
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鮨割烹うめむら

住所 :

Kozojicho, Kasugai, 〒487-0013 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
街 : 区画 Aichi

Kozojicho, Kasugai, 〒487-0013 Aichi,Japan
さくみく on Google

Sushi is delicious. The balance of shari's grip, size and sushi ingredients is the best and the serving is beautiful.
ぶーぶー on Google

緊急事態宣言発令前とかでもネットに出てる時間より閉まる時間が早い 味は普通位 その割値段は高いね
Even before the announcement of the state of emergency, the closing time is earlier than the time when it is on the net The taste is normal The price is high
谷田部泉 on Google

会話を避けたい酔っぱらうおっさんとしては常連さんの多い店は少し困る… 日本酒を好きな人にはおすすめかも、但し、おっさんは昼飲みだけどね?
As a drunken old man who wants to avoid conversation, a store with many regulars is a little troublesome ... It may be recommended for people who like sake, but the old man is drinking for lunch ?
H Hange on Google

店舗前をよく通りはするんですが、行ったことなかったんですよねぇ。どうやら、店舗裏が駐車場のようなんですが・・・ダメだ停めれる気がしねぇw(;´Д`) 絶対小型車じゃないと無理でしょ。到着早々に諦め隣のCPに入れます。いやCPも広くは無いので4、5回切り返して停めますww 入れたはいいが、コレで満席だったらどーすんだ(・ε・`) 店舗入り口には土用丑の日うなぎの予約販売が貼られてますねぇ。入って右手がカウンター、常連さん3名が呑んでますよ。いいなぁ(´・ω・`) 左手のテーブル席に座ります。すぐに熱いお茶とおしぼりを持ってきてくれますよ。ランチメニューには、にぎりとちらし、海鮮丼が並んでます。にぎりの量を訊いたら7貫に細巻という、ちと物足らんかなーと悩むと「一半も出来ますよ」と、んじゃお願いします。ちなみに「並にぎりランチ」@1380の一半は\2000でした。 壁には速達生のポスターがあり「春日井エリア初!」などの文字が躍るがコロナの影響か、提供していないとの但し書きが。 などと店内を見回していると、すぐ出て来ましたよ。おースゴいね、マグロを除いたら全て別のネタだ。鮪、烏賊、蛸、蝦蛄、イクラ、飛び子、海老、帆立、子持ち昆布、鉄火、河童。新鮮ですねぇ。どれも旨いよ。特にねっとりとした帆立とかプチプチ昆布とかイイねぇ。 お味噌汁は少なめ、豆腐と揚げとワカメの赤出汁。でも豆腐が角切りじゃなくてスプーンですくったような形になってるのが面白い。 茶碗蒸し「熱いので気を付けて下さいね」と言われたが本当に熱いww 結局食事終わり頃まで器が持てなかったww 椎茸と蒲鉾、三つ葉に、なんだろ?ぷりっぷりの海老みたいなのが入ってた。すぐに呑み下してしまったのが悔やまれる(笑) 大将も女将さんも愛想がよくて居心地がいいです。 10貫あると流石に満足しますね。丁寧な仕事でシャリのほどけ具合も絶妙で、美味しかったです。欲を言えば味噌汁と茶碗蒸しでは無くて玉子焼きが欲しかったかなー。 これから鮨喰いたくなったら寄らせてもらいます。 あーそうそう、せっかく袋から少し先を出す様にしておしぼりを差し出してくれたのに、袋ごと掴んでしまい すいませんでした(笑)
I often pass in front of the store, but I've never been there. Apparently, the back of the store is like a parking lot, but ... I don't feel like I can park it w (;'Д`) It's impossible unless it's an absolutely small car. I will give up as soon as I arrive and put it in the next CP. No, the CP isn't wide, so I'll turn it back four or five times and stop. It's okay to put it in, but if it's full, it's okay (・ ε ・ `) At the entrance of the store, there is a pre-order sale of the day of the Ox eel. The counter is on your right, and three regulars are drinking. Good (´ ・ ω ・ `) Sit at the table on your left. They will bring you hot tea and hand towels right away. The lunch menu is lined with nigiri, chirashizushi, and seafood bowls. If you ask about the amount of nigiri, it will be thinly rolled into 7 pieces, and if you are worried that it is not enough, please say "I can do half a half". By the way, half of the "Namigiri Lunch" @ 1380 was 2000 yen. There is a poster of express students on the wall, and the characters such as "Kasugai area first!" Jump up, but there is a proviso that it is not provided due to the influence of Corona. When I was looking around the store, I immediately came out. It's amazing, except for tuna, it's all different material. Tuna, squid, octopus, tuna, salmon roe, tobiko, shrimp, scallop, cuttlefish, iron fire, cuttlefish. It's fresh. Everything is delicious. Especially the sticky scallops and bubble wrap kelp are good. Miso soup is small, tofu, fried and red seaweed soup. But it's interesting that the tofu is shaped like a spoon instead of diced. Chawanmushi "Be careful because it's hot" was said, but it's really hot ww After all, I couldn't hold the bowl until the end of the meal ww Shiitake mushrooms, kamaboko, and trefoil, what? There was something like a lot of shrimp in it. I regret having swallowed it immediately (laughs) Both the general and the landlady are amiable and comfortable. If you have 10 pieces, you will be satisfied with the stone. It was a polite work and the sushi rice was unraveled exquisitely and it was delicious. Speaking of greed, I wonder if I wanted omelet instead of miso soup and chawanmushi. If you want to eat sushi from now on, I will drop by. Oh yeah, he gave me a hand towel so that I could pull it out of the bag a little, but I'm sorry I grabbed the whole bag (laughs).
i. tommy on Google

握りランチ、お値打ちです。 とても美味しかったです。 ひょうたんちらしは、量が女性向けかも^ ^
A handful lunch, good value. It was very delicious. The amount of gourd leaflets may be for women ^ ^
mobilis in mobili on Google

おいしくて食べてて幸せになりました。 寿司はもちろんのこと、お茶や味噌汁、茶碗蒸しどれも最高でした。ありがとうございました。
I was happy to eat and eat. Not only sushi but also tea, miso soup and chawanmushi were all the best. Thank you very much.
H “ベヒロ” I on Google

Normally lunch. The recommended lunch was sold out at 13:00. It's not a conveyor belt sushi, so it's a little expensive for 1380 yen. The sushi was delicious and the shop was friendly and talked to me.
Koji Morita on Google

大事なお祝いのために奮発してお寿司をオーダーしましたが、とても残念でした。 鮪のトロを中心に頼みましたが、その辺の回転寿司並の味でした。
I rushed to order sushi for an important celebration, but I was very disappointed. I mainly ordered tuna toro, but it tasted like conveyor belt sushi.

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