Konosukeyaki Orthopedic Clinic - 1066-1 Konosu

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Contact Konosukeyaki Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1066-1 Konosu, Saitama 365-0028, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 365-0028
Webサイト : https://ks-keyaki.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–1PM
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday 10AM–1PM
Friday 10AM–1PM

1066-1 Konosu, Saitama 365-0028, Japan
yui h on Google

I used a computer all day at work and had severe stiff shoulders, and when it was particularly severe, I sometimes hit the keyboard with my right hand without raising my left shoulder. Even if I had a massage at home or went to massage, it didn't change, and I found it on the internet. Not only on the first day, but also each time, it will clarify what is wrong and perform the treatment. There are definitely fewer days when I feel my shoulders are heavy with each treatment. Just a few days after hearing from the teacher, "When the right bone comes to the right position, the internal organs move correctly, some people are undergoing fertility treatment and some have a baby." I was given a life. (It was really timely.) On the other hand, I wanted to continue going for a while, but I would like to take care of it again after I calm down after giving birth. It is a very nice osteopathic clinic that can support not only the physical side but also the mental side.
yasu H on Google

5〜6年前から腰痛を抱えていて、それがここ半年で更に悪化し日常生活にも支障が出ていた中、偶然こちらを知り受診。 最初にカウンセリングから問題点や今後の流れなどを丁寧に説明してくれます。 肝心の治療も患部だけではなく根幹からアプローチして正常な状態に戻していくという、事前の説明を踏まえ説得力があるものでした。 そして驚くことにたった一度の治療から明らかに効果を実感できました(勿論個人差はあると思います) その後も定期的に施術を受け、その間もアドバイスされた事に気をつけながら生活を送ると治療を始めてからたった2ヶ月ほどで腰の痛みがなくなりました。 私はサクラではありません(笑 これは私の嘘偽りのない体験談です。 頭痛など身体の痛みに悩み真剣に改善したい方は、先生には失礼な言い方になりますが、ダメ元という考えでも構わないと思いますのでぜひ先生の施術の凄さを体験して欲しいです。 これまで他所へ通院していたのは何だったのか…という考えにすらなりました。
I had been suffering from low back pain for 5 to 6 years, and it got worse in the last 6 months, and it hindered my daily life. First of all, he will carefully explain the problems and future flow from counseling. It was persuasive based on the explanation in advance that the essential treatment should be approached not only from the affected area but also from the root to return to the normal state. And surprisingly, I could clearly feel the effect from just one treatment (I think there are individual differences, of course). After that, I received regular treatments, and during that time I lived my life while paying attention to the advice I received, and the pain in my lower back disappeared only about two months after I started the treatment. I'm not Sakura (laughs) This is my true story. If you are suffering from physical pain such as a headache and want to improve it seriously, it is rude to the teacher, but I think it is okay to think that it is not good, so I would like you to experience the awesomeness of the teacher's treatment. I even wondered what it was that I had been to other places so far.
Reno Jean on Google

鴻巣けやき整骨院に通う前は、頭痛が頻繁に起きて月に一回は吐くほどの激しい頭痛が起きていました。 その度に会社も休まなければいけないほど酷かったです。 しかし通い始めてからは頭痛もなく吐くほどの痛みも全くありません。 頭痛で会社を休むこともなくなり、平日は仕事をして休日は好きなバスケができるほどに回復しました。 普通に生活が送れる事ができる価値を感じています。 会社の同僚も紹介しています。 私のように頭痛で困っている人はぜひ一度行ってみてください!
Before going to Konosu Keyaki Osteopathic Clinic, I had frequent headaches and had severe headaches that caused me to vomit once a month. It was so terrible that I had to take a rest from the company every time. However, since I started going, I have no headaches and no pain to vomit. I no longer have to take time off from work due to a headache, and I have recovered to the point where I can work on weekdays and play my favorite basketball on holidays. I feel the value of being able to live a normal life. I also introduce my colleagues at the company. If you have a headache like me, please go there!
Su on Google

最初の頃は親切で色々話も聞いてくれましたが最近は忙しそうで、色々症状を話しても「へぇ~、そう」としかいってくれません。笑顔もなく言葉もトゲトゲしいです。 他の患者さんの「良くなって来たっていうことですか?」の問いに「自分がそう思えばそうなんじゃないですか」とビックリするような返答をされていました。 施術してもらうと少し楽になるので通ってますが… 正直患者を捌くのに精一杯という感じです。
At the beginning, he was kind and listened to various stories, but recently he seems to be busy, and even if he talks about various symptoms, he does not say "Hey, that's right." There is no smile and the words are spiky. When asked by another patient, "Do you mean that you're getting better?", I was surprised to hear, "I think that's the case." I go there because it will be a little easier if I get the treatment ... To be honest, I feel like I'm doing my best to handle patients.
Dd Ss on Google

