Komeri Nishimasuda - Masuda

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeri Nishimasuda

住所 :

2543 Yokotacho, Masuda, Shimane 699-5132, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 699-5132
Webサイト : https://www.komeri.com/disp/CKmSfShopSearchDtlInfo.jsp%3FID%3D1690

2543 Yokotacho, Masuda, Shimane 699-5132, Japan
青木恵美子 on Google

ネギを半額で売っていました。 りんどうの鉢は398円でした。
I was selling leeks at half price. The rindo bowl was 398 yen.
廣川晴美 on Google

It's a familiar place, so I often use it here. I went shopping for work today.
いわみ農園 on Google

男性社員に問題点❗️ 商品の売り場を尋ねると何番通り左手と言うが、当店で買われましたか?って。違うと言うと でしたら合わないかもです‼️ それはそうだがまことに不愉快な言い方を感じました。 教育やり直しだな?
Problems with male employees When I ask for a product section, I say what number on the left hand, but was it bought in our shop? What It may not be suitable if it is said that it is different !! Moth That's right, but I felt something really unpleasant. I'm going to rerun education
トラックオロチ野郎 on Google

Although the store is small, the product lineup was good and the clerk's response was also good! ️
永田恭一 on Google

なんと言っても品揃えが豊富です。 特に苗物は、この辺りでは多いほうに入るのではないかと思います。
There is an abundant assortment of goods. In particular, I think that seedlings will be more common around here.
ねこねこハムハム on Google

My mother frequently bought flowers, but because I move it to various places, the store clerk is often irritated.
なみ君 on Google

野菜の苗を買いに行きました 水やり、苗品数、管理が行きとどき いい苗をたくさん買いました 明日畑に植えます 早く大きくなれ!
I went to buy vegetable seedlings. Watering, the number of seedlings and management went so far I bought a lot of good seedlings.
はりそん堂 on Google

普通のホームセンターだけど、 特に農機具は充実しています。 キャンプに使う薪も本当は置いておいてほしかった。
It's an ordinary home improvement center, Agricultural equipment is especially fulfilling. I really wanted to keep the firewood used for camping.

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