パッケージプラザ カワタ

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パッケージプラザ カワタ

住所 :

Kugahara, Ota City, 〒146-0085 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.package-kawata.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kugahara, Ota City, 〒146-0085 Tokyo,Japan
Nori 883 on Google

If you want to buy a commercial package such as a box or a paper bag around it, here!
tocchang on Google

There are four parking lots, and there are plenty of items. It is a very easy to use package plaza.
里香(Rikacch) on Google

動いていない商品は在庫確認してない感じで、色紙(アレンジメント用)が折り目が色褪せていて購入したくても買えなかった。 全般に値段も安いと感じない。
I didn't check the stock of the non-moving items, and I couldn't buy them even if I wanted to buy them because the creases of the colored paper (for arrangement) had faded. I don't feel that the price is cheap in general.
てつのじいじ on Google

Various containers and packaging materials were available. Stores, stalls, and kitchen cars that you can count on. In addition, it is a store that elementary school science and art teachers rely on. However, since it is in units of 30 or 100, please consult with Mr. Kawada before buying.
N S (のこりん) on Google

It is not particularly cheap. Wrapping is available that allows you to put handmade sweets such as so-called pound cakes in transparent plastic bags individually and send them out.
仲野チコ on Google

東急バスの久が原出世観音から久が原に向かい3.4分歩くと看板が見えます!道路を挟んで向い合せ2軒で営業していて、一軒は「箱」専門になっていました。商売の方が沢山購入されていました!量を沢山購入するほど 割安になる料金設定の様です!年に何回か開催されるセール時はとても安く、お勧めです!!!
If you walk 3.4 minutes from Kugahara Shussekannon on the Tokyu Bus to Kugahara, you will see a signboard! There are two houses facing each other across the road, one of which specializes in "boxes". A lot of business people were buying! It seems that the price is set cheaper as you buy more! It is very cheap and recommended at the sale held several times a year !!!
敦賀光之 on Google

There are 2 stores across the 2nd floor (stores up to the 2nd floor) street, and a parking lot (4 cars?) On the large store side. Information only on plastic bags, sold in units of 100.
kazumoto watanabe on Google

いつもイベント等で使う用品を購入するために利用しています。焼鳥用の浅い物から、焼きそば用の深い物、卵用の物まで、多数のタイプのフードパックは勿論、大きさ&用途別の使い捨てのカップ、ポップコーン用の備品、綿菓子用の備品、ヨーヨーすくいの補充用の紙撚まで、大抵のイベント備品が揃います。 お気に入りはかき氷に好きなだけたっぷりかけられる、業務用のコンデンスミルク(チューブ)です。バザーや学園祭等のイベントがありましたら、一度は行ってみる価値があります。
I am always using it to buy supplies for use at events, etc. A wide variety of food packs, from shallow for grilled chicken to deep fried for buckwheat, for eggs, of course, disposable cups by size & application, popcorn fittings, cotton candy fittings, yoyos Most event equipment is ready, including dips for dip refilling. My favorite is professional condensed milk (tube), which can be put on as much ice as you like. If you have an event such as a bazaar or a school festival, it is worth going once.

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