Kouaikai Hospital - Hirosaki

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kouaikai Hospital

住所 :

3 Chome-1-4 Miyakawa, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 036-8051
Webサイト : http://www.kouaikai.com/hp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11AM
Tuesday 8:30–11AM
Wednesday 8:30–11AM
Thursday 8:30–11AM
Friday 8:30–11AM

3 Chome-1-4 Miyakawa, Hirosaki, Aomori 036-8051, Japan
ちゃんゆか(ちゃんゆか) on Google

Although it is an old facility, it has been renovated and has a clean feeling! The teachers and staff were kind and polite. The laboratory technicians are kind and the medical machines are new. ..
華花 on Google

ここの病院は女医がいます。 私は女性の先生がいいのですごくよかったです!受付の人達もすごく、優しく、 「女性の先生でお願いします」というと、 その先生のところに通してくれます!!
The hospital here has a female doctor. I'm very happy because I like a female teacher! The receptionists are also very kind "Please be a female teacher," He will go to the teacher! !!
人生 on Google

糞。先生は普通だが、 レントゲン医師のハゲ、受付のババア。 口悪い。機嫌悪いのかよくわからんがあの口調はダメだと思う。 今までその仕事しかしなかったんだろなあと思った。 腹が立ったので書き込み。 時間がある方は他の病院行ったほうがいいです。 私は二度と行きたくないと思いました。 ネットでもかなり評判悪い場所です。 いい点としては夜遅くまで外来受けれる。 ほんと腹立つあのババア。
shit. The teacher is normal but Roentgen's bald, Babaa at the reception. Bad I don't know if it's bad or bad I think the tone is no good. I thought I had never had that job until now. I wrote because I got angry. If you have time, you should go to another hospital. I thought that I would never go there again. It is a pretty bad place on the internet. The good point is that you can receive outpatients late at night. That very angry Babaa.
G go on Google

今日入口で検温してた職員さんに こんにちはーって言っても挨拶なし。 人としてどうなの(笑)
To the staff who was measuring the temperature at the entrance today There is no greeting even if I say hello. How is it as a person (laughs)
キン肉マン on Google

先日、息子が熱を出したので、PCR検査を受けに行きました。 丁寧に対応していただけたと思います。
The other day, my son had a fever, so I went to have a PCR test. I think that you responded politely.
ほし on Google

急な背中の痛みで歩く事も困難になりながらなんとか診察時間中に行ったが入り口で鼻水やくしゃみなど風邪の症状のある方は診察できませんと追い返されました。 コロナの疑いがあるからとの事ですが、発熱外来などでみて貰う事もできませんでした。 なんとか家に帰り安静にしてたが症状の悪化に耐えきれず救急センターに電話し他の病院で救急で見てもらう事ができました。 コロナ対策も大切かとは思いますが風邪なのかアレルギーなのかの症状だけで見てもらえず追い返されたのが納得いきません。 これが、脳梗塞などなら受け入れ拒否で重度の障害が発生していたか亡くなっていたと思います。
I managed to go during the examination time while it became difficult to walk due to sudden back pain, but I was repelled because I could not see the person with cold symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing at the entrance. It is said that there is a suspicion of corona, but I could not get it at the outpatient department for fever. I managed to get home and rest, but I couldn't stand the worsening of my symptoms, so I called the emergency center and was able to see it at another hospital. I think it's important to take measures against corona, but I'm not convinced that I was repelled because I couldn't see it just because of the symptoms of a cold or allergies. If this is a cerebral infarction, I think that he had suffered a serious injury or died due to refusal to accept.
あか on Google

適当な医師が多すぎます。特に内科医。 苦しみを伝えても、診察に来ても治るわけではないので「来るな」と言われたことは一生忘れません。 その後、事情を話してその先生の診察はNGにしてもらいました。 看護師も、薬だけもらいに来る人は優先度が低いので後回しと言われ悲しかったです。 外来に人が来る限りずっと後回しにされた事は一生忘れません。
There are too many suitable doctors. Especially a physician. I will never forget that I was told "Don't come" because even if I tell you about my suffering, it doesn't cure me even if I come to see the doctor. After that, I talked about the situation and asked the teacher to make an NG examination. The nurses were sad because people who came to get medicine only had a low priority and were told to postpone it. I will never forget that I was put off as long as people came to the outpatient department.
オンフェイス on Google

PCR検査のCT値はいくらですか? PCR検査は多数のウィルス等に反応する上に、臨床では使ってはならないとなっています。 なぜ、陽性反応=新型コロナ感染者確定なのでしょうか? 使い方ではなく、取扱い説明書はしっかり熟知されてるんでしょうか?
What is the CT value of the PCR test? The PCR test responds to many viruses and should not be used clinically. Why is the positive reaction = the confirmed person infected with the new corona? Are you familiar with the instruction manual, not how to use it?

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