Komeda's Coffee - Iruma

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeda's Coffee

住所 :

1 Chome-5-12 Ogidai, Iruma, Saitama 358-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 358-0023
Webサイト : http://www.komeda.co.jp/search/shopdetail.php%3Fid%3D750

1 Chome-5-12 Ogidai, Iruma, Saitama 358-0023, Japan
dmちふぃ on Google

最近のおすすめは【豆】 モーニング以外で出てくるお豆がカウンターに1個10円で売っていて、10個で100円とコスパ良く、職場の人たちにあげたら好評でした。 食べ物もボリュームがあって食べごたえがあります。
Recent recommendations are [beans] Beans that come out other than morning are sold at the counter for 10 yen each, and 10 pieces cost 100 yen, which is good, and it was popular when I gave it to people in the workplace. The food is also voluminous and satisfying.
不良聖徒 ナル on Google

広い駐車場を有していますが、私が利用したモーニングの時間帯は駐車場もほぼ満車状態でした。 なお、接客頂いたウエイトレスの松本さんは神対応でした。 喫煙所、メニュー等はコメダ珈琲チェーンの他店と同一です。 あしからず。
It has a large parking lot, but the parking lot was almost full during the morning hours I used. The waitress, Mr. Matsumoto, who served the customer, was god-friendly. Smoking areas, menus, etc. are the same as other stores in the Komeda coffee chain. I don't know.
萬名游鯏 on Google

入間市街の中心部にほど近い住宅地にあるコメダさんです。広くて天井も高く、場所としてはそれなりに心地良く過ごせます。 提供されるメニューも安定して美味しいです。 お店の方々は概ね皆さんしっかり対応してくださいますが、最近になって注文のやりとりや物の扱いがだいぶ雑な人がいてめちゃくちゃ気になります…。改善して欲しいところですね。 好立地なこともあって、土日祝などかなり混んでおり待ち時間が長くなることや入れないこともあります。 学生さんや家族連れの利用も多い店舗なので賑やかな時はちょっと落ち着かないかもしれません。 とはいえ車や自転車で行く分には近隣に他に色んなお店もある場所なので重宝して随分お世話になっています。 お客さんの多い店舗なのでもともと席が離れ気味ではありますが、新型コロナ対策という意味では賑やかなタイミングに当たるともうちょっと何かあってもいいのになと思う面はあります。 かなりお喋りに花の咲いているご年配グループなどもちょくちょく見るので…。 一部のメニューや季節限定もの等は対象外になっていることがあります(例:クロネージュの取扱いが無い/ので飲むクロネージュも無い)のでご確認を。 駐車場は出入口2箇所で凹字型。やや狭めなので、奥の方に駐車するとちょっと大変なことがあります。 あと夜に行くと、駐車場で長いこと留まって話し込んでる人がいたりスケボーしてる人まで見たことがあります。 周辺は住宅地ですし流石にあればお店のほうでも気を付けて注意されたほうが良いのではないでしょうか…。そうそう営業中に外にまで手が回らないとは思いますが。
Komeda is located in a residential area near the center of Iruma city. It is large and has a high ceiling, so you can spend a comfortable time as a place. The menu provided is also stable and delicious. Most of the shop staff are very responsive, but recently there are people who are very confused about the exchange of orders and the handling of things, so I'm really worried about it ... I want you to improve it. Due to its good location, it is quite crowded on weekends and holidays, so waiting time may be long or you may not be able to enter. The store is often used by students and families, so it may be a little uncomfortable during busy times. However, there are many other shops nearby, so it's very useful and helpful. Since the store has a lot of customers, the seats are a little off from the beginning, but in terms of measures against the new corona, there is a side that I think it's okay to have something a little more when it hits a lively timing. I often see elderly groups with flowers blooming quite often ... Some menus and seasonal items may not be covered (eg, there is no handling of chronage / so there is no chronage to drink), so please check. The parking lot has a concave shape with two entrances and exits. It's a little narrow, so it can be a little difficult to park in the back. When I went to the night, I saw some people staying in the parking lot for a long time and talking and even skateboarding. The surrounding area is a residential area, and if it is in the middle of nowhere, it would be better for the shop to be careful and pay attention to it. I don't think it's easy to get outside during business hours.
とりあえず豚足 on Google

コメダは自主的にピーク時を避ければ、書類作業や勉強をしていても言われないので重宝します。夜7時に行くと落ち着いた店内で2時間ゆっくり没頭できて助かる。 夕飯もたっぷり食えるし。 豆菓子は10個入りで100円。つい買ってしまう。
Komeda is useful because if you voluntarily avoid peak hours, you will not be told even if you are doing paperwork or studying. If you go at 7 pm, you will be able to immerse yourself in the calm shop for 2 hours, which is helpful. You can eat plenty of supper. 10 pieces of bean confectionery are 100 yen. I just bought it.
ゆうの on Google

二人でピザトーストと季節限定シロノワール、豆乳オレと紅茶を注文。 食べ物は安定の大きさですね(笑) 二人で半分ずつ食べました。 一人で全部だと飽きちゃうかなぁ? 味も良好。 少食の方はシロノワールのミニサイズを選びましょう。それでも一般的イメージでは普通サイズだと思います。 飲み物はすごく美味しいとまでは思いませんが居心地の良い空間、対応の良い店員さんでお気に入り。 そう感じる人が多いのでしょうね、駐車場がガラガラと言う光景は見たことがありません。
We ordered pizza toast, seasonal Shiro Noir, soy milk me and tea. The food is stable (laughs) We ate half each. Do you get bored if you are all alone? The taste is also good. For small meals, choose the mini size of Shiro Noir. Still, I think that it is a normal size in a general image. I don't think the drinks are very delicious, but I like the cozy space and the responsive clerk. I think many people feel that way, but I've never seen the parking lot rattle.
Hector O Mercedfontanez on Google

Good food and reasonable prices for the food. Coffee is great, but a little expensive.
Mymiyatatabi stories on Google

New, clean, decent coffee--but like many of these new genre coffee shops, not worth what they charge for it. The food is very ordinary but a comfortable sit for an hour or so. Plenty of parking for those arriving by car.
Dan Bolinger on Google

Good food. Service is good. All you can eat salad dressing. But if you want an extra tablespoon of Ton Katsu sauce they charge ¥20. I was very angry? Wako Katsu puts a big container on the table.

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