ひなたぼっこ - Nishinomiya

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ひなたぼっこ | 猫のトータルサービス「ひなたぼっこ」のポータルサイトです。キャッテリー・猫カフェ・キャットサロンに猫専用のペットホテルまで。 - Neko-hinata.com

キャッテリー・猫カフェ・キャットサロン・キャットホテルなど、猫のトータルサービスを提供しております「ひなたぼっこ」のポータルサイトです。電話 0798-67-0699猫カフェ キャットサロン 猫カーニバル 一部の出張猫カフェ(現在...

Contact ひなたぼっこ

住所 :

Koshienguchi, Nishinomiya, 〒663-8113 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798799
Postal code : 663-8113
Webサイト : https://neko-hinata.com/
街 : Hyogo

Koshienguchi, Nishinomiya, 〒663-8113 Hyogo,Japan
Ruri Sawatari on Google

猫ちゃんが沢山!もう?猫好きにはたまらない場所です! 猫の為に、手洗い消毒を入室前に必ずできるように、玄関に手洗い場が備えてあります。 室内用に靴下まで用意してくれてあって、素晴らしい!と感激しました。 猫達も、かなり遊んでくれました。
There are so many cats! ? It's an irresistible place for cat lovers! For cats, there is a hand-washing area at the entrance so that you can do hand-washing and disinfection before entering the room. I was so impressed that they prepared socks for indoor use. The cats also played a lot.
ayu on Google

It's good, but it says that you can not enter less than elementary school students, but it seems that you can not enter junior high school students ? I would like you to correct that. If you are less than junior high school student, you can not enter, and less than junior high school student is not included. It will be below kindergarten. The price is a little higher than the price displayed, and the price displayed also included the juice service, but it seems that it will cost an additional charge of 500 yen. 1,000 yen for cat food, juice service → 1200 yen for cat food (1 hour). I thought everything was appropriate.
hikonyan 88 on Google

とても人懐こい猫さんが沢山いて、時間があっという間に過ぎます。 いつ行っても誰かは構ってくれるので、ついつい通ってしまいます。 外観は住宅街の中の一軒家で、初めは入りづらいかもしれませんがアットホームな雰囲気で居心地がいいです。 猫さんの手入れも行き届いていて、爪も切ってありシャンプーも定期的にしているとのことです。 抱っこの仕方も店員さんが丁寧に教えてくださいました。
There are many very friendly cats, and time passes quickly. Whenever I go, someone will take care of me, so I just keep going. The appearance is a house in a residential area, and although it may be difficult to enter at first, it is a cozy atmosphere and it is comfortable. It is said that the cat is well taken care of, the nails are cut, and she regularly shampoos. The clerk also kindly taught me how to hold him.
tom kam on Google

First cat cafe debut here yesterday! I liked cats but I was thrilled with no opportunity to touch, but all cats are friendly, smart, furry and shiny, they are really cute, I want to go home and look at the photos again I am very satisfied to teach me carefully. The shop is also very clean and you can lend socks before entering, wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly, and the explanation is quite carefully, so you know that you will enter before you can use it with confidence (^ ^) It was good that the parking lot was near the coin parking!
たぁ on Google

I was a candidate for foster parent for Gigi, but I learned on Facebook that the foster parent was decided. There was no prior notice, and even after it was decided, I received a false email. What do you mean ❓ Are you really a famous breeder?
M K on Google

ポジティブに言えばアットホーム、ネガティブに言えば店員が騒がしい猫カフェです。 部屋に入った瞬間の臭いが他の猫カフェよりもキツく感じました。 臭いは慣れますが、「ここでドリンクを飲むのか…」と少し戸惑いました。 部屋の広さ的に客が3人入ったら窮屈かなという印象。 店員が営業中にもキャスト猫にガンガン話しかけていてまるで口うるさい母親といるように感じました笑笑 「アットホーム」とはよく言ったものだと思います笑笑 家族や友人と行くなら良いと思います。 恋人とデートなら不向き。 キャスト猫はロシアンブルーやノルウェージャンなど、特徴的な子が多かったです。 大型の猫と触れ合ったのは初めてだったので、膝に乗ってきたときの重みにびっくりしました笑笑 可愛かったです〜! スリッパの代わりに靴下を重ね履きするシステムに戸惑いました。 玄関で靴下を履いたり脱いだりする動作はしんどかったです。 特徴的な猫さんと触れ合えて幸せでした〜! でも店の雰囲気が好きではないので次は無いかなと言う感じです。
Positively speaking, it is a cozy cat cafe. The smell at the moment when I entered the room felt harder than other cat cafes. I got used to the smell, but I was a little confused asking, "Would you like to drink here?" Impression that it would be cramped if three guests enter for the room size. The clerk was talking to the cast cat pounding even during business and I felt like I was with a loud mother I think "at home" is something I often said I think it would be nice to go with family and friends. Not suitable for date with lover. The cast cat had many characteristic children, such as Russian blue and Norwegian. It was my first time to touch a large cat, so I was surprised at the weight when I got on my knee It was so cute! I was puzzled by the system that puts on socks instead of slippers. The action of putting on and taking off socks at the entrance was difficult. I was happy to meet the characteristic cat! But I don't like the atmosphere of the store, so I feel like there's no next one.
まめちっち on Google

It was a healing space far beyond imagination ?
clock time on Google

ここ。関西一猫に触れられるのでは? と感じている猫好きです。 外観は綺麗な一軒家ですが、一階部分が猫カフェとなっています。ここが他と違うのは猫の圧倒的ボリューム❗️見渡せば猫???❗️ かなり人懐っこいです。 猫が多いと衛生的な面で汚れや臭いが気になりますが、大変綺麗に維持されている印象です。 決して広くはありませんが、他のお客さんと適度な間隔が保てるようにされており、同時に4組のみ入れる印象です。 ネットで事前予約してから伺うのが吉です。 個人的には衛生的なのが1番評価したい点です。(猫にとっても人にとっても) 猫好きでしたら、ここをメインに足を運ぶのもありだと思います。きっと猫に溺れることができます?
here. Can you touch the Kansai cat? I like cats that I feel. The exterior is a beautiful house, but the first floor is a cat cafe. What makes this different is the overwhelming volume of cats ❗️ If you look around, cats ???❗️ It's pretty friendly. If there are many cats, you will be worried about dirt and odors in terms of hygiene, but the impression is that they are kept very clean. It's not wide, but it's designed to keep a reasonable distance from other customers, and I get the impression that only 4 groups can be put in at the same time. It is good to make a reservation online in advance before visiting. Personally, hygiene is the most important point to evaluate. (For cats and people) If you like cats, I think it's possible to visit here as the main. I'm sure you can drown in cats ?

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