Kumanomi Acupuncture - Saitama

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kumanomi Acupuncture

住所 :

1 Chome-615 Amanumacho, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0834, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 330-0834
Webサイト : http://www.kumanomi-seikotu.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday 8:30AM–12:30PM
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM

1 Chome-615 Amanumacho, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0834, Japan
こぶた on Google

施術も丁寧で、フレンドリーなスタッフさん達のおかげて通いやすいです。 施術後は患部も楽になり、翌日の仕事も スピーディーに! 皆さんも1度、試してみて下さい。
The treatment is also polite, and thanks to the friendly staff, it is easy to go. After the treatment, the affected area will be easier and the next day's work will be done. Speedily! Please try it once.
ryosuke toda on Google

突然首の痛みが発生し、 動かなくなってしまった為、妻が通っている くまのみ整骨院さんに 急遽対応していただきました。おかげで首が回るようになってきました。 院長先生をはじめ、スタッフの方々の対応も素晴らしく定期的に通わせていただいてます。
Sudden neck pain My wife is attending because it has stopped working To Kumanomi Acupuncture Center I had you respond in a hurry. Thanks to that, my neck has started to turn. The correspondence of the staff, including the director, is also wonderful and I am able to attend regularly.
小島椎 on Google

ランニング中の足の痛みで通院しています。皆さんとても丁寧な対応で施術の効果もとても高いと思います。足の痛みも徐々に良くなりランニングが再開できそうなのでとてもありがたいです! これからも通院しようと思います!
I go to the hospital because of a pain in my leg while running. I think everyone is very polite and the treatment is very effective. I am very grateful that my leg pain will gradually improve and I will be able to resume running! I will continue to go to the hospital!
れいちゃん on Google

右脚の付け根が引っかかるような違和感と音がなり始めたので治療を開始しました。 毎回体全体の調子を見てくださりその時々によって電気を通す場所を変えてくださったりするのでとてもありがたいです。 ストレッチ方法を教えてくださったり、良くするための方法を親身に考えてくださる優しい先生たちなので通い始めてとても良かったなと思います。
I started treatment because I started to feel a sense of discomfort and noise as if the base of my right leg was caught. I am very grateful that he / she sees the condition of the whole body every time and changes the place where electricity is conducted depending on the time. I'm glad I started going because they are kind teachers who teach me how to stretch and think about how to improve it.
瀧大輔 on Google

定期的な体のメンテナンスの為に通っています。 スタッフの方は人事異動で定期的に変わるのですが、人が変わっても丁寧な施術と接客だけは変わりません。 信頼のおける院長先生の指導の賜物だと思いますね!
I go there for regular body maintenance. The staff changes regularly due to personnel changes, but even if the people change, only the polite treatment and customer service do not change. I think it is the result of the guidance of a reliable director!
eri kimura on Google

大宮駅からバスで10分ほどの場所にあります。 セブンイレブンがすぐ近くにあるのが目印です。 昨年から腰の痛みをきっかけに通院し始めましたが、腰はすっかり良くなり今は月1のメンテナンスとして通っています。 施術内容をしっかり説明していただけます。 スタッフさんも皆さん親切で安心です。 いつもありがとうございます。
It is about 10 minutes by bus from Omiya Station. The landmark is that Seven-Eleven is nearby. I started going to the hospital last year because of my lower back pain, but my lower back has improved and I am now going to the hospital for maintenance on the 1st of the month. You can explain the details of the treatment. All the staff are kind and safe. I am always grateful for your help.
熊谷康平 on Google

It was a kind shop, 25 minutes on foot from Omiya Koen Station, 9 minutes by car at the shortest, kindly and politely supporting treatment and listening to insurance related matters in the event of an accident! It's a cozy shop where you can chat during treatment!
田口猛 on Google

At the end of the year, I had a hard time, so I searched for various nearby osteopathic clinics, searched for a place near my house that was cheaper, and started to go to Kumanomi Osteopathic Institute. I'm a little worried because it's good to make a phone call to make the first reservation and I'm going to the osteopathic clinic for the first time, but I think the treatment is kind and polite. It's been 3 months since I started going to school, but I had a pain in my lower back, but it has improved a lot and the pain has become much easier. The inside of the clinic is also beautiful, and I think it's okay to disinfect it every time because it's this time of the year.

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