陶芸工房沢羅木 - Ashigarashimo District

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 陶芸工房沢羅木

住所 :

Kowakudani, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, 〒250-0406 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 250-0406
街 : Kanagawa

Kowakudani, Hakone, Ashigarashimo District, 〒250-0406 Kanagawa,Japan
on Google

I went there last November, but I haven't received the one I made yet. It was said that it was January or February at the latest, but it was already April ... I called the workshop, but I couldn't answer at all ...
A Kimberly on Google

着色を別料金で頼んでいたのに、色付けされてないまま届いた。 商品の到着が体験日から1~2ヶ月だと言われていたのに、なんの連絡もなく約5ヶ月後にされた。
I asked for coloring for an extra charge, but it arrived uncolored. It was said that the product arrived one to two months after the experience date, but it was about five months later without any notice.
M O on Google

GO TOを使って11月末にろくろ体験でミニ盆栽鉢を作成させていただきました。お届けに2〜3ヶ月かかるとのこと。 自宅の桜盆栽を、作成した鉢に開花前に植え替えたかったのですが気づけば4ヶ月経過。。植え替えを待たずに咲いてしまいました(^_^;) 繁忙期に伺ったので予約がいっぱいだったのかもしれませんが、予定より遅れるようであれば一言連絡をいただけると嬉しいですね。
I made a mini bonsai pot with a potter's wheel experience at the end of November using GO TO. It will take 2 to 3 months to deliver. I wanted to replant the cherry blossom bonsai at home in the pot I made before it bloomed, but four months have passed. .. It bloomed without waiting for replanting (^ _ ^;) I visited during the busy season, so maybe the reservations were full, but if it's behind schedule, I'd be happy if you could let me know.
avenir parapluie on Google

交通機関の延着により予約した時間より遅れてしまいましたが、快く出迎えていただきとても嬉しかったです。 工房をおひとりで切り盛りされているおじいさんは、生粋の職人さんという雰囲気が漂っておりましたが、初心者のわたしにも分かりやすく教えてくださいました。 工房の奥に、これから送られる予定のうつわたちが非常にたくさん並んでおり、それをおじいさんおひとりですべて乾燥、焼きを行うとおっしゃっていたので、届くのに時間がかかっても当然だと思いました。気長に待てばちゃんと届きます。 すべておじいさんの手作業である人臭さと、伝統的な味わいがわたしはとても好きで、旅の良い思い出になりました。
I was late for the reserved time due to the delayed transportation, but I was very happy to welcome you. The grandfather, who manages the workshop by himself, had the atmosphere of a genuine craftsman, but he taught me as a beginner in an easy-to-understand manner. In the back of the workshop, there are a lot of vessels to be sent, and he said that he would dry and bake them all by himself, so I think it's natural that it takes time to arrive. I did. If you wait patiently, it will arrive properly. I really like the human odor and the traditional taste, which are all handmade by my grandfather, and it was a good memory of my trip.
てんちゅりー on Google

とにかく師匠がとても良い人!きさくでとても楽しく陶芸体験できました! なんか最近、ネットに載せたらすごく人が来るようになって一人でなんとかまわしてるみたいです…僕が行ったときも200個くらいの乾燥中&未発送の品が置いてありました(汗) 色も入れてあげたいけど、とてもこの数一人で色は捌ききれないって言ってました(笑) また行きたいですー!ぜひ行ってみてください!!
Anyway, the person whose teacher is very good! It was a very fun and fun pottery experience! Recently, a lot of people came on the net and they seemed to be doing things by themselves. Even when I went there, there were about 200 items in drying & unshipped (sweat) I want to add the color, but I said that I couldn't handle the color alone with this few people (laughs) I want to go again! Please go by all means! !
てんぱパン on Google

Book and visit. I arrived a little early, but started right away. About 1 hour work. He / she teaches kindly without saying small thing. It was good because everyone in the family said it was fun. I think I did better than I thought.
ゆい on Google

大自然のつかさん on Google

仙人のような先生が1人で切り盛りされているような工房 泥だらけのイメージがありましたが、きれいにされていて個人的には清潔な感じがしました。 着いたら、さあやろうとどんどん進んでいきます♪ 純粋に陶芸を体験したい方には最適かと。 焼き上がりまで2ヶ月半かかるそうです。 奥には乾燥中と思われる作品がすごいたくさん置いてあります。 これを焼いて個別に発送するのは、大変そうな仕事だなあと、そこが心配になるくらい置いてありました。
A workshop where a teacher like a hermit is being cut by himself There was an image of muddy, but it was clean and I personally felt it was clean. When you arrive, you will continue to move forward ♪ Is it ideal for those who want to experience purely ceramic art? It takes two and a half months to bake. There are a lot of works that seem to be drying in the back. It would be a difficult task to bake this and ship it individually, so I was worried about it.

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