Koshin An - Koto City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Koshin An

住所 :

4 Chome-8-3 Miyoshi, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 135-0022
Webサイト : https://sobakoshinan.webnode.jp/

4 Chome-8-3 Miyoshi, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0022, Japan
Yu Sa on Google

穴子天丼への期待から、ランチにしては値段が高いのを承知の上だったが、大きく期待を下回った。 ランチの穴子天丼+もりそば(税込み1375円) 電子マネー各種使用可能。 良い点は ・穴子の下処理が上手く骨感も臭みも少なくプリプリしている。 ・豚汁が意外にも美味しく、丁寧な仕事を感じた。 悪い点は ・写真でもわかるように天ぷらのさくさく感が皆無。一口目でがっかりの波が押し寄せてきた。 終始べちゃっとしていて、茄子とネギは油を吸いすぎて美味しくない。残念ながらてんやの天ぷらの方が格段に上。 ・そばつゆが濃すぎる 出汁が弱く塩辛さだけ感じる。 ・そばに特筆すべきものがなく、そば屋のそばといった感じがしない。(蕎麦湯も同じく。) 辛口だが、これに税込みで1400円弱を払うのは気が引ける。 天ぷらもサクサク、そばも美味しくてランチ税込1000円以内の店が他にはたくさんある。
I knew that the price was high for lunch because of my expectations for the conger eel tendon, but it was far below my expectations. Conger eel tendon for lunch + Morisoba (1375 yen including tax) Various types of electronic money can be used. The good point is ・ The conger eel is well prepared and has less bone and odor. ・ The pork soup was surprisingly delicious and I felt a polite work. The bad point is ・ As you can see in the picture, there is no crispness of tempura. A wave of disappointment rushed in at the first bite. It's sticky from beginning to end, and the eggplant and green onions suck too much oil and aren't delicious. Unfortunately, Tenya's tempura is much better. ・ Soba soup is too thick. The soup stock is weak and I feel only saltiness. ・ There is nothing special to mention near the soba, and it doesn't feel like a soba shop. (Soba hot water is also the same.) It's dry, but I'm reluctant to pay a little less than 1,400 yen including tax. The tempura is crispy and the soba is delicious, and there are many other restaurants that cost less than 1000 yen including lunch.
Dev Cat on Google

東京都現代美術館で展示を見た後にランチを頂きました。2021年6月なのでコロナ禍での来店でしたが、席の間に仕切りがあったり、換気がされていたりと、対策がされていたので割と安心でした。 土地柄もあって、穴子やあさりの天ぷらが他のお蕎麦屋さんとくらべて特徴のようでした。天ざる、お蕎麦と天丼のセットはどちらも美味しかったです。 ランチの時間は夕飯時に比べてサイドメニューが少なめです。サラダを頼みたかったですが、無かったのでナメコおろしにしました。クレジットカードが使えたのは便利でした。
I had lunch after seeing the exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo. Since it was June 2021, I visited the store because of the corona, but I was relieved because there were measures such as partitions between the seats and ventilation. Due to the local pattern, the tempura of clams and clams seemed to be a feature compared to other soba restaurants. The set of Tenzaru, Soba and Tendon was delicious. Lunch time has less side menu than dinner time. I wanted to order a salad, but I didn't have it, so I grated nameko. It was convenient to be able to use a credit card.
Haru Haru on Google

老舗巡り第292弾 1907年創業の老舗お蕎麦屋さん 鴨せいろ1430円を注文。肉厚の柔らかい鴨肉が暖かいツユに味が沁みていて美味しい。そばは喉越しの良い二八蕎麦。
The 292nd long-established tour, a long-established soba restaurant founded in 1907 I ordered a duck steamer for 1430 yen. The thick, tender duck meat is delicious with the warm tuyu. Soba is 28 buckwheat noodles with a good throat.
Y J (Jamila) on Google

I enjoyed duck and clam tempura with sake, and used it as if I was pulling soba noodles. I forgot the photo, but the curry soba noodles (without shrimp tempura). The clerk seemed to be busy with uber support, so it was difficult to ask for an order, but I think it is good that it is prosperous due to the corona virus.
Damià Pastor on Google

Excellent soba!
Boris Kolar on Google

Both tendon and duck are delicious!
심심포레스트 on Google

Really great soba place!!!! Need to wait a while, but it is worth! Soba itself is great, but you should try unagi fried rice too!! Very soft and not very salty! The staffs are also very friendly!
Satoko Oka Norimatsu on Google

A little on the pricey side but the duck meat is thick and tasty. Soba was delicate and flavourful.

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