Kuchihatcho Tennoji - Osaka

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuchihatcho Tennoji

住所 :

16-17 Horikoshicho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 543-0056

16-17 Horikoshicho, Tennoji Ward, Osaka, 543-0056, Japan
内藤裕美 on Google

何十年も飲み歩いていますが、過去最低なお店です。 いらっしゃいませの一言もなし、注文を一切聞きにこない、注文したら「はぁ?」と言われるし。 本当に愛想ないし、店員の態度が悪すぎます。 現に他のお客さんが呼んでも注文聞いてくれないからと怒って帰る客が多い!笑 こんな最低なチェーン店、来る意味なし! 二度と来ません!
I've been drinking for decades, but it's the worst restaurant ever. I didn't even say a word of welcome, I didn't come to ask for an order at all, and when I placed an order, I was told "Huh?". It's really unfriendly and the clerk's attitude is too bad. In fact, many customers get angry and go home because they don't listen to their orders even if other customers call them! smile There is no point in coming to such a worst chain store! I will never come again!
赤目のダイス on Google

1ヶ月前に行った時は確かに酷すぎましたが、 先週伺わして貰った時は以前に見た店員はほとんどおらず、新しい店員さんはとても親切でした! ただ少し人が少ないのかな?手が回ってないのが客席からでも丸わかりでした。
It was certainly too terrible when I went a month ago, When I visited last week, there were few clerk I saw before, and the new clerk was very kind! Is there just a few people? It was clear from the audience that I couldn't get around.
様様 on Google

まぁ周知の通りでしょうが行くべきではないですよね。来店しても無視、注文しても無視 料理が来るのもかなり遅い。態度もかなり悪い。 会計も何言ってるか全く聞こえないし当然のようにレシートをくれない。ほんの少ししか注文していなかったものの想定の2倍以上の会計だった。 クチコミの通りですね。
Well, as you know, you shouldn't go. Ignore even if you come to the store, ignore even if you order. The attitude is also quite bad. I can't hear what the accounting is saying at all, and as a matter of course, he doesn't give me a receipt. Although I ordered only a few, it was more than double the accounting I expected. It's just like the word of mouth.
R Matsuda on Google

平日の20時に来店しました。 案内され2階に上がると最初は空いていたのですが、急に満席になりました。満席になったのはいいのですが、9卓が満席になってドリンク・フードが溜まっているのに一向に2階に応援がこないのは意味がわかりませんでした。 串も頼みましたが、最初の串は緩くおいしくなかったです 手羽唐揚げに関してはほんとに美味しいです! 普通におかわりいけます! タバコ吸えるのはいいのですが、 もう少し換気してもらえると助かります!
I came to the store at 20:00 on weekdays. When I was guided up to the second floor, it was vacant at first, but suddenly it became full. It's nice that it's full, but I didn't understand why 9 tables were full and drinks and food were piled up, but no support came to the 2nd floor. I also ordered skewers, but the first skewers were loose and not delicious The fried chicken wings are really delicious! You can refill normally! It ’s nice to smoke, but It would be helpful if you could ventilate a little more!
天パ少年 on Google

人生の中で1番最悪な店でした。 まず、男性店員の態度が悪すぎて怖すぎる。 焼き鳥も、塩の味が全くなくて、その上焼きも甘すぎて全然美味しくない。 もものたたきに添えてある生野菜も、串打ち中のこころを触った手でそのまま用意していた。 不衛生すぎる。 私自身初めて口コミをするが、口コミをしなくては気が済まないほど酷い店だった。
It was the worst store in my life. First of all, the attitude of the male clerk is too bad and too scary. Yakitori also has no salt taste, and the yakitori is too sweet and not delicious at all. The raw vegetables that accompany the thighs were also prepared as they were by touching the heart of the skewers. It's too unsanitary. I made a word of mouth for the first time, but it was so terrible that I had to make a word of mouth.
けろっぴ on Google

3ヶ月前ぐらいにきました。 味はまぁまぁ。 料理の提供時間はすごく遅いです。 バイトの人?と社員とかの間で恋愛でもしてんのかな??そういうのあんま良くないと思います。 店員の接客はゴミ。 若い坊主の店員さんは愛想がよかったです。 基本料理名も言わずに机に料理を置かれたり、 注文を無視されることもありましたが、 坊主の店員さんは、 接客がよかったです。 厨房でタバコを吸う姿もしばしば見られたので、 飲食店としてエチケットがなってないと思いました。 坊主の店員さんだけがすごく働いていて感動しました。坊主
I came about 3 months ago. The taste is ok. The serving time of the food is very slow. A part-time worker? I wonder if there is a love affair between the employee and the employee. ?? I don't think that's so good. The customer service of the clerk is garbage. The young shaved clerk was very friendly. You can put food on your desk without saying the basic food name, Sometimes the order was ignored, The clerk of the shaven The customer service was good. I often saw people smoking cigarettes in the kitchen, so I thought that etiquette was not available as a restaurant. I was impressed that only the shaved clerk was working very hard. Shaved
高田くるみ on Google

4組ほど入っていて1人で入店しました。 店員さんの対応はとても親切で口コミを見る限り改善されたんだなと思いました! 特に坊主の店員さんは料理を運ぶ時きちんと目を見て料理名を教えて下さり、とても愛想がよく嬉しかったです! ただ目の前のガラスに油がべっとり着いていたのが気になりました。 また来ようと思います。
There were about 4 groups and I entered the store by myself. The clerk's response was very kind and I thought it was improved as far as I could see the reviews! In particular, the clerk of the shaved clerk looked at me properly when carrying the food and told me the name of the food, which made me very amiable and happy! However, I was worried that the oil was sticking to the glass in front of me. I will come again.
Wong Hoi Ling on Google

Don't trust the reviews! The wings and skewers were super tasty! These are the best wings I have had in my life and I had 6 of them myself!

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