
4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西小山整体院

住所 :

Koyama, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Webサイト : http://www.niko-seitai.com/
街 : Tokyo

mm on Google

さぼてん on Google

kosho sansho on Google

Reservation required
papa tawa on Google

I have only passed twice yet, but my pain in my neck and shoulders was so good I couldn't sleep.
M Y on Google

清潔感があり、おしゃれな内装で、ゴッドハンドと呼びたいくらい技術のある先生お一人でされてます。 産後の骨盤矯正、授乳による首肩腰の不調が劇的に改善されました。産後骨盤矯正専門の有名店にも通いましたが体の痛みが改善されず、駆け込んだのがこちら。 短時間の施術で、張っていた首、肩、腰が柔らかくなり、痛みが消え、即効性にびっくりしました。首や肩を回してもポキポキならなくなったのが凄かったです。歪みは戻りやすいらしく、2-3回通う必要はあるそうですが、子供のお世話で常に姿勢が悪くなるため、定期的に通ってます。 私の場合、血流がとても良くなるので、施術後は眠くなり、夜は早々に寝てしまいます。
It is clean, stylishly furnished, and is a skillful teacher who wants to be called God Hand. Postpartum pelvic correction and nursing problems with breastfeeding have been dramatically improved. I went to a famous post-partum pelvic correction specialty store, but my body pain did not improve, and I rushed here. With a short treatment, my neck, shoulders and hips became softer, the pain disappeared and I was surprised at the immediate effect. It was amazing that I couldn't get squeaky around my neck and shoulders. It seems that the distortion seems to return easily and it is necessary to go 2-3 times, but I go regularly because my child always takes care of my posture. In my case, my blood flow is so good that I get sleepy after the treatment and go to bed early at night.
三浦真淑 on Google

猫背を治したくて行ったのですが初めてのカイロで不安もありましたが、痛くない施術でした。 首をならしてもらった時には、骨が定位置に戻り頭に血が通うのが分かり、 ずっと老廃物がたまっていたと思っていたポコっとしたものも無くなりました。 そしたらそのポコっとしたものは、どこにいっても凝りがたまってると言われていたのに、実は骨がずれていて出来ていたものだと分かり、今ではポコりもなく、首もスッキリ過ごしております。 先生のお話も面白く、定期的に通っています。
I wanted to cure my stoop, but I was worried about my first Cairo, but it was a painless procedure. When I had my neck smoothed, I noticed that the bones returned to their home position and blood ran through my head. The stuff that I thought was a waste product for a long time is gone. Then, it was said that the stiff thing was stiff no matter where I was, but I realized that it was actually made of bones, and now I have no poco and my neck is refreshing. We are doing it. The teacher's story is also interesting and I go there regularly.
K M on Google

あちこち通いましたが、今のところ西小山整体院を超える先生に出会えていません。プロ中のプロです。 身体の歪み具合にもよりますが、術後に目線の高さが変わるぐらい身体が真っ直ぐになります。よくある揉み返しや痛みも無いので安心です。 初回は特に丁寧に説明しながら施術してくれるので、あまりカイロプラクティックに馴染みのない方にもお勧めです。
I went here and there, but so far I haven't met any teachers beyond Nishikoyama Seitaiin. I am a professional among professionals. Depending on how much your body is distorted, your body will become straight enough to change the height of your eyes after surgery. You can rest assured that there will be no re-rubbing or pain that is common. The first time, the treatment will be performed with a particularly careful explanation, so it is recommended for those who are not very familiar with chiropractic.
Sempooki on Google

The guy explains (in Japanese) lots of details as he works your body. Quite informative.

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