Kopukobe Kyodo Gakuentenisusukuru - Miki

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kopukobe Kyodo Gakuentenisusukuru

住所 :

7 Chome-1-4 Shijimicho Aoyama, Miki, Hyogo 673-0521, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879878
Postal code : 673-0521
Webサイト : http://www.crystal-pl.co.jp/kyodo/

7 Chome-1-4 Shijimicho Aoyama, Miki, Hyogo 673-0521, Japan
加納憲彦 on Google

It is helpful to have a high degree of freedom in changing the course schedule and transferring online. In addition, there are various merits such as family discounts, multiple attendance discounts, and family transfers. I think the level of coaching is high compared to the famous schools in Tokyo that I attended for a while after being transferred.
nyao mu on Google

10年以上こちらのスクールに通っていますが、コーチはみなさん親切ですし、スクール生の方たちとも和気あいあいと楽しくテニスを続けられています。 通っている内に自然とテニスがレベルアップするように、カリキュラムが組まれています。
I have been attending this school for over 10 years, but the coaches are all kind and I enjoy playing tennis with the school students. The curriculum is designed so that you can naturally improve your tennis while you are attending.
yu tech2 on Google

コーチ陣が充実しており、自分に合ったクラスが選べる。インドアなので、天候を気にせずプレーできる。休んでも振替できる。 ミニプライベートレッスンで、苦手なところを集中して教えてもらえる。 なので、上達間違いなしです!
The coaches are extensive and you can choose the class that suits you. Because it is indoors, you can play without worrying about the weather. You can transfer even if you take a rest. In a mini-private lesson, you can concentrate on what you are not good at. So there is no doubt that you will improve!
サポートチーム on Google

インドア施設で日焼けや雨風気にせずテニス出来るので、すごく良いです。 コーチも丁寧に教えて下さり、レッスンも楽しいです!! 運動不足解消にもなります♪
It's great because you can play tennis at an indoor facility without worrying about sunburn or rain and wind. The coach also teaches me carefully, and the lessons are fun! !! It will also solve the lack of exercise ♪
こぶこぶ on Google

The curriculum is solid and you can take the same content no matter which class you transfer during the week, even if you take a break from the lesson. The services are also standardized, so it doesn't make much difference if you take lessons from different coaches. The surface of the coat is carpet in the beginner and intermediate classes, so be careful not to fall and get injured.
Myu on Google

スクールはインドアなので、雨や雪、猛暑などの天気に関係なく行えるのでうれしいです。夏場の暑さにもインドアでは耐えられます。 また、どのコーチもとても熱心に丁寧に教えてくれるので良いです。振替で別のクラスに行くと違う人と打ち合うこともできるので勉強になります。
Since the school is indoors, I am happy that it can be done regardless of the weather such as rain, snow, and intense heat. It can withstand the heat of summer indoors. Also, it's good that every coach teaches very enthusiastically and politely. If you go to another class by transfer, you can meet different people, so it will be a learning experience.
juntaro on Google

こちらのテニススクールで15年お世話になってます。天候を気にせず、振替も自由に出来るので受講しやすいです。テニススクールで多くの仲間と出会えたことが、とても嬉しいです。 コーチの的確なご指導のもと、少しずつ技術の向上に向けて、練習していきたいと思います。
I have been indebted to this tennis school for 15 years. It is easy to take classes because you can transfer freely without worrying about the weather. I am very happy to have met many friends at the tennis school. Under the accurate guidance of the coach, I would like to practice to improve my skills little by little.
ふじえつ on Google

I chose tennis because I wanted to play a sport that could last for a long time. I was introduced by a person who attended this school and started from the beginner's course at the age of 50. Every coach teaches me brightly, kindly, appropriately, and patiently (laughs). I'm really looking forward to going to lessons with school students as well as communication. I'm satisfied with that because I can do it without worrying about rain or sunburn.

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