Komyoin - Fuchu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komyoin

住所 :

1 Chome-13-1 Bubaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 183-0033
Webサイト : http://fuchu-koumyouin.sakura.ne.jp/

1 Chome-13-1 Bubaicho, Fuchu, Tokyo 183-0033, Japan
遠山龍也 on Google

There is Rokujizo on the side of the gate, and there is a stone statue of Fudo Myoo in front of the main hall, but the main hall was a modern building.
三澤琴子みさわことこ三澤琴子 on Google

古いおてらさんです 昔は近くに湧水もあり自然が 良かった 今はダメ 時代ですね
An old lady There used to be springs nearby and nature Was good No right now It's time
Kitty Black on Google

お寺さんに評価ってどうかと思いますが…。 義実家のお墓があるので、毎月お参りに行っています。いつ行ってもお墓の回りが綺麗にしてあって、ありがたく思います。
I wonder if the temple is appreciated ... Since there is a grave of Yoshimitsu family, I go to visit every month. I am grateful that the graves are beautiful all the time.
ジン on Google

祖父母のお墓があるのでよくお墓参りに行ってます お寺も綺麗で住職の方も会えばあちらから挨拶してくれます
I often go to visit the grave because there is a grave for my grandparents The temple is beautiful, and if the priest meets, he will greet you from there.
xxion神田 on Google

2019/10/26拝受 真言宗豊山派。多摩新四国八十八ヶ所霊場第21番札所の御朱印(本尊不動明王)を頂きました!
2019/10/26 Worshiping Shingon Buddhist Toyoyama School. We received the red stamp (Takushin Fudo Myoo) of the Tama New Shikoku 88 Temple Sacred Site No. 21!
jrfnaotaka on Google

The date of its foundation is unknown, but it is said that it was opened at the end of the 16th century with the prayer place built by Yoshitsugu Higonokami, a vassal of the Hojo clan, in the 5th year of Masakazu (1316) during the Kamakura period.
Togarikun on Google

真言宗豊山派のお寺、梅花山 光明院です。 門のところにある青面金剛像は、、元禄十丁丑年とありますので、1697年のものとなります。
It is a temple of the Shingon sect Toyoyama school, Umehanayama Komeiin. The statue of Shomen Kongo at the gate is dated to 1697, as it is said to be the year of Genroku Jucho.
Me Tokyo on Google

Very nice Buddhist temple in quiet neighborhood.

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