ザ・メキシコ 岡崎店 - Okazaki

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ザ・メキシコ 岡崎店

住所 :

Koseidorinishi, Okazaki, 〒444-0059 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 444-0059
Webサイト : http://www.cmacs.jp/32256/mexico/
街 : Aichi

Koseidorinishi, Okazaki, 〒444-0059 Aichi,Japan
Nanami NISHIKAWA on Google

A serious and gentle shopkeeper! !! Thank you for making the strap today! !! !! I will go to play again in December ??
中根ゴッツ on Google

革細工をやりたいが右も左も分からない時に店長さんが気さくに声を掛けてくれた! その後も的確なアドバイスやテクニックさらに作った作品の評価もしてもらいました! すごく頼りになって心強いお店です!
When I wanted to do leather work but I didn't know right or left, the store manager kindly called out to me! After that, I got accurate advice and techniques, and also evaluated the work I made! It's a very reliable and encouraging shop!
sim 3 on Google

A store specializing in rare leather craft supplies and works. The store manager will teach you anything that is easy and unfamiliar, so it's a good idea to have the courage to speak out.
長坂隆司 on Google

A shop specializing in leatherwork, small skins for coin purses as well as large skins, a wide assortment of goods such as beads, caulking, as well as tools, and kindly telling things you do not know or do not know. You can watch it on YouTube or buy it online, but why not buy various items while visiting the store and telling Henri who is cute? ☺️
J I on Google

レザクラ初心者ですが親切に色々教えて下さり、必要なもの、とりあえずまだ買わなくていいものなどもしっかりと教えてもらいました。 お店前で端切れが安く売ってるので、取り敢えず始めてみたい!という方にもおすすめです。 複合施設の地下駐車場が、店舗で500円買えば無料になります。端切れを2、3枚買えばいくので気軽に行けます。
Although I am a beginner of Rezakura, he kindly taught me various things, and he taught me what I needed and what I didn't have to buy for the time being. The scraps are sold cheaply in front of the store, so I'd like to get started! It is also recommended for those who say. The underground parking lot of the complex will be free if you buy 500 yen at the store. You can easily go because you can buy a few pieces of scraps.
低燃費ハイブリッド on Google

When I stopped by to see the sign of Tokai OnAir, I had a lot of fun talks and fun things with the friendly shop owner! An essential spot for pilgrimage to Tokai OnAir Sanctuary! !!
あからぶ on Google

初めて訪問しました。 東海オンエアのサインを撮るために行ったのですが、皮のストラップを作る体験をさせて貰いました。 店主の方が気さくで面白く、優しかったです。 今度行った際は商品を購入させていただきます!また行きたいです!!
I visited for the first time. I went to take a sign of Tokai OnAir, but I was given the experience of making a leather strap. The shopkeeper was friendly, interesting and kind. I will purchase the product the next time I go! I want to go again! !!
HATOあけ on Google

皮革工芸を楽しむことができる。製品を買うことも、革などの材料を買うことも、皮革の工芸に使う道具類を買うこともできる。扱っている皮革はお馴染みの牛、馬、鹿、オーストリッチなどからニシキヘビ、リザードなども。 店の人が非常に親切に応対してくれる。 安価な商品も多く、楽しませてくれる。生きている時のすがたに近い生々しい皮もあるので苦手な人は苦手なはず。好きな人は触って確かめられるので至福。 ソウルの梨泰院イテウォンを思い出したが、製品は少なめ。靴などはない。道具類が多い。ワックスを引いた専用の縫い糸とか金具類が目を引いた。
You can enjoy leather crafts. You can buy products, materials such as leather, and tools used in leather crafts. We handle leather from familiar cows, horses, deer, ostriches, to Nishiki snakes and lizards. The shop staff is very kind to me. There are many cheap products that will entertain you. People who are not good at it should not be good at it because there is also a fresh skin that is close to the way it is when it is alive. If you like it, you can check it by touching it, so it's blissful. I remembered Itaewon Itaewon in Seoul, but there are few products. There are no shoes. There are many tools. The special waxed sewing thread and metal fittings caught my eye.

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