御菓子処 湊屋

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 御菓子処 湊屋

住所 :

Kotobukicho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0023 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Webサイト : https://www.minatoya.com/
街 : Kagawa

Kotobukicho, Takamatsu, 〒760-0023 Kagawa,Japan
インサイト on Google

昔ながらの栗まんじゅうや、季節の和菓子、丁寧な包装 老舗のお菓子を頂きます??
Old-fashioned kuri manju, seasonal Japanese sweets, and careful packaging I will have a long-established sweet ??
Yoshiharu Urata on Google

琴電高松築港駅前。栗のお菓子がおいしいです。フェリー待ちに栗どら焼きと栗大福をいただきました。 栗は地元ではなく熊本産だそうですが、大粒で食べごたえあります。大福の栗は甘さが強いので、栗納豆の栗じゃないかな〜。 あの栗納豆をくちいっぱい頬張りたい。
In front of Kotoden Takamatsu Tsukiko Station. Chestnut sweets are delicious. I had chestnut dorayaki and chestnut daifuku waiting for the ferry. It seems that chestnuts are produced in Kumamoto, not locally, but they are large and delicious. Daifuku chestnuts have a strong sweetness, so I think they are chestnuts of natto. I want to chew that chestnut natto.
Akkey IIDA on Google

During the process, it wasn't too sweet and it was very delicious. A small rectangle. 60 yen.
hiro udon on Google

いちご大福の白あんとこしあんを頂きました。 流行りのスイーツとは対角にある、昔ながらの香りのある大福でした。 おじいちゃんおばあちゃんへのお土産に喜ばれそう。 店内はやや照明暗めで、やってるのか外からは分かりづらかったです。
I had strawberry Daifuku's white bean paste and koshien. It was Daifuku with the old-fashioned scent that was diagonally opposite the trendy sweets. Grandpa seems to be happy as a souvenir for grandma. The inside of the store was a little dark, so it was hard to tell from the outside if I was doing it.
Cocoro Nakagawa on Google

駅やお土産屋さんに「栗林くり」をだしているお店。 上生菓子・干菓子をはじめ、わらび餅やいちご大福などの季節商品もあり、種類豊富です。どれも美味しいし、あとはイートインできれば最高なんですが…。
A shop offering "Kuribayashi Kuri" to stations and souvenir shops. There are a wide variety of seasonal products such as fresh confectionery and dried confectionery, as well as warabi mochi and strawberry Daifuku. Everything is delicious, and it would be great if we could eat in ...
S H on Google

新装で味とおもてなし以外は近代的になりました。 美味しい飲み物でお菓子を食する最高です。
With the new refurbishment, it has become modern except for the taste and hospitality. It's the best to eat sweets with delicious drinks.
non (traveler) on Google

再訪 2021年7月 水饅頭 140円(だった気がする) 見た目からして涼し気で、周りは透明の皮で、中は白餡ベースの柚子餡。全体的に柔らかく、口に入れるだけで涼しく感じる外皮と、甘さ控えめの餡に柚子の爽やかさが加わって、夏の和菓子にピッタリ。 個人的には水羊羹より好き。 ----------------------------------------- 地方紙に掲載されてた「さぬきの柏餅」に釣られていきました。 さぬきの柏餅 160円 うっまwww 白味噌の甘じょっぱさと、柔らかい餅が最高に合う。緑茶との相性も最高。 いちご大福 210円 実はあまり食べる機会がなく、人生2度目のいちご大福。白餡の甘さと、いちごの酸味がこれまた良い塩梅で美味。(*^ω^)
Revisited July 2021 Mizumanju 140 yen (I think it was) It looks cool, has a transparent skin around it, and has a white bean paste-based yuzu bean paste inside. The exodermis, which is soft overall and feels cool just by putting it in your mouth, and the refreshingness of yuzu, which is added to the sweet bean paste, are perfect for summer Japanese sweets. Personally, I like it better than Mizuyokan. ----------------------------------------- I was caught by "Sanuki no Kashiwamochi" published in a local newspaper. Sanuki Kashiwamochi 160 yen Umma www The sweet and salty white miso goes best with the soft mochi. It goes great with green tea. Ichigo Daifuku 210 yen Actually, I don't have much chance to eat, so Ichigo Daifuku is the second time in my life. The sweetness of white bean paste and the acidity of strawberries are also good with salted plums. (* ^ ω ^)
Dilys Lau on Google

Delicious 大福,especially for those with chestnuts in it! Good price too!

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