数年前から頭痛や不眠症、動悸や腰痛などの体調不良があり、病院でも異常が無いと言われて途方に暮れていました。今まで薬はもちろん、整体や鍼灸など色々試してきましたが改善せず、こちらを見つけました。初回でとても丁寧に問診や治療の説明もしてくださいましたので安心感がありました。 現在3ヶ月程通院しておりますが、今では本当に体が良くなって、薬も全く飲んでないし、何より良く寝れるようになって1日の始まりが絶好調です! またあのような体になるのは絶対に嫌なので、自分で運動や食事も注意して、先生にメンテナンスをお願いして健康な体を維持していきます!今後もメンテナンスをお願い致します!
For several years, I have had headaches, insomnia, palpitation, low back pain, and other illnesses, and I was at a loss when I was told that there were no abnormalities at the hospital. I have tried various things such as manipulative treatment and acupuncture and moxibustion as well as medicine, but it did not improve and I found this. I was relieved because he gave me a very polite interview and explanation of the treatment at the first time. I've been going to the hospital for about 3 months now, but now I'm really feeling better, I haven't taken any medicine, and above all, I've been able to sleep better and the start of the day is in great shape! Also, I absolutely don't want to have that kind of body, so I will pay attention to exercise and diet myself and ask my teacher for maintenance to maintain a healthy body! Thank you for your maintenance in the future!
忍者ヤマケンくん on Google

腕の良い医師は5万と居ますね。 ここは先生が若いせいか、少し天狗気味ですね。本日の体調の調べなど会話一切無く、コンコンと時間フルに詰め込み、言葉遣いなども雑な感がある。 もっと患者さん(お客様)に感謝しないと
There are 50,000 good doctors. Maybe because the teacher is young here, it's a little tengu. There is no conversation such as checking the physical condition of the day, and I feel that the wording is messy as I squeeze in time with the computer. I have to thank more patients (customers)
s n on Google

約1年くらいお世話になっています。 通い始める半年前くらいから体調不良が続いていて、動悸や頭痛、めまい、肩こり、不安などがあり、毎日沈んだ気持ちで生活していました。 初診のときに自律神経のお話や、なぜ体が不調なのかを模型などを使って詳しく説明してくださりとてもわかりやすかったです。 学校を卒業したあとすぐに働くことができない状況で精神的にも辛かったのですが、治療をはじめて半年で仕事に就くことができました。 食事や睡眠もしっかりとれるようになり、以前の症状に悩まされることもなくなりました。 今でも継続して通っているため、体を壊すことなく楽しく仕事を続けられています。 知り合いの紹介で行ってみましたが、お世話になって本当によかったです!
I have been indebted for about a year. About half a year before I started going to school, I had been feeling ill, and I had palpitation, headaches, dizziness, stiff shoulders, and anxiety. At the time of my first visit, it was very easy to understand because he explained in detail about the autonomic nerves and why he was ill using a model. It was mentally difficult because I couldn't work immediately after graduating from school, but I was able to get a job in half a year after starting treatment. I've been able to eat and sleep better, and I'm no longer suffering from previous symptoms. I still go there continuously, so I can continue to work happily without damaging my body. I went with an introduction from an acquaintance, and I'm really glad that I was taken care of!
Masami Tatebayashi on Google

2021年7月頃背筋に強い痛みを感じ整形外科に受診してCTを撮った結果骨に異常が無い診断で痛み止めと湿布で様子を見ての事でしたが1ヶ月たっても痛みが収まらずベッドから起きあがる動作すら[ままならない]状態にこのまま寝たきりに?不安にかられネットで検索して【けやき接骨院】を受診した次第です。 初診は問診と今後の治療方針の説明を受け2回目はレントゲン撮影後骨の状態を診断され異常がある事が判明し治療方法と原因についても説明を受け治療を続ければ痛みが収まるとの言葉に安堵し月一回のゴルフ⛳は治療中でもokの嬉しい一言でストレスも解消し痛みも和らぎ感謝しています。80歳迄ゴルフが楽しめる身体のケアに努めます。
Around July 2021, I felt a strong pain in my back muscles and consulted an orthopedic surgeon and took a CT. Are you bedridden as it is in a state where you can't even get up from bed? I was anxious and searched online and went to [Keyaki Orthopedic Clinic]. The first visit was an interview and an explanation of the future treatment policy, and the second time the bone condition was diagnosed after X-ray photography and it was found that there was an abnormality. I am relieved to play golf once a month, and I am grateful that the stress is relieved and the pain is relieved with a happy word of ok even during treatment. We will strive to take care of the body so that you can enjoy golf until you are 80 years old.

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