Konan Kosei Hospital - Konan

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Konan Kosei Hospital

住所 :

Omatsubara-137 Takayacho, Konan, Aichi 483-8704, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 483-8704
Webサイト : http://www.jaaikosei.or.jp/konan/

Omatsubara-137 Takayacho, Konan, Aichi 483-8704, Japan
タロタロス on Google

本日子供が退院しました。 先生、看護師さん共に凄く親切で手術をしたのですが、事前に好きなアニメキャラクターを聞いてもらってたみたいで、 子供が、手術室が好きなアニメキャラクターが一杯だったと教えて貰いました! 普段からこちらの病院を利用しています。 大型の病院ですが、個人病院と同じくらい利用者の事を第一に考えてくれていると感じれるいい先生や、看護師さん、事務の方がたくさんいます。 ホントにありがとうございました。
My child was discharged today. Both the teacher and the nurse were very kind and had surgery, but it seems that they had heard their favorite anime characters in advance. My kid told me that the operating room was full of favorite anime characters! I usually use this hospital. Although it is a large hospital, there are many good teachers, nurses, and office workers who feel that they put the users first as much as private hospitals. Thank you very much.
古田久江 on Google

When I went with my grandson's one-month medical examination, it took a lot of time to move around, which made my mother and children tired. My mother is tired from breastfeeding, but I want her to pay a little faster so that she doesn't have to bear the burden.
Dum My on Google

密!!!! モニターでしか順番確認ができないので 周辺の席がほとんど満席になります。 しかも長時間待たされるので変異株の感染リスクがあります。 是非改善してほしい。
Dense! !! !! !! Because you can only check the order on the monitor The surrounding seats are almost full. Moreover, there is a risk of infection with mutant strains because they have to wait for a long time. I want you to improve it.
I T on Google

他のクチコミにもあるように、外来は確かに待ち時間長い印象です。 子供が何回も入院でお世話になっており、小児病棟の看護師さんは個人差ありますが基本みなさんとても優しく接してくれ、付き添いのわたしにも声掛けをして下さります。清掃の方も挨拶しっかり気持ちいいです。退院当日の回診待ちが長かったり会計待ちが少々長いですが、これからも何かあればお世話になります。
As in other reviews, outpatients certainly have the impression of long waiting times. My child has been hospitalized many times, and the nurses in the pediatric ward are different from person to person, but basically everyone treats me very kindly and speaks to me as an attendant. Cleaning people also say hello and feel good. Waiting for rounds on the day of discharge is long and waiting for accounting is a little long, but I will be indebted to you if there is anything in the future.
ブルーミッドナイト on Google

家の父親はあれよあれよと言う間に短期間のうちに最上階のケアに回されて、首が危なく起こせれ無いとの事で、ギブスを着けさせられて1ヶ月食事も無しで点滴だけで亡くなりました。 火葬し、お骨を見たら首の骨はしっかりと残っており、火葬場の人も首が特に弱かったという事はなかったと聞かされて唖然としました。又、病院側は首に癌が出来ているかも、とのことでしたが、父親には病気の事は伏せておいて欲しかったのですが、家族に相談無しで、本人にすでに告知したと聞かされ、唖然としました。今回の事で、病院不信になりました。 結局、癌だったのかどうか分からず仕舞いだったのに、癌と本人に言うのはどうなんでしょう。 亡くなった後、死因を調べる為に解剖しますか?と言われましたけど、もちろん断りました。 患者、家族の事をあまり考えて無い病院だなぁ~と思いました。 病院に見捨てられた、殺されたとしか思えませんでした。オススメしません。
The father of the house was sent to the care of the top floor in a short time while saying that, and he was made to wear a cast and died only by intravenous drip for a month because he could not raise his neck dangerously. I did. When I was cremated and looked at the bones, the bones in my neck remained firmly, and I was stunned to hear that the people at the crematorium had never had a particularly weak neck. Also, the hospital said that he might have cancer in his neck, but he wanted his father to keep his illness hidden, but he had already notified him without consulting his family. I was stunned when I was told. This time, I became distrustful of the hospital. After all, I didn't know if it was cancer or not, but how about telling him that he had cancer? After you die, do you dissect to find out the cause of death? I was told, but of course I declined. I thought it was a hospital that didn't think much about patients and their families. I could only think that I was abandoned by the hospital and killed. I don't recommend it.
運慶快慶 on Google

