Konishi - Kyoto

1/5 に基づく 1 レビュー

Contact Konishi

住所 :

66-1 Kamitoba Hachiojincho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8173, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 601-8173

66-1 Kamitoba Hachiojincho, Minami Ward, Kyoto, 601-8173, Japan
コーヒー狂 on Google

以前、この会社の求人が出ていたので(マジックテープ関連の製造業らしい)応募して面接に行ったが殆んど質問もなく、ちょっと工場を見せてもらっただけであっけなく終わった→不採用。 事前にメールで履歴書を送ったが経歴の事をちょっと質問されただけで後は何もなし。 面接というか取り調べみたいな感じだった。 ちなみに下請けで業務を受けてる会社らしく実態殆んど謎! 面接する方も役職とおぼしき女性が担当したが対応がまあまあ良い割には何もし無さすぎた。正直、工場を見せてもらった際はアルバイトかパートで充分賄える仕事なだけに正社員で取る意味あるの?と思った。 はっきりいって下請け会社で何も情報ないわ仕事はほぼパートでできる事だわ、面接する気無いわでこの会社の実態は不明すぎる。
Previously, there was a job offer for this company, so I applied for it (it seems to be a manufacturing industry related to magic tape) and went to an interview, but there were almost no questions, and I just showed the factory for a while and it ended without a hitch → Not hired .. I sent my resume by e-mail in advance, but I was asked a little about my career and nothing else. It was like an interview or an investigation. By the way, it seems to be a company that receives business as a subcontractor, and the reality is almost a mystery! The interviewer was also in charge of a woman who seemed to be in a position, but the response was reasonably good, but nothing was done. To be honest, does it make sense for a full-time employee to take a part-time job or a part-time job when he / she shows me the factory? I thought. To be clear, I don't have any information at the subcontractor. I can do almost part-time work, and I don't feel like interviewing, so the actual situation of this company is too unknown.

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