Komeda's Coffee - Osaka

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeda's Coffee

住所 :

1 Chome-4-6 Nagayoshi Nagaharanishi, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0015, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 547-0015
Webサイト : http://www.komeda.co.jp/search/shopdetail.php%3Fid%3D651

1 Chome-4-6 Nagayoshi Nagaharanishi, Hirano Ward, Osaka, 547-0015, Japan
渦巻亭まぃまぃ on Google

自分が最も利用する機会の多い喫茶店です。 自分がつける評価は、この店が基準になっています。 さて、こちらの店は、駐輪場が少々手狭なのが泣き所ではあります。 久しぶりに訪れてみると、混んでいて順番待ちの2番目になりました(10:45)。 2人・1人席を作ってほしいですね。
This is the coffee shop that I use most often. This store is the standard for the evaluation that I give. By the way, this shop is a crying place because the bicycle parking lot is a little small. When I visited for the first time in a long time, it was crowded and it was the second waiting in line (10:45). I want you to make a seat for two or one person.
Moto Caz on Google

The inside of the store is large and divided like box seats, so there is some sense of security at this time of year. There are many menus, but I often go after meals, so the amount of anno is a little too much, so I have never ordered anything other than coffee.
おおさかぱあ on Google

I can't drink coffee, so orange juice. The ingredients for pizza are a few onions, and the rest is almost cheese. It was normal. There were many private words of the clerk.
z Taka007 on Google

ユックリできてモーニングコーヒーもパンも美味しくて最高の癒し空間が此処です。 メニューも豊富に有り価格もリーズナブルなのが嬉しい。 スナック類やデザート類も充実している。
This is the best healing space where you can enjoy the delicious morning coffee and bread. I am glad that the menu is abundant and the price is reasonable. Snacks and desserts are also available.
野田義雄 on Google

久しぶりに来店しました。 いつもシロノワールを楽しみに来店していて、今日もアイス珈琲と一緒に頼みました。(9月24日~28日までミニシロノワールが450円のところ、飲み物と一緒に頼むと220円で食べれます。) なので今回はアイス珈琲450円とミニシロノワールが220円の合計670円で頂けました、何か得した気分になりました。) 店内と注文した品、店内のメニュー表、お持ち帰りの商店やお店のスタッフさん一押しのメニュー、お店の外観などの写真アップしておきますので、ご来店の参考にして頂けたら幸いです。 地下鉄谷町線の出戸駅からも歩いてすぐのお店です、但し駐車場はイオン長吉店に入れる事が出来ます、ゆっくりお茶、食事出来ますよ。
I came to the store after a long time. I was always looking forward to Shiro Noir, and today I ordered it with iced coffee. (Mini Shiro Noir is 450 yen from September 24th to 28th, but if you order it with a drink, you can eat it for 220 yen.) So this time, I got iced coffee 450 yen and mini Shiro Noir 220 yen for a total of 670 yen, which made me feel like I got something. ) I will upload photos of the items ordered inside the store, the menu table inside the store, the menu recommended by the staff of the store and the store to take out, the appearance of the store, etc., so I hope you can refer to it when you come to the store. .. It is a short walk from Deto Station on the Tanimachi Subway Line, but you can enter the parking lot at the Aeon Chokichi store, where you can enjoy tea and meals slowly.
仲村直子 on Google

Shiro Noir of pancakes has soft serve ice cream in the shape of a heart ❤️. Sprinkle maple syrup from above. It was delicious.
春菜(HARUNA228) on Google

安定のコメダさん♬珈琲美味しい! ここは入り口手前の歩道がベコっと凹んでいるため、車椅子やベビーカーが少し通過しづらいです。 ドリンクおかわりをした際に、目の前の空になったドリンクを運んでもらえず、新しいドリンクだけを置いていかれました?でも出口を出る際はドアを開けてくれたり親切でした。介護など車椅子での移動の際は、そういった気遣いは本当に助かります。
Stable Komeda ♬ Coffee is delicious! Wheelchairs and strollers are a little difficult to pass through because the sidewalk in front of the entrance is dented. When I had another drink, I wasn't able to carry the empty drink in front of me, and I was left with only a new drink. ? But when I left the exit, he opened the door and was kind. When traveling in a wheelchair, such as for long-term care, such concern is really helpful.
Robato Mikuwa on Google

Amazing exp. Food and service was fantastic.

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