I could go to the hospital I was in before, so this I thought that the teacher who came to the hospital would be nice, but I was scared and couldn't say it. Many of the teachers at this hospital seem to be credible, but that's not the case. please be careful. I don't want to go to such a hospital anymore. (But I'm afraid I can't say it because my parents trust me because I'm angry, so I want to change the hospital, but I have nowhere to go, so I'd like you to introduce me, but I know that I can't say anything to such a teacher, so I just put up with it. I want you to.) I'm sorry for the long sentence. I'm glad if there are people who like it.

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