Korea International School - Ibaraki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

コリア国際学園 | Korea International School - Kiskorea.ed.jp


Contact Korea International School

住所 :

2 Chome-13-35 Toyokawa, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0057, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 567-0057
Webサイト : http://kiskorea.ed.jp/

2 Chome-13-35 Toyokawa, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0057, Japan
K M on Google

杜健 on Google

神貴昭 on Google

bittercup Oh on Google

希樹韓 on Google

It is a useful school.
channel哲くん on Google

It's a nice place but there aren't many club activities
いりよん on Google

Even if you are not good at languages, if you have a desire to learn, and if you have any interest in it, it may be suitable for you. Or you may have an international interest or want to experience the cultural differences of various countries. I like KPOP and Korea. I don't think nationality or roots are relevant, teachers and students are multinational and there are many people ☺️
Totto Tone on Google

いわゆるインターナショナルスクール(東アジア中心)で、生徒さんたちは明るく、とても丁寧な挨拶をされる印象です。国籍も様々で留学生も多いのですが、日本人の生徒さんで韓国語を勉強したくて入られた方も複数いるそうです。K-POPダンス部もあるようですし。 授業は語学科目以外は、基本的に日本語で行われているようです。 韓国語(コリア語)の授業は、全く話せない入門クラスから最上級クラスまであり、大学生ですら難関である韓国語検定TOPIK6級(最上級)が中高生で25%取得らしいので、ハイクオリティの韓国語(コリア語)が学べるのですね。 また英語にも力を入れていて、アメリカの学生さんやネイティブの先生もいらっしゃって、カナダ等の研修もあります。英検準一級取得者も中高生で何人もいるそうです。 その他、中等部では中国語やフランス語も導入されて、語学にはかなり力を入れているようです。 建物はまだ12年ほど前に建てられているので、こじんまりとはしてますが、清潔でキレイな印象です。(建物が小さめなので、生徒は各学年25名ほどが定員のようです) 寮もあり、他府県出身の遠方からの生徒さんや留学生用にあるようです。 海外への進学を目指せる国際バカロレア(IB )のコースも高等部一年の後半から選べるようです。 他のインターナショナルスクールと同様、高卒資格はないので進学しない場合は、高卒にはなりません。 進学の場合、多くの大学等は受験できるようですが、そうでない場合は高卒認定試験を受ける必要があります。 また、関西のいくつかの大学は指定校や協定校になっていて、高卒認定資格がなくてもAO試験や推薦入試を受けることができます。 いくつもの韓国の大学(かなり有名大学が多い)と協定を結んでいるので、韓国の大学に行きたい人には大変有効です。 国際バカロレアの取得で欧米等の大学に行く人もいるようです。 語学が好きな人、関西方面で進学したい人、特に韓国の大学に進学したい人には向いていると思います。 理数系の国公立大学をめざす人、高等部卒業したら就職する人、語学がとても苦手…という人には向いてないかもしれません。 *注~クチコミは実際にその場に行ったり出会ったり、体験したと思われるユーザーの方の言葉を参考にされるとよいですね。
At the so-called international school (centered on East Asia), students are impressed with bright and very polite greetings. There are many international students with various nationalities, but there are also some Japanese students who have come in to study Korean. There seems to be a K-POP dance club. Classes are basically taught in Japanese except for language subjects. Korean (Korean) classes range from introductory classes to those who can not speak at all, to the highest class, and even college students are likely to get 25% of TOPIK 6th grade (highest class) in junior and senior high school students. You can learn Korean (Korean). We are also focusing on English, there are American students and native teachers, and we have training in Canada and elsewhere. It is said that there are a number of junior and senior high school students who have acquired Eiken First Class. In addition, Chinese and French have been introduced in the middle school, and they seem to be putting much effort into language. The building is still about 12 years old, so it's small but clean and beautiful. (Because the building is small, it seems that about 25 students are in each grade.) There is also a dormitory, and it seems to be for distant students and international students from other prefectures. The International Baccalaureate (IB) course, which allows students to go abroad, seems to be available in the second half of the year. As with other international schools, there are no high school qualifications. Many colleges and universities seem to be able to take the exam if they want to go on to college, otherwise they need to take the high school qualification exam. In addition, some universities in Kansai are designated schools and partner schools, and you can take AO examinations and recommended entrance examinations without a high school qualification. It has agreements with a number of Korean universities (often quite famous), so it is very effective for those who want to go to Korean universities. It seems that some people go to universities in Europe and the United States to acquire the International Baccalaureate. I think it is suitable for those who like languages, those who want to go to Kansai area, especially those who want to go to Korean university. It may not be suitable for those who aim to become a national and public university of science and mathematics, those who find employment after graduating from high school, and those who are not good at languages. * Notes-Word-of-mouth communication should be based on the words of users who have actually visited, met, or experienced.

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