Konyoji - Itami

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Konyoji

住所 :

昆陽寺 2 Chome-169 Teramoto, Itami, Hyogo 664-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 664-0026
Webサイト : http://www.city.itami.lg.jp/SOSIKI/EDSHOGAI/EDSYAKAI/SINAI_BUNKAZAI/KEN_SITEI/1386851296054.html

昆陽寺 2 Chome-169 Teramoto, Itami, Hyogo 664-0026, Japan
Sakura M.Y on Google

聖武天皇の勅願で733年に行基菩薩によって建立されたとあります。阪神大震災での被害も大きかったと思いますが 復興再建されています。 国道に面してすぐに立派な山門が見つかります。観音堂 行基堂 すべて閉じられて中は見れません。本堂の瑠璃光殿薬師堂には丈六の薬師如来だそうで、震災後12月12日のみ御開帳との事。 境内奥の石仏が鎮守の緑に鎮座する 都会の森! 参拝客が少なかったのでゆったり貸切散策できました。
It is said that it was erected by Gyoki Bosatsu in 733 at the imperial request of Emperor Seim. I think that the damage caused by the Great Hanshin Earthquake was great, but it has been reconstructed and rebuilt. You can find a splendid mountain gate immediately on the national highway. Kannon-do Gyodo This is all closed and you cannot see inside. It is said that there is Jokuroku Yakushi Nyorai in the Rurikoden Yakushido of the main hall. An urban forest where the stone Buddha at the back of the precinct is enshrined in the green of the guard! Since there were few worshipers, I was able to take a leisurely stroll.
Naoaki IMAI on Google

A fine temple with a long history. You can visit 88 places in Shikoku within the precincts. It may be a little time consuming to complete because 88 is off.
えーちゃん2 on Google

The precincts were fairly good, and Niomon was also good. It is the 62nd bill place of the 88 temples of Settsu.
YN nomuzico on Google

子供の頃から何十年も気になってた赤門。 ふとそれを思いだし居ても立ってもおれずおもむろに伺いました。 すごく歴史を感じさせる寺院で、奥の方には四国八十八ヶ所の仏様が所狭しと祀られており、何とも荘厳な風景でした。 お参り後は心も身体も安静を取り戻した様でスッキリしました。
Akamon has been worried for decades since childhood. Suddenly, I couldn't help standing up or standing, but I asked him. It is a temple that has a very historical feel, and there are eighty-eight Buddhas in Shikoku in the back. After visiting, I felt refreshed as if my body and mind were restored.
伊丹浩晶(やったろー!) on Google

It's emotional, calm, and has a rest area! I love the place where you can smoke.
さかきさいぞう on Google

A quiet and large temple. There are 88 places in Shikoku
石原宏明 on Google

★寺院参拝&御朱印巡り 兵庫県伊丹市の昆陽寺に行って来ました。宗派は高野山真言宗の寺院です、御本尊は薬師如来、山号は崑崙山。地元ではこやでらや「行基さん」と呼ばれています。ただ朝(10時過ぎ)に行って残念なのが本堂など全てにカギが掛かっていて御本尊も何一つ拝めなかったのが残念でした? 納経所で御朱印は頂けました。(直筆で300円)です☺ありがとうございました? 〔南無大師遍照金剛〕
★ Temple worship & goshuin tour I went to Kunyo-ji Temple in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture. The sect is the temple of the Koyasan Shingon sect, the principal image is Yakushi Nyorai, and the mountain number is Kunlun Mountain. Locally, it is called Koyaderaya "Gyoki-san". However, it was a pity that I went to the morning (after 10 o'clock) and all the main halls were locked and I couldn't worship any of the principal idols ? I got a red stamp at the delivery office. (300 yen by hand) ☺ Thank you ? [Nanmu Daishi Hensho Kongo]
k yakko on Google

車で前をよく通るので気になってたお寺 境内かなり広くてびっくり。 四国88カ所霊場巡りもありました。 2月上旬でもチラホラ梅が咲いてました✨
I often drive in front of the temple, so I was curious about the temple I was surprised that the precincts were quite large. There was also a tour of 88 sacred sites in Shikoku. Chirahora plums were in bloom even in early February ✨

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