Komeda's Coffee Takasago - Takasago

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeda's Coffee Takasago

住所 :

6 Chome-10-15 Ihozaki, Takasago, Hyogo 676-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 676-0076
Webサイト : http://www.komeda.co.jp/search/shopdetail.php%3Fid%3D670

6 Chome-10-15 Ihozaki, Takasago, Hyogo 676-0076, Japan
藤原敏一 on Google

When I order it, I bring it early, but I apply it to the extent that I can hardly tell whether the butter is applied to the bread or forgotten.
M T on Google

駐車場が広く、お店に入りやすい。 店員さんも丁寧な対応をしてくれるので、ゆっくり出来る。 私はコメダ珈琲店のコーンスープ(460円)がクリーミーで大好き♪今日は、あみ焼きチキンホットサンド(840円)も一緒に注文したけど、チキンがとっても軟らかくて美味でした!
The parking lot is large and it is easy to enter the store. The clerk will also take care of you, so you can relax. I love Komeda Coffee's corn soup (460 yen) because it's creamy ♪ Today, I ordered Amiyaki Chicken Hot Sandwich (840 yen), but the chicken was very soft and delicious!
Hiroyuki Yamashige on Google

季節のミニシロノワールとカフェ・オ・レを頂きました。 ミニでも十分な大きさで、お腹いっぱいになりました。 落ち着いた雰囲気で、知人とゆっくりと会話を楽しむことが出来ました。
We had seasonal mini Shiro noir and cafe au les. Even minis are big enough and full. In a calm atmosphere, I was able to enjoy a conversation with a friend.
kasupy S on Google

駐車場が多く、何時間でも遠慮なくいられるので、友だちとおしゃべりしたい時によく行きます 今回は、かき氷と珈琲を注文しました かき氷の大きさにビックリ‼️ シェアして食べるのを想定して、お皿とスプーンを持って来ていただけて、うれしかったです おまけに付いてくる豆菓子も美味しいので、たまに買って帰ります
There are lots of parking lots, so you can keep going for hours, so I often go to chat with friends This time I ordered shaved ice and rice cake Surprised by the size of shaved ice ️ I was glad to bring a plate and a spoon to share and eat. The bean candy that comes with the bonus is also delicious, so I sometimes buy it home
Yuki Hama on Google

店員さんの対応◎(応対が丁寧で、セットにした方が安いと提案してくれた) 店内○(トイレはあんまり綺麗じゃないが混んでいても密にならず天井が高いので解放感があっていい) 美味しさ△(グラタン、サンドイッチ、カフェオレ、シロノワール) コスパ△(カフェなら普通?) 総合的にまた行きたいと思った?
Correspondence of the clerk ◎ (The reception was polite and suggested that it is cheaper to set it) Inside the store ○ (The toilet is not very clean, but even if it is crowded, it will not be dense and the ceiling is high, so you can feel a sense of liberation) Deliciousness △ (gratin, sandwich, cafe au lait, Shiro Noir) Cospa △ (normal in a cafe?) Overall I wanted to go again ?
若林信子 on Google

Komeda Coffee Ten Udon Takasago Shoyo store has increased. I go with the owner or with my neighbors three times a month. The bright and young waitress listens to the order carefully. It has a lot of soda and the shape of the shoes is cute. The electricity is also fashionable. There are many customers such as family ?? and young people. It's a fashionable Reiwa new coffee shop. Thank you so much, it ’s delicious.
2020 Otemoyang on Google

Since the state of emergency was over, there were many customers. The counter seat was vacant, so I sat there and had a late lunch of lemon squash and curry cutlet sandwich. It was full of volume and I was full. There was a person who was speaking loudly without a mask, so I got out early, but I wanted to come early in the morning, drink coffee instead, and read a book until about noon. The clerk at this shop was also polite and it was good.
maruchant3377 on Google

コメダのモーニングはバタートーストとゆで玉子、小倉あんか玉子ベーストの3種類のセット。 ボリューミーな播州のモーニングと比べれば簡素な感はありますが、ゆったりとした店内で、店員さんの接客も良くて、 安心して気持ち良く過ごすことができますね。
Komeda's morning is a set of three types: butter toast, boiled egg, and Anka Ogura egg base. Compared to the volumey Banshu morning, it feels simple, but the store is spacious and the staff are very good at serving customers. You can spend your time with peace of mind.

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