Kozenji - Shibata

3.3/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Kozenji

住所 :

111 Doga, Shibata, Niigata 957-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 957-0001
Webサイト : http://www.shibatashibukkyoukai.org/index.php%3F%25E8%2588%2588%25E5%2596%2584%25E5%25AF%25BA

111 Doga, Shibata, Niigata 957-0001, Japan
コシひかり on Google

蒲原三十三観音 第二十六番札所
Kanbara Thirty-Three Sounds

正徳元年(1711)、弘化元年(1844)両度の火災及び安永年間(1772~81)の水害などで古文書が失われたが、次のように口伝されている。 縁起によると、当寺は、天平年間(729〜749)に開創された行基菩薩ゆかりの寺で、真言宗であった。現聖篭町次第浜地内にあり、天正3年(1575)現在地に移転した。開山超天久越和尚は新発田藩主菩提寺宝光寺五世で、正保元年(1644)藩の意向で現宗派に改宗した。 本尊聖観世音菩薩は行基大僧正の作で、叡山常行堂に安置されていたものという。天正3年(1575)、領主新発田因幡守が当寺門前を乗馬で通った際落馬されたことから、以来本尊は秘仏として厨子の扉を固く閉じ、開扉は住職一代一回と定め、下馬観音と呼ばれている。参道も正面を避け斜めに設けられてある。 昭和36年風害、同39年新潟地震、同43年加治川改修、同45年庫裡改築、同57年庫裡を増築、平成10年に位牌堂の増築を行った。 1740年頃から、蒲原26番の観音札所として信仰を集めている。
Old documents were lost due to fires in both the first year of Shotoku (1711) and the first year of Kouka (1844) and water damage during the year of Yasunaga (1772-81), but it has been handed down as follows. According to the Engi, this temple was a Shingon sect and was founded during the Tenpyo period (729-749) and was associated with Gyoki Bosatsu. It is located in Hamaji, which is currently located in Seigo-cho, and was relocated to its current location in 1575. Kaizan Chotenkukoshi Kazuhisa was the Buddhist temple of the Shibata feudal lord, Hokkoji V, and was converted to the current sect with the intention of the feudal clan (1644). Honson Seikanzeon Bodhisattva is said to have been enshrined in the Eizan Jyogyodo by the work of the Gyoki Daizo Tadashi. In 1575, the lord Shibata Shibata was killed when he passed the temple gate by horseback riding, and since then, the principal shrine has firmly closed the door of the kitchen as a secret Buddha, and decided to open the door once for the chief priest. It is called Kannon. The approach to the approach is also slanted, avoiding the front. The wind damage in 1936, the Niigata earthquake in 1939, the Kajikawa renovation in 1968, the renovation of the warehouse in 1945, and the warehouse in 1957 were expanded, and in 11998, the Ichigodo was rebuilt. Since 1740, it has been a religion as Kannon No. 26 in Kambara.
マツコ on Google

入り口にお地蔵様が居られたので『ここかな?』と…? お地蔵様からは参道が少し曲がっているので本堂が見えなかったのですが、少し入った所に『興善寺』の看板が倒れていたので興善寺さんだと分かりました?✋
There was a Jizo at the entrance, so I asked, "Is it here? ] And ... ? I couldn't see the main hall from Jizo because the approach to the shrine was a little bent, but I knew it was Kozenji because the sign of "Kozenji" had collapsed in the place where I entered a little ?✋

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