
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact うららこすど

住所 :

Kosudo, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0101 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.urarakosudo.com/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5:30PM
Sunday 9AM–5:30PM
Monday 9AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–5:30PM
Thursday 9AM–5:30PM
Friday 9AM–5:30PM
街 : Niigata

Kosudo, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0101 Niigata,Japan
近藤孝男 on Google

I went there too late, but there were no items, but the porridge was delicious.
裕小 on Google

農家さんの作った野菜やお米とあります。 おやきや笹団子、惣菜までもあります。
There are vegetables and rice made by farmers. There are also oyaki, bamboo dumplings and side dishes.
マツコ on Google

よく行きます? 野菜はもとより、お惣菜や加工品・お菓子・ジャムやらスイーツやらなんやらかんやら…いろんな物があります✨ お近くにおいでの際はぜひ❗寄ってみてください~?
I often go there. Not only vegetables, but also side dishes, processed foods, sweets, jams, sweets, anything and everything ... there are many things to try.
kamekichi on Google

小須戸で採れた新鮮な野菜が販売されています。 天ぷらやフライなどのお総菜、手づくり笹団子もありました。
Fresh vegetables from Kosudo are on sale. There were also side dishes such as tempura and fried food, and handmade bamboo dumplings.
MORINJI土田 on Google

地元の農家の野菜が直売されています。他にも地元のお菓子やジャム、豆腐やアイス、米と何でもあり❗ 米粉等は質が大変良く、パンや団子、天婦羅用に購入します。 野菜がフレッシュで、まぁまぁお安いです。売り切れ御免なのか夕方は野菜無いです。 日本ボケ展等のイベントの時は、大混雑!駐車場に入るのに苦労します。
Vegetables from local farmers are sold directly. There are also local sweets, jams, tofu, ice, rice and anything else. Rice flour etc. are very good quality and are purchased for bread, dumpling and tempura. Vegetables are fresh and well cheap. There are no vegetables in the evening if you are sold out. At the time of events such as Japan Bokeh Exhibition, it is very crowded! I have a hard time entering the parking lot.
かんれ on Google

There was a direct sales floor for agricultural products inside, and it was crowded with locals.
金澤眞由美 on Google

There are always fresh vegetables and cut flowers of natto pickles, which is very helpful. We also recommend the delicious tofu from a local tofu shop.
ゆこりん on Google

地元の野菜、お惣菜、漬物、スウィーツが並んでいます。華やかさはないけれど、ほっこりする、安心感があります。 敷地内にある、園芸コーナーも地元の生産者さんが育てたお花、樹木が並び、見てるだけでも楽しいです。クリスマスローズが素敵でした✨
Local vegetables, side dishes, pickles and sweets are lined up. It's not gorgeous, but it's warm and secure. The gardening corner on the premises is also lined with flowers and trees grown by local producers, and it is fun just to look at them. Christmas rose was lovely ✨

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