
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菜々彩のシンバ

住所 :

Kotobukicho, Uwajima, 〒798-0007 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88987
街 : Ehime

Kotobukicho, Uwajima, 〒798-0007 Ehime,Japan
古谷美紀 on Google

I used it at the year-end party! The food and drinks were delicious.
船田美和 on Google

It was delicious. Is it Korean food? I wanted to go back again.
稻田昭良 on Google

A store on the first floor of a building in the city center. It's a delicious restaurant with table seats, original Korean food, friendly hospitality, and a great atmosphere.
愛媛産には愛がある on Google

呉服店一階に ひっそりと、 隠れ家的な落ちつくお店。 韓国料理といっても、 辛すぎずバラエティにとんでおり、 手作りスィーツまで堪能できる
On the first floor of a kimono store Quietly, A retreat-like calm shop. Korean food, It ’s not too spicy, You can enjoy handmade sweets
大久保正一 on Google

The course meals are reasonably priced, with a satisfying taste, and a perfect volume. The shop is clean and the atmosphere is good. A shop where the staff is very good and you will want to go again. It is recommended that you make a reservation in advance.
ケイ on Google

美味しくて お店の雰囲気いいよね?
It's delicious The atmosphere of the shop is good ?
K Yamachan on Google

The dishes are polite and seasoned well and the liquor goes on. There is a sense of cleanliness inside the store, and it is a positive atmosphere with a calm atmosphere. Shop く な る to go through
古用和人 on Google

女性オーナーが営まれる韓国料理店です。 焼肉以外の料理が提供されます。 元々呉服屋さんだった店舗を料理店専用に改修したお店です。 まだ、お店の建物には「有馬呉服店」の看板がとりつけられたままです。 流石女性オーナーのお店だけに、入り口のデザインなども女性向けで洒落た感じです。 外から店内を伺うことはできないのでちょっと閉鎖的な感じがします。 突然の飛び込み客は少なく、殆どが口コミでおいでになるか、リピーターのお客さんでしょう。 店内に入ると窓などが一切ないので、地下店舗に入ったような気分になります。 店内ではJAZZが流れていてこじんまりとして簡素で私は好きです。 肝心の料理は・・・ ガッツリ食べるというメニューはあまりありません。女性に丁度いい感じで、女性受けするのもうまずけます。 キムチ、サラダ、一品料理、チジミ、ビビンバ・・・どれもいかにも韓国風の味です。キチンとした辛さの中にも旨みがきっちりとあってとても美味しくいただけます。 アルコール類も充実していて飽きることがありません。 また行ってみたいお店です。
A Korean restaurant run by female owners. Food other than yakiniku is provided. This is a store that was originally a kimono shop and has been renovated for use as a restaurant. The sign of "Arima Kimono Store" is still attached to the store building. The design of the entrance, etc., for women only, is fashionable for women. It's a little closed because you can't see inside the store from outside. There are few sudden dive customers, most of them come by word of mouth or are repeat customers. When you enter the store, there are no windows, so you feel as if you were in a basement store. JAZZ is flowing in the store, it is small and simple and I like it. The key dishes are ... There is not much menu to eat gutsly. It's just a good feeling for women, and I'm just going to accept women. Kimchi, salad, single dish, chijimi, bibimbap ... all have a Korean flavor. The spiciness is also very tasty because the taste is exactly in the spicy taste. Alcohols are also rich and never get tired. I want to go there again.

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