さ~ぁきょうは定期的な●内科予約受診と ●血液検査・●胸のレントゲン・●心電図検査のおまけ付きだ! 入館時に★検温センサーや★手の消毒をする(複数設置) 【受付け機】に●診察券を入れ●受付票が発行される 受診する各科の受付で申込み順番を待つ ●【D】採血・採尿(中央処置受付) ●【G】レントゲン(放射線科) ●【E】心電図検査(生理検査受付) ●【A】内科受診 ★【7】【8】診療費・検査・処方せん料を総合受付で支払う ★【お薬コーナ】の受付に行き処方せん票を渡す ★【院外薬局】で●薬をもらい代金を支払う 上記の記号・番号は院内表示のモノですご参考に。 口コミを見て感じたことは どこの病院でも極端に評価が分かれる傾向にある 待ち時間の長い件は別にして・・ 自分の身に対しての対応の良し悪し仕方によっては・・ 人(患者)は仏様にも鬼にも変化する、怖い怖い。 ★江南厚生病院 2008年(平成20年)5月1日に開院(昭和病院、愛北病院を統合) 【684床】一般病床:630床・療養病床:54床 医師 148名 救急車搬送患者 19. 3名/日 (平均) 管理者:河野彰夫(院長) 2015年10月、愛知県により救命救急センターに指定された。 追加投稿:2022・3月 ●マイナンバーカードを健康保険証として利用可能な病院です。 他に可能な所、江南市現在 計6ヶ所 ●江南市休日急病診療所(土日受付け) ★但し、申請手続きをする必要があります
Today is a regular ● With internal medicine appointment consultation ● Blood test ・ ● Chest X-ray ・ ● ECG test is included! ★ At the time of admission ★ Temperature sensor and ★ Disinfect hands (multiple installations) ● Insert the medical examination ticket into the [Reception machine] ● A reception slip will be issued Wait for the application turn at the reception desk of each department to be examined ● [D] Blood collection / urine collection (central treatment reception) ● [G] X-ray (Radiology) ● [E] ECG test (physiological test reception) ● [A] Internal medicine consultation ★ [7] [8] Pay medical fees, inspections, and prescription fees at the general reception ★ Go to the reception desk of [Pharmaceutical Corner] and hand over the prescription slip ★ At [Out-of-hospital pharmacy] ● Get medicine and pay the price The above symbols and numbers are displayed in the hospital for your reference. What I felt when I saw the word of mouth Evaluations tend to be extremely different at any hospital Apart from the long waiting time ... Depending on how you respond to yourself ... People (patients) can be both Buddhas and demons, scary and scary. ★ Gangnam Welfare Hospital Opened on May 1, 2008 (Showa Hospital and Aikita Hospital integrated) [684 beds] General beds: 630 beds, medical treatment beds: 54 beds 148 doctors Ambulance transport patients 19.3 people / day (average) Manager: Akio Kono (Director) In October 2015, it was designated as a critical care center by Aichi Prefecture. Additional posts: 2022 / March ● It is a hospital where you can use your Individual Number Card as a health insurance card. Other possible places, Konan City, currently 6 places in total ● Konan City Holiday Emergency Clinic (Saturdays and Sundays accepted) ★ However, you need to apply

They are all kind the doctor explain briefly
Tatat Apostol on Google

If you want to get better.. Friendly, hospitable, caring, kind professional hospital workers.

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