
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フレンドマート豊中熊野店

住所 :

Kumanocho, Toyonaka, 〒560-0014 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.heiwado.jp/profile/osaka.html
街 : Osaka

Kumanocho, Toyonaka, 〒560-0014 Osaka,Japan
難波ひとみ on Google

広くて品揃え豊富。思ってたより安い。お惣菜がとんでもなく美味しい。 お酒やおつまみは微妙。 駐車場がそこそこ広くて便利。
Wide and wide selection. It's cheaper than I expected. The side dish is ridiculously delicious. Alcohol and snacks are delicate. The parking lot is reasonably large and convenient.
Michio Yoshida on Google

Fish and meat are big and delicious. The price is cheaper than Hankyu Oasis and better than Life and Bandai. it's recommended. Please note that it depends on the item!
おたふくやま on Google

普通のスーパーです。天井が高くて広い。 駐車場も広め。
It's an ordinary supermarket. The ceiling is high and wide. The parking lot is also wide.
砂田裕子 on Google

1年前に引っ越して 最初に来たスーパーです。 肉も野菜も惣菜も 上等なものが多いです。 大体のものはここで揃います。
This is the first supermarket I moved to a year ago. Many of the meat, vegetables, and side dishes are of the highest quality. Most of them are available here.
二村クニ on Google

夏は冷房効きすぎで薄着で入ると風邪ひくけどこの時季からちょうどエエ。 レジは可愛いコが多くて比較的空いててよろし。 狭い割には品揃えエエけど少し高いか。 周りが金持ちばかりやからかまへんのやろけど。
In the summer, the air conditioner is too effective, and if you wear light clothes, you will catch a cold, but from this season it's just eh. There are many cute girls at the cash register and it's okay if it's relatively free. Although it is small, the product lineup is a little expensive. The people around me are all rich and I don't know what to do.
T K on Google

豊中初出店で11月29日オープン。 日曜日の開店9時に来店です。 生鮮の品揃えは問題ありませんが、惣菜は仕入商品は並んでますが店内調理品は並んでません。 朝食のパンを買いたかったのですが、インストアベーカリーは昨日の売れ残りが少し並んでるだけでした。残念です。 開店時の惣菜ベーカリーの品揃えを頑張って欲しいです。 自社の電子マネー(HOPマネー)がついてるポイントカードは1%のポイントが付いて500ポイントでHOPマネーにチャージか1000ポイントで現金1000円のキャッシュバックで、店内商品もお得に買える商品があったりするので常連客になるなら作った方がお得ですね。 買物袋は5円なのでマイバッグですね。
Opened on November 29 at the first Toyonaka store. I'm here on Sunday at 9am. There is no problem with the assortment of fresh food, but the prepared foods are lined up, but the cooked items are not lined up. I wanted to buy breakfast bread, but the in-store bakery had only a few unsold items from yesterday. I'm sorry. I want you to work hard at the assortment of prepared food bakery at the time of opening. The point card with in-house electronic money (HOP money) has 1% points, 500 points for HOP money charge or 1000 points for cash back of 1000 yen, there are products that you can buy in-store products at a discount So if you become a regular customer, it is better to make it. My shopping bag is 5 yen so it's my bag.
a West on Google

I remember seeing it in Shiga prefecture decades ago, maybe it was the Heiwado brand, but in front of the toilet, there is a cafe corner where you can take a short break. I don't know the parking lot on weekdays, but the cars are always full on weekends ... Thank you to the guards.
michi on Google

駐車場はそれなりにあります。 ただ日曜の昼過ぎなど混む時間帯では、駐車場待ちの列が出来るので避けて行った方がいいですね。 ここには珍しいCoke ON対応GEORGIA CAFEの自販機があります。
There is a parking lot as it is. However, during busy hours such as after noon on Sundays, there will be a line waiting for the parking lot, so you should avoid it. There is a rare Coke ON compatible GEORGIA CAFE vending machine here.

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