Komeda's Coffee - Yokkaichi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Komeda's Coffee

3 Chome-8-11 Hinaganishi, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0891, Japan
mura neko on Google

When I ordered coffee and a rice burger, I was very impressed with the service that can be cut to make it easy to eat, and the staff were also cheerful and lively. We ordered additional Shironoir. It was delicious. I want to visit again.
Yan Wen on Google

コメギュウとたっぷりアイスコーヒーを注文。丁寧な接客とハキハキした受け答えは好感持てました。 店内も清潔で、ゆっくりとする事ができましたが、少し音楽がジャンル的に五月蝿かったかな。
I ordered rice gyu and plenty of iced coffee. I was impressed with the polite customer service and the cheerful answers. The inside of the store was clean and I was able to relax, but I wonder if the music was a little genre-like in May.
こんどうたかし on Google

店内が落ち着いた雰囲気で、まったりと過ごす事ができます。 コーヒーをいただきましたが、安定の味わいです。 モーニングの時間帯は特に混みます。
You can spend a relaxing time in the calm atmosphere of the store. I had coffee, but it has a stable taste. The morning hours are especially crowded.
ただよし(たーくん) on Google

Jericho was delicious with the aroma of coffee jelly and chocolate matching
一別如雨 on Google

Because it was early in the morning, I had a generous amount of hot coffee with a morning and a ham sandwich on the day of the store, in a blink of an eye until the ordered items came out. I was not particularly dissatisfied and was able to enjoy breakfast leisurely.
名古屋052 on Google

I use it at about half and half of the Yokkaichi Hospital front store, but it's quieter and more calm here. It's painful for smokers to not be able to stay longer. After that, it seems that ICOCA card electronic money can be used, which is convenient.
マナティー on Google

かなり待たされたのが1点 1名お待ちの・・・と案内途中でお客さんをご案内されて結局そこから も待たされました。店内には空いている席があるののに何故か?という 印象です。 味は他店と変わらずです。
One point that I had to wait a long time One person is waiting ... and the customer is guided in the middle of the guidance and after all from there Was also kept waiting. Why are there vacant seats in the store? That It's an impression. The taste is the same as other stores.
michiyo uemura on Google

ゴディバとコラボのキュンハートが食べたくて コメダ珈琲店に行きました。美味しかったです。シロノワールにゴディバのストロベリーチョコレートがかかっていてハート型でかわいいです。
Godiva and collaboration Kyun Heart want to eat I went to Komeda coffee shop. It was delicious. Godiva's strawberry chocolate is hung on Shiro Noir and it is heart-shaped and cute.

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