
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact カフェあつめ木

住所 :

Kotobukicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0003 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://ameblo.jp/atsumegi%3Ffrm_id%3Dv.jpameblo%26device_id%3Dbfbe7bbc920645a088bc9d5f4beaa1a7
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kotobukicho, Atsugi, 〒243-0003 Kanagawa,Japan
M To on Google

パンとホットケーキが美味しい!手作りだけど丁寧さがあるお料理で、ホットケーキは理想通りの姿形をしていました( ̄∀ ̄) 店内の雰囲気も明るくてゆったりしていて過ごしやすいです。
Bread and hot cake are delicious! It was a homemade but polite dish, and the hot cake had the ideal shape ( ̄∀ ̄) The atmosphere inside the store is bright and spacious, making it easy to spend.
C y on Google

大山豆腐のクリームチーズケーキが絶品です。 あのコックリとした食感が、凄く良いです。 赤ちゃんにも優しいお店で、ベビーカーはもちろん入れますし、ゆっくりできます。 また、お手洗いにもオムツ替えの台がありました!
The cream cheesecake of Oyama tofu is excellent. That crunchy texture is very good. It's a baby-friendly shop, and of course you can put a stroller in it and relax. There was also a diaper changing table in the restroom!
いちゃりばちょーでー on Google

ランチでお伺いしました。 駐車場はあるようですが、わからなかったので近くのコインパーキングに停めました。 大山豆腐のランチを注文。 豆腐が今まで食べたことのない食感で美味しい。 提供時間は早くないので、時間がない人には向かないかもしれません。 逆にゆっくりしたい、時間に余裕のある方はとても満足できるかと思います。
I visited you at lunch. There seems to be a parking lot, but I didn't know so I parked it at a nearby coin parking lot. We ordered Oyama Tofu lunch. Tofu is delicious with a texture that has never been eaten. It may not be suitable for those who do not have the time, as the time of delivery is not early. On the contrary, I think that those who want to relax and have enough time can be very satisfied.
遠藤ぶりお on Google

コロナ自粛が明けたので 噂の苔玉ケーキを食べに行きました。 どのメニューも美味しそうで迷っちゃいます。 レアチーズケーキとチャレンジレモネードも注文(๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)9✧ワイングラス!?青いレモネード!? オシャレな店内は3密対策でペンギンちゃんが座っていて可愛く、海老名のパンダ宮司もご来店wまた行きます! お店の近くに駐車場がありました。
Since the self-restraint of corona is over I went to eat the rumored moss ball cake. Every menu looks delicious and I'm at a loss. We ordered rare cheesecake and challenge lemonade (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑) 9 ✧ Wine glass! ? Blue lemonade! ? The inside of the fashionable store is cute with penguins sitting in 3 measures, and the panda priest of Ebina will visit us again! There was a parking lot near the shop.
TERURONA2007 JPN on Google

Feeling is relaxed by taste that lunch set is gentle. There is a response to eating quiche. The coffee is deep roasted and the aroma is also pleasing, so it's wonderful that the hospitality is full and the event atmosphere inside the store is full. Home-like interior like coming to a dining, living of friends. I feel that the lighting also settles (even in the rainy season rainy season the shop is sunny)
samu on Google

テーブル4人席が3卓確認できました。2人席は3卓ありカウンターが6席くらいありました。 店内が明るく開放的な感じですが、中央に仕切りがありプライバシー感もあります。 各席には先客の動物達のぬいぐるみが座っていてカワイイです。 カレー定食(今日はバターチキンカレー)と今月の生ケーキ(抹茶ケーキ)を注文しました。 カレーのチキンは、ほろほろで柔らかく、カレーはさっぱりで食べられました。抹茶ケーキは存在感あり食べ応えあります。見た目がカワイイです。今度スイーツはコーヒーとセットで食べたいです。
I was able to confirm 3 tables for 4 people. There were 3 seats for 2 people and about 6 counters. The inside of the store is bright and open, but there is a partition in the center and there is a sense of privacy. The stuffed animals of the previous guests are sitting in each seat and it is cute. I ordered a curry set meal (today's butter chicken curry) and this month's fresh cake (matcha cake). The curry chicken was slightly soft and the curry was refreshing. Matcha cake has a strong presence and is satisfying to eat. It looks cute. Next time I want to eat sweets with coffee.
taki mizune on Google

The location is difficult to understand, but it is a warm shop with a handmade feel. Since I have hypoglycemia, there is also a menu for limiting carbohydrates, so I'm happy with various concerns.
Carlos Ramos on Google

The ambience of the place was cozy and pleasant. Already went here for 3 times already ? I usually go here for the coffee and the desserts. Had the curry and it was delicious as well but nothing beats their cake of the month!

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