こどもプログラミング教室 すまいる・キッズ

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Contact こどもプログラミング教室 すまいる・キッズ

住所 :

Koyamafujinosatocho, Fujiidera, 〒583-0034 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879988
Webサイト : https://www.keep-on-smiling.jp/smilekids
街 : Osaka

Koyamafujinosatocho, Fujiidera, 〒583-0034 Osaka,Japan
杉田幹子 on Google

子供がお世話になっています。 先生が子供の性格をよく見抜いて、得意な事はもっと得意に、苦手な事はゆっくり時間をかけて見守って下さいます。 プログラミングの教室ですが、プログラミングを超えた生きる力を伸ばして下さいます。
My child is indebted. The teacher will take a good look at your child's personality, and take time to watch over what you are good at and what you are not good at. Although it is a programming class, please improve your ability to live beyond programming.
りん子ながた on Google

A boy in the lower grades of elementary school is indebted. I was worried that the children of the house who knew the place would get used to it, but the teachers who proceeded with the lessons while observing the characteristics of each student were able to speak to me well and I was able to attend with peace of mind.
tomomi s on Google

小4の息子がお世話になっています。 こうやったらどうなるんだろう?という息子のつぶやきや、こんな風にしてみたい!という思いつきにも丁寧に関わって下さる優しい先生です。 通う度に息子のプログラミングへの熱は増し、本当にいい顔して帰ってきます。沢山褒めて下さるので、息子も嬉しそうですし、自信をもって挑戦する姿が増えてきたように思います。
My 4th son is indebted to me. What if I do this? I want to make a tweet from my son, like this! He is a kind teacher who is politely involved in the idea. Every time I go, my son's passion for programming grows and he comes back with a really nice face. My son seems to be happy because he praises me a lot, and I think that the number of people who are confident in taking on challenges is increasing.
武藤恵子 on Google

This is a programming class where children are indebted. Programming is a required subject in elementary school, but I don't understand it at all, so I leave it to the teacher. The teacher accepts the child's character and teaches it really patiently and kindly. Children are happy to participate every time.
ちひろ on Google

My son has been indebted to me since the first grade of elementary school. I like robots and games, so I started. The teachers will look at the personality and individuality of each child, so they will give guidance that suits the child. After attending this classroom, I feel that I have gained the power to think carefully and do trial and error.
野沢直子 on Google

My son goes to computer and programming from elementary school 2. Thanks to the ingenuity of the teachers, the person himself enjoys going to the game as if he were playing a game. I'm just impressed with the amazing progress of my computer. In the computer class at school, he is asked to play the role of "teacher" and he is good at it. Recently, I tried the typing test for the first time and got the first grade. I have never practiced at home, and I am grateful to the teachers. In order to survive in the future data era, I would like to continue to attend for a long time.
a tsu.n on Google

My 2nd daughter is indebted to me. It is a classroom where a daughter who knows the place and is retired can enjoy it. Every time there is a new challenge, flexible thinking is required, so I have the ability to think. Thanks to the detailed guidance of the teachers. I am looking forward to future growth.
Tsujita Erika on Google

My second grade son is indebted to me. The teacher really looks at each child's personality and treats each one carefully. I always study a lot of compliments and encourage voluntary actions. My son is also very much looking forward to his weekly programming lessons.

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